Peter King: Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), one of the few pro-gun control Republicans in the House, wants to make it illegal for someone to carry a gun within 1,000 feet of certain high-ranking federal officials, including members of Congress. “It is imperative that we do all that we can to give Law Enforcement the tools they need to ensure the safety of New Yorkers and prevent an attack before it happens,” said King, who is chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, during a press conferen...
PHOTOS: Peter King in pictures
VIDEOS: Peter King in videos
Rep. Peter King would surround himself with 72-acre Constitution-free zone
As Los Angeles Gun Rights Examiner John Longenecker has already discussed, Congressman Peter King (R-NY) has come up with a . . . novel approach to protecting, well . . . . himself, from the kind of sick, deranged lunatic who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and so many others in Tucson Saturday. According to Politico, he wants to forbid Firearms carried by Private Citizens within 1,000 feet of himself and other "important figures" (who would include Congressmen Russ Carnahan and Will...
Say no to Rep. Kings proposed gun law
Well the usual over-reaction is under way after the Tucson shooting of Rep. Giffords. I’ve mentioned the silly nonsense about a bill to ban “crosshairs” in Political Speech (which begs the question, what part of “Congress shall make no law” concerning Political Speech as laid out in the First Amendment). But Rep. Pete King, a NY Republican, has decided that a “Gun Control” measure is what is necessary. His solution?
Rep. Peter King, a Republican fr
Idiocy Repeated
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is set to propose Legislation that will make it illegal for any mere mortal to carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of our betters Congressman and other high ranking officials. King says “It would give Law Enforcement the weapon they need to protect federal officials, and just as importantly, it would provide a large measure of security for those who want to meet with their federal elected officials”. Of course, it’s just a shame others hadn’t thought ...
GOP Leaders: We oppose Rep. King's new gun control idea
The Republicans may just have to agree to disagree.
House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) are against a new gun-control proposal put forth by a fellow GOPer in response to the Tucson shootings.
Rep. Peter King (R-L.I.), chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, said Tuesday that he'd introduce a new bill that bars anyone from carrying a gun within 1,000 feet of a federal official.
He believes the Legislation could have prevented the Jan. 8 Arizona shooting...
A Loaded Question, Part 2
Dave Weigel notes that Arizona Republicans like State Sen. Jack Harper have no compunction against immediately expanding Gun Rights in the state. In Arizona, gun-rights groups don't have to worry about the "anti-freedom bigots" at all. Harper and Pearce are right; they began this year with the votes to expand gun rights, picking up right where they left off last year. They passed a "Constitutional Carry Act" that expanded the right to carry weapons in public—the right Arthur Olivas was enj...
NY Times: More Gun Control! John Boehner: No
NY Times: More Gun Control! John Boehner: “No” Why, yes, the NY Times editorial board is still beating the anti-gun drum, in an attempt to make sure a good tragedy does not go to waste. After discussing Rep Peter King’s silly notion of not allowing guns within 1,000 feet of politicians, something which criminals and wacko’s would surely ignore, because they are criminals and wacko’s, we are treated to Representative James Clyburn, a Democrat of South Carolina, said ...
Speaker Boehner: Read My Lips - No New Gun Laws
Rep. Peter King's attempt to create a 1,000 foot radius gun free zone around government officials will not get the support of the new Speaker:
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is rejecting gun-control Legislation offered by the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee in response to the weekend shootings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and 19 others in Arizona.
Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) announced plans Tuesday to introduce Legislation prohibiting people from carrying guns within 1,000 feet ...
Why there's no more debate on gun control
FORTUNE -- The tragic shooting on Saturday of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) and 19 others has renewed a national conversation about whether our Gun Laws need tightening. But the chatter for the most part has so far ignored a curious fact: in Congress, the arena where any new restrictions would be decided, the debate effectively ended years ago. Even over the last two years, when Democrats controlled both the White House and Congress, Gun Rights advocates led by the National Rifle Associati...
Americans Split on Stricter Gun Control Laws, Continuing a Longtime Trend
Most Americans don't believe that stricter Gun Control laws would have prevented the shootings in Arizona on Saturday and the public is split on the question of toughening the laws regulating who can own Firearms, according to a CBS News poll conducted Dec. 17-20. (Story; Poll Data) The lack of a public mandate for stricter laws reflects the same finding of a Gallup analysis released Tuesday, which shows that support for stricter Gun Laws has declined over the last two decades even though that p...
Boehner rejects new gun regulation
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The Hill:
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is rejecting gun-control Legislation offered by the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee in response to the weekend shootings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and 19 others in Arizona.
Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) announced plans Tuesday to introduce Legislation prohibiting people from carrying guns within 1,000 feet of members of Congress.
...How are you going to enforce a moving 1,000 feet exclusion zone again...
Poll: In the Wake of Arizona Shootings, Americans Split on Gun Control
(Credit: CBS)
CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto.
In the wake of Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona, Americans are split over whether Gun Control laws should be made stricter, according to a new CBS News Poll.
According to the poll, 47 percent of Americans believe that Gun Control laws should be more stringent in the wake of the Arizona shootings. Meanwhile, 36 percent believed the laws should remain the ...
Lets Have A Rational Conversation About Guns
In the wake of the Tucson carnage, there has been considerable discussion here and elsewhere about Gun Possession and carry laws. Some have speculated that private Gun Possession would have reduced the death and injury toll in Tucson. Others have speculated that the toll would have increased with the presence of additional guns. What both sides have in common is that they are speculating.
As a backdrop for this discussion, let’s begin with a thumbnail look at the current state of gun law and ...
Remedies that go too far, Part II
The things we already fear and already desire more thoroughly to control are most vividly salient to us. We seize on those: guns, crazy people. Did Jared Lee Loughner shoot government officials with a gun? Ban guns within 1,000 feet of government officials! Was Jared Lee Loughner detectably crazy? Make involuntary commitment easier! Did Jared Lee Loughner buy a gun while detectably crazy? Tighten background-screening requirements! Did Jared Lee Loughner's gun sport an extended magazine? Ban exte...
Change mental health laws, Gazette?
From the Charleston Gazette’s lead editorial today:
Here’s a yes-or-no question: Should psychotic Jared Loughner have been allowed to carry a loaded, hidden, semiautomatic pistol with a clip holding 30-plus bullets?
The deranged young Arizona man paid $500 for a Glock 9 mm and two clips on Nov. 30. He passed a federal Background Check because he had no felony record and his glaring Mental Illness — visible to most who encountered him — hadn’t been certified by a j...
Gun Sales Surge In Arizona After Shooting
Saturday’s horrific shooting in Tucson has predictably prompted criticism of the lax Gun Laws that allowed a guy with documented mental problems to buy a semiautomatic weapon. So, naturally the state’s gun lovers are frantically arming themselves to the teeth, in case stricter Gun Control (like not letting the mentally ill own assault weapons) is imposed. Bloomberg reporter Michael Riley talked to an Arizona gun store owner who reported that gun sales surged after Saturday’s sh...
Boehner Stymies Gun Reform
Wed Jan. 12, 2011 7:39 AM PST Gun Control advocates, stand down. That's the message being sent by newly engaveled House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who, The Hill reports, plans to reject the gun-control Legislation offered by Rep. Pete King (R-NY) in the wake of the Tucson massacre. King's bill would prevent people from carrying guns within 1,000 feet of members of Congress. A long-time proponent for stricter Gun Laws, King says his bill is meant to protect government officials and the publi...
Peter King Unlikely to Get His Gun-Free Bubbles
Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Republican congressman Peter King's proposed Legislation creating 1,000-foot no-gun zones around congressmen and other high-ranking federal officials doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Speaker John Boehner is flatly against it, and gun-control advocates don't expect any gun-control Legislation to be able to get through this Congress, much less one that, despite King's good intentions, would seemingly be impossible to implement. [Hill]
NY Times: More Gun Control! John Boehner: “No”
Why, yes, the NY Times editorial board is still beating the anti-gun drum, in an attempt to make sure a good tragedy does not go to waste. After discussing Rep Peter King's silly notion of not allowing guns within 1,000 feet of politicians, something which criminals and wacko's would surely ignore, because they are criminals and wacko's, we are treated toRepresentative James Clyburn, a Democrat of South Carolina, said that lawmakers should no longer be treated like everyone else at airport secur...
Public Editor Has Problem With Paper's Front-Page Editorializing for Obama-Care
In his Sunday column “Hanging On as the Boundaries Shift,” public Editor Arthur Brisbane agreed with a reader’s complaining that economics writer David Leonhardt’s liberal column of a judge’s ruling against Obama-care appeared on the front page.
Brisbane admits that one of the “challenges” for Newspapers like the Times is clearly delineating fact from opinion.
The most glaring recent example that drew my eye was the Dec. 15 front-page column by David L...
Liberty Links: Morning Reads for Wednesday, January 12th
Below is a collection of several links that we didn’t get around to writing about, but still wanted to post for readers to examine. The stories typically range from news about prominent figures in The Liberty movement, national politics, the Nanny State, Foreign Policy and free markets.
Giffords moves arms, survival odds at ‘101 pct’ (Associated Press)
Westboro Baptist Church Protesters to Picket Arizona Shooting Victims’ Funerals (CBS News)
Ron Paul: Pressure on GOP freshmen...
What We've Learned
The Arizona shooting has been a disturbingly clarifying moment in our public life.
Keith Olbermann, who once a night declares someone “the Worst Person in the World” — even the daughter of a well-known political figure — really seems to think that he has the credibility and authority to demand Sarah Palin’s “dismissal from politics” over “violent imagery in politics.”
Clarence Dupnik really thinks the best thing for a sheriff with jurisdict...
A.M. Roundup: Cuomos path forward
Good morning! It’s a snowy one, with about a foot expected in several parts of the Hudson Valley. Albany is also getting blasted. So please: drive safely, if you have to drive at all. Here are today’s headlines…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is preparing for this Snow Storm, and will brief reporters today on the state’s response. (TU)
Cuomo will invite lawmakers over the mansion to sway them to his cause, and is also getting support from outside business interests. (DN/NYP)
Then Cu...
Alleged gunmans family breaks silence
Stumble This! The US lawmaker shot in the head in an attack killing six in Tucson can now breathe unaided, doctors said Tuesday as the gunman's family broke their silence to say they were "so very sorry." Surgeons gave an upbeat outlook for Representative Gabrielle Giffords' condition, as President Barack Obama prepared to travel to Arizona and a harrowing account emerged about the youngest Victim in Saturday's Shooting Spree. "She's holding her own," said Mic...
President Obama has a chance to be Clintonian tonight if he doesnt waste it
I recently wrote about the shameless attempts by some on the left to politicize the tragedy in Arizona. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and Pima County Sherriff Clarence Dupnik were among the voices rushing to blame Right Wing talk, Cable News and a “climate of hate” for the Arizona shooting that claimed six lives, including a 9 year old girl and Republican Federal Judge, and injured Democrat Representative Gabrielle Giffords. That they were doing so within ho...
You can pay me now.
You may recall I was betting that the response to the Assassination attempt in Arizonastan would be to arm the citizens to the teeth even more? Slate tells us… So Arizona’s response—the most likely legislative response—is going to be expanded Gun Rights. Heller told me on Monday that the Arizona Citizens Defense League has drafted Legislation that would allow the state to train members of Congress and their staffs in Firearms, and give them access to firearms they could c...
Pentagon Seeks Largest Budget Ever
Massive Fire on Washington State Reservation Destroys 20 Homes
Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll Second Time
U.S., Israel Welcome Egyptian Army's Commitment to Democracy
Ukrainian-Born Man Involved in Stabbing Rampage
Illegal Immigrant Accused of Killing 3 in Virginia
Abramoff Business Partner Jailed for 20 months
CPAC Meets in Washington
Robert Gibbs Departs As White House Press Secretary
Egypt Rejoices as Mubarak Steps Down
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