Law Enforcement: Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is set to propose Legislation that will make it illegal for any mere mortal to carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of our betters Congressman and other high ranking officials.
PHOTOS: Peter King in pictures
King says “It would give Law Enforcement the weapon they need to protect federal officials, and just as importantly, it would provide a large measure of security for those who want to meet with their federal elected officials”.
VIDEOS: Peter King in videos
Of course, it’s just a shame others hadn’t thought ...
Using The Giffords Shooting To Destroy Free Speech
Now it is clear that Jared Loughner was stalking Gabrielle Giffords for years, long before Sarah Palin and her supposed “target” electoral map. Now it is clear that Loughner’s classmates were afraid of him months ago.
One teacher wrote last summer: “Hopefully he will be out of class very soon, and not come back with an automatic weapon.” A Student wrote: “He frightened the daylights out of me. I kept saying to people, ‘I’m afraid he’s going ...
Wary detente between China and America: Another go at being friends
China’s leaders apparently hoped that Mr Gates’s trip would help restore a semblance of normality to the two countries’ ties as Mr Hu prepared for his American visit. Mr Hu is no America-lover himself, but like his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, he enjoys being received by the superpower with full ceremonial honours. When Mr Hu last went to Washington, DC, in 2006, China called it a state visit but the White House called it an official one, implying a slightly lesser grade. This tim...
Rep. Peter King To Propose Law Making It A Crime To Come Within 1000 Feet Of Federal Officials With A Gun
As Democratic and Republican members rush to line up with new bills to restrict Speech or guns after the Tucson massacre, Rep. Peter King once again will not be outdone in criminalizing conduct. He is reportedly planning to introduce a bill that would make it illegal to knowingly carry a gun within 1,000 feet of the President, Vice President, Members of Congress or judges of the Federal Judiciary. This, of course, raises the problem with politicians being mobile. In states allowing concealed wea...
Gallup Poll: By 53% to 35% Margin Americans Say MSM Blaming Political Rhetoric on Giffords Shooting an Attempt to Make Conservat
MSM Propaganda FAIL. PRINCETON, NJ — A new USA Today/Gallup Poll finds Americans dubious that the heated language used in politics today was a major factor that influenced the alleged gunman in last week’s shootings in Tucson, Ariz. Twenty percent say such Rhetoric was a major factor in the shootings, while 22% cite it as a minor factor; 42% say it was not a factor at all. Democrats are more likely than Independents or Republicans to believe political debate played a role. The p...
The shooting of Gabrielle Giffords: The tears of Tucson
AMERICA, Barack Obama eloquently declared this week, has been shaken from its routine, and forced to look inward. And so it has: in response to the attempted Assassination of Gabrielle Giffords, a congresswoman from Arizona, Congress cancelled all its scheduled business for the week, including a vote to Repeal the president’s health-care reforms, and instead passed a resolution of sympathy for the Victims. Mr Obama, along with several cabinet members and congressmen, flew to the scene of t...
Richard C. Bush III: The U.S.-China Summit and the Korean Peninsula: Is Cooperation Possible?
Co-authored by Jonathan D. Pollack
Many issues will confront the US and Chinese leaderships during the state visit of President Hu Jintao to Washington on January 19. The Korean Peninsula belongs at the very top of the list. The risks to peace and security could hardly be greater than in Korea, and President Obama hopes to test China's readiness to limit the dangers of an acute crisis that neither country seeks.
Hu's visit affords a rare opportunity for both leaders to discuss these issues in...
Two Papers In One, Part I
The New York Times, November 6, 2009 on “The Horror at Fort Hood:”
It is always a shock — and a cause for deep sadness — when a gunman fires malevolently at crowds of innocent people. We have seen it far too often: at Columbine High School in Colorado a decade ago; on the campus of Virginia Tech two years ago; at a center for immigrants in upstate New York in April; and in downtown Orlando, Fla., where a gunman shot and killed one person and wounded five others on Friday.
Boehner Shuts Down Peter King Gun Control Legislation
I guess Rachel Maddow called me out, among other people, a bit for displaying a bit of cynicism over the possibility of Gun Control Legislation getting through Congress. I’m all for rallying the Troops with a “we can do it” Speech, but when I wrote that, I was thinking of this. The Speaker of the House, who sets the schedule, just does not support new Gun Control legislation, it seems.
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is rejecting gun-control Legislation offered by the chairman ...
The answer to gun violence is always more guns
In the wake of the Tucson shootings, U.S. Rep. Peter King, a Republican from New York, introduced a piece of Legislation that would bar possession of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a member of Congress.
It’s really a silly, even dangerous idea. With all that is going on, why on earth would members of Congress want to deny themselves the sense of security and safety that comes from knowing that at any time, they could be within easy reach of a heavily armed constituent? It’s absurd...
McCarthy: Vote On Health Care Could Come Next Week
As the House of Representatives grapples with when to get back to business in the wake of Saturday's shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., in Tucson, Fox News has learned one high-profile piece of Legislation could be brought to the floor next week. House Majority Whip Kevin Mccarthy, R-Calif., says Republicans could bring a vote to Repeal Health Care to the floor when Congress comes back into session. "I would think we would do Health Care next week," McCarthy told FOX News. "Back on th...
It's Time For Congress to Get Back to Work
The Mainstream Media, as evidenced by this LA Times article, is trying to force the GOP to cancel their plans to Repeal ObamaCare by asserting that a new emphasis on civility would require such a move.
As lawmakers promise a new era of comity after the Arizona shooting attack that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in critical condition, Republican leaders grappled with how and when to return to an issue that brought political discourse to a boiling point.
A House vote to repe...
Why the Left Bears Responsibility for the Arizona Shootings
Thursday, January 13, 2011
By Ben Shapiro
Last week, mentally disturbed youth Jared Lee Loughner shot 20 people at a rally in Tucson, Ariz., including congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.). The left, led by Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, immediately capitalized on the bloody murders, stating without evidence that Loughner had been inspired by the "the anger, the hatred, the Bigotry" of our current political climate.
Over the course of the following days, Dupnik and his allies bla...
Banyan: The importance of being insincere
This is cheering compared with acts of war, but it scarcely provides grounds for optimism, for a very simple reason: it is hard to find anyone who believes North Korea has any intention of relinquishing its inchoate Nuclear Arsenal. And since America is never going to accept North Korea as a Nuclear Power, six-party talks seem pointless and doomed. Why would North Korea disarm? Its nukes serve it well. They are a strategic deterrent, especially if—as Robert Gates, America’s defence s...
Freshman Rep. Grimm: Low-Cost Ways To Make Congress More Secure
Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.), a former FBI Special Agent and combat Marine, sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) Tuesday night recommending security training for Members of Congress.
Grimm is against knee-jerk Legislation in the aftermath of the attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) last Saturday, but does suggest Members of Congress be trained to protect themselves.
In an exclusive interview with HUMAN EVENTS on his security plan, Grimm said, “Legisl...
How Violent Talk Blocks Sane Gun Laws
The slaughter in Tucson hasn’t shaken us out of bad political habits. Instead of promoting a sober conversation about the dangers of violent political talk, it has reinforced divisions between left and right. Even responsible Conservatives have dismissed any suggestion that Saturday’s attack is reason enough to condemn the threats of violence that have become standard to the discourse at the extremes of their side of politics. More importantly: We have not focused at all on how the...
The Problem With the Militarization of Rhetoric
Washington—The slaughter in Tucson hasn’t shaken us out of bad political habits. Instead of promoting a sober conversation about the dangers of violent political talk, it has reinforced divisions between left and right. Even responsible Conservatives have dismissed any suggestion that Saturday’s attack is reason enough to condemn the threats of violence that have become standard to the discourse at the extremes of their side of politics.
More importantly: We have not focused a...
How Violent Talk Blocks Sane Gun Laws
WASHINGTON — The slaughter in Tucson hasn’t shaken us out of bad political habits.
Instead of promoting a sober conversation about the dangers of violent political talk, it has reinforced divisions between left and right. Even responsible Conservatives have dismissed any suggestion that Saturday’s attack is reason enough to condemn the threats of violence that have become standard to the discourse at the extremes of their side of politics.
More importantly: We have not focus...
The Left Is Using the Arizona Shooting to Try to Muzzle the Right
When you are in the minority, dissent is patriotic. When you're in the majority, it can be something of an annoyance. As disturbing as the tragedy in Tucson is to the national psyche, what is even more of a concern is the way in which some elected officials and commentators are using it as an excuse to call for curbs on our precious Freedom of Speech.
There are those, like South Carolina Democrat James Clyburn, a member of his party’s leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives, who ...
Probe examines possible link between shooter (AP)
WASHINGTON – An official familiar with the Arizona shooting investigation said Sunday that local authorities are looking at a possible connection between accused gunman Jared Loughner and an online group known for white supremacist, anti-immigrant Rhetoric.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation, said local authorities were examining the American Renaissance website for possible motives for Saturday's shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-...
Ex-Girlfriend Says Tucson Shooting Suspect Changed
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tucson, Ariz. (AP) - An ex-girlfriend of the suspect in Saturday's Mass Shooting in Tucson says he was a lot different than when they dated six years ago when both were in High School.
Kelsey Hawkes was interviewed Thursday on CBS' "The Early Show" about Jared Loughner, whom she hasn't spoken to in five years.
Hawkes says he was caring, sweet and kind when they went out, and she remembers his parents as being great.
She says she never saw any violent tendencies in L...
Loughners high school girlfriend: Hes completely different now (Daily Caller)
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Health Care reform: Obama's 'best' and 'worst' achievement
Democratic congressman: Gabrielle Giffords shooting 'the start of the revolution'
Palin death threats rise to unprecedented levels
Poll shows Obama leads all Republicans in Iowa
NBC Universal, Comcast pander to Civil Rights organizations in seeking FCC Merger approval
Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old accused of killing six, wounding many, and shooting Ariz. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the...
Loughner's Parents Get Cards, Flowers in Support
Like this Story? Share it: Erica Hill speaks with Jared Lee Loughner's ex-girlfriend Kelsey Hawkes about her shock upon learning he opened fire on a group of people in Tucson, Ariz. New revelations have been made in the Jared Lee Loughner investigation including his brush with the law the morning of the shooting. Ben Tracy reports on the growing case against the alleged shooter. With all the evidence against the suspected Tucson shooter Jared Loughner, a Guilty verdict could still prove very dif...
President Obama Delivered A Moving Speech In Tuscon But Will He Live Up To Its Message?
In what I think was his best Speech by far during his presidency, President Barack Obama spoke movingly last night at the memorial service for the Victims of last Saturday’s shooting massacre. He touched on the lives of each of the slain and talked about how we can honor them by not using the tragedy to turn on each other.
Perhaps the high point of Obama’s Speech was when he broke from his prepared remarks to share the news that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords opened her eye
Obama's Good Speech at Memorial Service for the Victims of the Shooting in Tucson, Arizona
The White House site has posted the Speech that Barack Obama gave at the Memorial Service for the Victims of the Shooting in Tucson, Arizona.
I listened to the Speech as well as watching the Memorial.
Those who read this blog regularly know I am not a huge fan of Barack Obama nor his politics, but kudos where they are deserved, the Speech was good and Obama delivered it wonderfully.
Pointing out the acts of heroism on the tragic day when Jared Lee Loughner took his gun and shot 19 people, kill...
Giffords Opened Her Eyes for the First Time Yesterday
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Perhaps the Most Powerful moment of President Obama’s moving address yesterday came when he announced that Representative Gabrielle Giffords had opened her eyes for the first time during a visit from some of her colleagues in Congress. Now, Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit blog suggests that moment did not happen as Obama described it. He points to a news article suggesting that Giffords had opened her eyes before yesterday and...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body