Ronald Reagan: It is my first instinct to treat this report of Ronald Reagan Jr’s… commentary… by simply letting it pass by without a response. For those not wishing to click through, the boy (use of term deliberate) is indulging elderly liberal fetishists everywhere by making the claim that his father was suffering from Alzheimer’s as far back as the 1984 debates*, as well as ‘details’ regarding a supposed operation in 1989 that had even the US News & World Report d...
PHOTOS: Ronald Reagan in pictures
VIDEOS: Ronald Reagan in videos
Son suggests Reagan had Alzheimer's while president
NEW YORK (AP) — Ronald Reagan's son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease while he was still in the White House.
The memoir quotes excerpts from Ron Reagan's book "My Father at 100," published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA).
Reagan's son writes that he believes his father would have left office before his Second Term ended in 1989 had the disease been diagnosed then. U.S. News & World Report was the first to break th...
Ronald Reagan's son: Alzheimer's seen during presidency
In the book, "My Father at 100, a Memoir," Ron Reagan writes he had an inkling of trouble three years into his father's First Term.
Later, watching his father debate 1984 Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, "I began to experience the nausea of a bad dream coming true," Ron Reagan wrote.
"Some voters were beginning to imagine grandpa -- who can never find his reading glasses -- in charge of a bristling Nuclear Arsenal, and it was making them nervous," said Ron Reagan, according to a ...
Son suggests Reagan had Alzheimer's as president (AP)
NEW YORK – Ronald Reagan's son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease while he was still in the White House.
The memoir quotes excerpts from Ron Reagan's book "My Father at 100," published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA).
Reagan's son writes that he believes his father would have left office before his Second Term ended in 1989 had the disease been diagnosed then. U.S. News & World Report was the first to break th...
Son suggests Reagan had Alzheimer's as president
Ronald Reagan's son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease while he was still in the White House.
The memoir quotes excerpts from Ron Reagan's book "My Father at 100," published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA).
Reagan's son writes that he believes his father would have left office before his Second Term ended in 1989 had the disease been diagnosed then. U.S. News & World Report was the first to break the pu...
Reagan had Alzheimer's in office, son says
WASHINGTON - Former President Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after leaving office, showed signs of the condition while still in the White House, his son says in a new memoir. In the book, "My Father at 100, a Memoir," Ron Reagan writes he had an inkling of trouble three years into his father's First Term. Later, watching his father debate 1984 Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, "I began to experience the nausea of a bad dream coming true," Ron...
Ronald Reagan's son: Alzheimer's seen during presidency
WASHINGTON | Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:47pm EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former President Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after leaving office, showed signs of the condition while still in the White House, his son says in a new memoir.
In the book, "My Father at 100, a Memoir," Ron Reagan writes he had an inkling of trouble three years into his father's First Term.
Later, watching his father debate 1984 Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, "I began to e...
Ronald Reagan's son: Alzheimer's seen during presidency
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former President Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after leaving office, showed signs of the condition while still in the White House, his son says in a new memoir.
In the book, "My Father at 100, a Memoir," Ron Reagan writes he had an inkling of trouble three years into his father's First Term.
Later, watching his father debate 1984 Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, "I began to experience the nausea of a bad dream coming tr...
Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while he was President, son says in new book
Former President Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's Disease during his Second Term in office, his son claims in a new book.
Ron Reagan says that if his father's illness had been diagnosed while he was President, he would have given up control of the country.
"I've seen no evidence that my father (or anyone else) was aware of his medical condition while he was in office," Reagan wrote in his book "My Father at 100."
In excerpts from the book, first released by U.S. News and World Report Friday, Reag...
Son suggests Reagan had Alzheimers while president
NEW YORK — Ronald Reagan’s son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease while he was still in the White House. The memoir quotes excerpts from Ron Reagan’s book “My Father at 100,” published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA). Reagan’s son writes that he believes his father would have left office before his Second Term ended in 1989 had the disease been diagnosed then. U.S. News & Wor...
Reagan had signs of Alzheimer's during first term, says son
Former US president Ronald Reagan in 1992, three years after he left office. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's two years later, but is now said to have shown signs as early as 1984 Ronald Reagan, whose alleged lack of mental agility was the basis for scores of jokes, especially outside the US, was suffering from the early effects of Alzheimer's in his First Term as president, according to his son. In a new book, My Father at 100: A Memoir, Ron Reagan cites two examples. He recalls watching his f...
Reagan Had Alzheimer's As President, Says Son
NEW YORK — Ronald Reagan's son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease while he was still in the White House.
The memoir quotes excerpts from Ron Reagan's book "My Father at 100," published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA).
Reagan's son writes that he believes his father would have left office before his Second Term ended in 1989 had the disease been diagnosed then. U.S. News & World Report was the first to break the publis...
Does this sound like a man with Alzheimers?
President Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987
General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
Moe Lane raises the question because,
It is my first instinct to treat this report of Ronald Reagan Jr’s… commentary… by simply letting it pass by without a response. For those not wishing to click through, th
Ron Reagan hits rock bottom
Pathetic.2011 is a big year for Ronald Reagan fans, being the centennial of his February 6 birth in Tampico, Ill. But youngest son Ron Reagan is spoiling the good cheer with a new book that suggests the Gipper suffered from Alzheimer's Disease while in the White House, a claim dismissed by Reagan's doctors and outside experts. "Had the diagnosis been made in, say, 1987, would he have stepped down?" Ron asks, regarding the disease confirmed in 1994. "I believe he would have," he writes in My Fat...
Ronald Reagan may have had Alzheimer's disease while serving Video
"It wasn't like - oh my God! - he doesn't remember he's President ," Reagan said. "You know, it was just -- I had an inkling something was going on, "said Ron Reagan, President Ronald Reagan's son, in an interview speaking to Elizabeth Vargas on 20/20. This was Ron Reagan, youngest son, suggesting that his dad was already showing disturbing symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease while still serving in the office of the President of the United State. This information is in...
Son suggests Reagan had Alzheimers as president
NEW YORK (AP) — Ronald Reagan’s son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease while he was still in the White House. The U.S. News & World Report quotes excerpts from Ron Reagan’s book “My Father at 100″ in which Reagan’s son says he believes his father would have left office had the disease been diagnosed then. The younger Reagan recalls how his father became uncharacteristically lost for words ...
Ron Reagan Jr.: Oh Yeah, My Father Had Alzheimers While President
Gee, thanks, Ron. You father would be proud of you. Of course this gives credence to all the loons on the left who cracked funny about President Reagan being senile while in office. Nancy must be thrilled. Oh and how's this odious little twit telling us this? In a book "honoring" his father. Stay classy.2011 is a big year for Ronald Reagan fans, being the centennial of his February 6 birth in Tampico, Ill. But youngest son Ron Reagan is spoiling the good cheer with a new book that suggests the G...
Didn't we already know about Reagan and Alzheimer's?
DIDN'T WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT REAGAN AND ALZHEIMER'S?.... There was a fair amount of attention yesterday devoted to reports that Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's Disease was apparent, though never discussed publicly, during his presidency. I'm not sure why this is considered especially new.
Former President Ronald Reagan -- who diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after leaving the presidency -- elicited "shivers of concern" about his mental state as early as 1984, during his First Term in ...
Cashing In On Dad When Hes Ronald Reagan How Disgusting
President Ronald Reagan
Ron Reagan, Jr.’s memoir on his father, President Ronald Reagan, will be released on Tuesday and U.S. News has a review. What some people won’t do for a little extra cash. How pathetic and low do you have to be to write something like this? How sad that one of our greatest Presidents has one of the worst sons?
From U.S. News
2011 is a big year for Ronald Reagan fans, being the centennial of his February 6 birth in Tampico, Ill. But youngest son Ron Re
Son suggests Reagan had Alzheimer's as president
FILE - In this July 27, 2004 file photo, Ron Reagan, son former President Ronald Reagan, talks about Stem Cell research to the delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. Ronald Reagan's son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease while he was still in the White House, Friday, Jan. 14, 2011. Ronald Reagan's son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease while he was stil...
Did Reagan have Alzheimer's while he was president?
The Washington Post's Stephen Lowman has an early look at Ron Reagan's new book about his father, which will soon be released to coincide with what would have been the former president's 100th birthday. Specifically, Lowman highlights passages dealing with Reagan's struggle with Alzheimer's Disease, which was formally diagnosed in 1994 (and disclosed to the public in a dramatic handwritten letter by Reagan in November of that year). The most startling revelation may be this:
[I]n 1989, doct...
Ron Reagan Suggests Dad's Alzheimer's Began While In White House
President Reagan addresses the Republican National Convention in Dallas on Aug. 23, 1984. In a book due out next week the younger son of former President Reagan "suggests [that his father] suffered from Alzheimer's Disease while in the White House," U.S. News & World Reports' Washington Whispers blog says. — "Watching the first of his two debates with 1984 Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, I began to experience the nausea of a bad dream coming true. ... My heart sank as ...
President Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's while in office, according to son
Ronald Reagan was showing signs of Alzheimer’s while still in office, according to his son Ron Reagan. “Today we are aware that the psychological and neurological changes associated with Alzheimer’s can be in evidence years, even decades, before identifiable symptoms arise. The question, then, of whether my father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s while in office more of less answers itself.” Ron Reagan Recounts having concerns as far back as 1984. ...
Ron Reagan Suggests Dad's Alzheimer's Began While In White House
President Reagan addresses the Republican National Convention in Dallas on Aug. 23, 1984. In a book due out next week the younger son of former President Reagan "suggests [that his father] suffered from Alzheimer's Disease while in the White House," U.S. News & World Reports' Washington Whispers blog says. — "Watching the first of his two debates with 1984 Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, I began to experience the nausea of a bad dream coming true. ... My heart sank as ...
Ron Reagan Suggests Dad's Alzheimer's Began While In White House
President Reagan addresses the Republican National Convention in Dallas on Aug. 23, 1984. In a book due out next week the younger son of former President Reagan "suggests [that his father] suffered from Alzheimer's Disease while in the White House," U.S. News & World Reports' Washington Whispers blog says. — "Watching the first of his two debates with 1984 Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, I began to experience the nausea of a bad dream coming true. ... My heart sank as ...
Son: Reagan suffered Alzheimer's while in office
President Ronald Reagan’s son says in a new book that he believes his father suffered from Alzheimer’s disease while serving in the White House — years before the diagnosis was made.
In “My Father at 100,” a memoir being released Tuesday, the late president’s youngest son, Ron, said he saw evidence that his father was losing his mental faculties during his First Term, which began in 1981.
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President Ronald Reagan 's son, Ron Reagan is a sad, sad individual. Talking smack about his father. Pitiful.
Ron Reagan , Jr. is a despicable Leftwinger who is a disgrace to the legacy of his father, President Ronald Wilson Reagan .
Ron Reagan is a carbuncle on the ass of the Reagan Family. God bless Ronald Reagan .
President Ronald Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's disease while he was still in the White House, his son, Ron Reagan , writes in a new book
Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, Ron Reagan Jr. claims. #No$#!t
"@BreakingNews: President Ronald Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's disease while he was still in the White House, his son, Ron Reagan , writes
Ronald Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's while still in White House, Ron Reagan , writes n new book@BreakingNews He was still smarter than Ron
If Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's during his presidency, then his GREATNESS is that much more APPRECIATED! Ron Jr. is a scumbag & shameful.
Ron Reagan is determined to remove any dignity Ronald Reagan had after daughter Patty Davis was through with him
It's disgraceful that Ron Reagan , who is not qualified to diagnose Alzheimer's, would speculate that President Ronald Reagan had it in 1984.
Ronald Reagan thought little Ron was a degenerate sissie faggot and was quite embarrassed by the little queer.
The adopted brother shouldnt call the real son of Ronald Reagan an embarassment, at least Ron Reagan lives up to his beliefs
Ron Reagan confirmed what most people thought that Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's. Sarah P will denie it
why would Ron Reagan say that his father Ronald Reagan had signs of alzeimers now, how strange.
Ron Reagan (son of Ronald ) said his father was showing symptoms of Alzheimer's during his first term. Shocking.