ABC News: Loughner passed a Background Check and bought the gun at a Sportsman's Warehouse Nov. 30, ABC News reported.
PHOTOS: ABC News in pictures
Experts say the Glock 19 costs $400 to $500, not including ammunition.
VIDEOS: ABC News in videos
GALLERY: The aftermath of the Rep. Giffords shooting Six people were killed and 14 injured outside a Tucson Supermarket. U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., believed to be the target of the massacre, remained in critical condition Tuesday after being shot in the head. Employees at one Walmart in the Tucson area ref...
Apparently, The Real Culprit In The Giffords Shooting Was…..Guns!
Now that we are a few days from the shooting of Representative Giffords, and the cold blooded Murder of many others, including a judge and a 9 year old, the media and Democrats are slowly ratcheting up the meme that guns are to blame. They haven't dropped their fixation on "vitriolic Speech" know, all the blamestorming coming from the mostly liberal media, elected Democrats, and liberal talking heads could be considered "vitriolic speech." You also have Joe Scarborough, RINO, complaini...
The Unstable Sheriff of Pima County, AZ
Jim Geraghty in his Morning Jolt email takes on Sheriff Clarence Dupnik (pronounced "Dumbsh....") who has managed both to neglect his duties AND try and dismantle the First Amendment:
Say this for Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. He may have dropped the ball on numerous red flags and other signs of a potential threat from the Tucson gunman, and he certainly didn't bother to assign any deputies or other police personnel to the "Congress on Your Corner" event that turned into a massacre, des...
Condition of Gabrielle Giffords and other Arizona shooting victims updated
Doctors at University Medical Center said Tuesday that the condition of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) is unchanged from Monday. Giffords, 40, remains in critical condition after she and 19 other people were shot Saturday at an event she was holding to meet constituents outside a Tucson Supermarket. Six were killed and 14, including Giffords, were wounded when a young man with apparent mental problems opened fire on the gathering with a Handgun. "She's holding her own," said Michael Lemole, c...
Tucson Sheriff sticks foot in mouth over Rush Limbaugh comment!
Having an opinion is one thing, but making your opinion public can have Unintended Consequences. And yes, even for Pima Count, AZ Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, that rule applies. Yesterday, he may have inadvertently stuck his foot in his mouth with his Rhetoric about Rush Limbaugh. Take for instance, the comments made by Dupnik. Yesterday in an interview, he told Diane Sawyer of ABCNews that; Really?! Do you really think he listens to Limbaugh's program, or is he ...
Sherrif Dupnik Links Rush Limbaughs Words To Arizona Shooting Tragedy
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been a vocal participant in the finger-pointing aftermath of the Arizona Shooting Tragedy, and in fact was the first to call out the “vitriolic Rhetoric” as part of the reason behind the incident. He specifically called out conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, calling him “irresponsible” for the continuing vitriol. During and interview last night with ABC News’ Diane Sawyer, Dupnik doubled down on his critique of Limbaugh, t...
Apparently, The Real Culprit In The Giffords Shooting Was..Guns!
Now that we are a few days from the shooting of Representative Giffords, and the cold blooded Murder of many others, including a judge and a 9 year old, the media and Democrats are slowly ratcheting up the meme that guns are to blame. They haven’t dropped their fixation on “vitriolic Speech”…….you know, all the blamestorming coming from the mostly liberal media, elected Democrats, and liberal talking heads could be considered “vitriolic speech.” You also...
Mayor Bloomberg, Rep. Pete King Call For Tougher Gun Laws After Arizona Shootings
Madman Jared Lee Loughner shot 20 people at point-blank range -- including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords -- but never should have been allowed to purchase a gun if a background screening was done correctly, Bloomberg argued. “The law says that drug abusers can’t buy guns, but even though Jared Loughner was rejected by the Military for drug use and arrested on gun charges,” Bloomberg said, “he was able to pass a Background Check and buy a gun.” Giffords was shot in the hea...
Wanted: Sane Gun Laws
Let me state clearly that I am not opposed to the private ownership of guns. I respect the right of hunters to practice their sport. I also have no quibble with responsible concealed carry laws if they insure that the persons licensed to carry those weapons have proven that they are law-abiding and have demonstrated that they know how to handle the weapons they want to carry. That said, I also should have the right to know that every attempt has been made to keep Firearms out of the hands of men...
Rush Limbaugh Attacks 'The Left' Over Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Response
Rush Limbaugh criticizes the response of the Democratic Party and the media to the Tucson tragedy in his Radio Show today, saying that the event has been used to advance the Left’s political interests.
“The left, including the media, cannot accept the reality of a madman slaughtering innocent people. It cannot be ‘individual responsibility’ -- they reject that concept anyway,” Limbaugh said.
He goes on to say that “the Left” believes that Utopia can happen and th
On Petard Hoisted: Sheriff Dupnicks Hypocrisy on Inflammatory Rhetoric
Arizona’s Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who on Saturday suggested radio and television Talk Shows were somehow responsible for inciting a man who may be mentally disturbed to kill six people and wound 13 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), once blamed policymakers for violence in his county because they had stopped institutionalizing mentally ill people. Dupnik also suggested that local schools should check the Immigration status of Students and that ...
Arizona sheriff condemns Limbaughs irresponsible rhetoric
Stumble This! An Arizona sheriff responsible for investigating the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) confronted conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh Tuesday for the "irresponsible" Rhetoric he uses on his Radio Show. "The kind of Rhetoric that flows from people like Rush Limbaugh, in my judgment he is irresponsible, uses partial information, sometimes wrong information," Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik told ABC News. "[Limbaugh] attacks people, angers them against governm...
Sheriff Dupnick undaunted by criticism from right, blasts Limbaugh
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been under relentless fire from the right since his impassioned and impromptu plea for an end to hateful and violent Rhetoric. (Though as Media Matters points out at that link, they "repeatedly praised a different Arizona sheriff, Paul Babeu, who regularly engages in vitriolic attacks against President Obama and Democrats," and revere the Racist Joe Arpaio).
Dupnik has been attacked by everyone from Red State and Malkin to his home State Senator, Jon Kyl....
Arizona Sheriff Blasts Rush Limbaugh for Spewing 'Irresponsible' Vitriol
Source: ABC
Arizona Sheriff Blasts Rush Limbaugh for Spewing 'Irresponsible' Vitriol
Sheriff Clarence Dupnik tell ABC News' Diane Sawyer Gunman Fired 'As Fast As He Was Capable
Jan. 10, 2011
The Arizona sheriff investigating the Tucson shooting that left U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically wounded had harsh words today for those engaging in political Rhetoric, calling conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh "irresponsible" for continuing the vitriol.
"The kind of rhetoric that...
Goldberg to mainstream media--'shut the hell up!'
Goldberg made the comment last evening on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox. O'Reilly had already castigated the Mainstream Media for joining in the Leftwing chorus of blaming Conservatives for the massacre that killed a Federal Judge and wounded a U.S. Congresswoman, among others. As a nightly guest on The O'Reilly Factor, Goldberg exposes bias inherent in the news reporting of the media. Goldberg had been part of CBS News under former anchor Dan Rather, and subsequently became a Whistleblower ...
Neighbors: Jared Lee Loughner and His Family Were Very Isolated
Randy and Amy Loughner, the parents of accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner, haven't said anything publicly since their son allegedly took a Glock 19 with a high capacity clip to an event hosted by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and killed six people and injured 14, including the congresswoman.
But the picture that is emerging from media interviews with their neighbors indicates they are isolated and have clashed with others in their neighborhood.
On Monday, a ply wood Blockade in front of their...
Top Republican Rep. Pete King to Introduce Gun-Control Legislation
ABC News’ John R. Parkinson reports:
The chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security Peter King, R-New York, announced today that he will introduce a bill that would ban knowingly carrying a firearm within 1,000 feet of certain high-profile government officials.
[Mayor Michael Bloomberg] and I have discussed that we are introducing in the next several weeks Legislation which would make it a federal crime to carry a weapon within 1,000 feet of any event which is attend...
Bloomberg: Let's talk gun control
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the shooting of an Arizona congresswoman should spark a renewed Gun Control debate, calling accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner “a disgrace to Democracy” as he advocated changes in federal gun policy.
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“This case is fundamentally about a mentally ill drug abuser who had access to guns and shouldn’t have,” Bloomberg said at a news conference Tuesday with members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns...
House to Honor Tucson Victims, First Responders with Resolution
The U.S. House of Representatives will honor Victims of the Tucson, Arizona shooting rampage. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, will call up House Resolution 11 Wednesday morning to honor the dead and injured as well recognize several acts of heroism on the scene. The text of the Resolution states, "The House of Representatives condemns in the strongest possible terms the horrific attack which occurred at the 'Congress on your Corner' event hosted by Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson...
Homeless Man with Golden Voice Already Picked Up By Police
Ted Williams, the Ohio Homeless man whose golden voice made him a YouTube sensation and brought him offers of work, was detained by the Los Angeles Police Department Monday night at a Hollywood hotel. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Na...
Rep. Peter King To Introduce Bill Banning Guns Within 1000 Feet Of Lawmakers
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) plans to introduce a House Bill that would ban the carrying of Firearms within 1000 feet of members of Congress and other high-ranking federal officials. King is the first Republican to announce any kind of Gun Control Legislation in the wake of the shooting. He joins fellow New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a Democrat, who is seeking to restrict sales of high-capacity ammunition clips like the one Loughner allegedly used in his attack. Under federal law, it’s illegal to...
Loughner's Parents Said To Be 'Devastated'; Very Private
What is this? The parents of the suspect in Saturday's Arizona shooting rampage are "hurting real bad. ... They are devastated," a neighbor, Wayne Smith, told reporters Monday, according to The Wall Street Journal. In this undated photo provided by the Pima County Sheriff's Forensic Unit, Jared Loughner, 22, poses. Some details are beginning to come out about Randy and Amy Loughner, parents of the 22-year-old Tucson man who has been charged in the attack that left six people dead and 14 wounded ...
Loughner's Parents Said To Be 'Devastated'; Very Private
What is this? The parents of the suspect in Saturday's Arizona shooting rampage are "hurting real bad. ... They are devastated," a neighbor, Wayne Smith, told reporters Monday, according to The Wall Street Journal. In this undated photo provided by the Pima County Sheriff's Forensic Unit, Jared Loughner, 22, poses. Some details are beginning to come out about Randy and Amy Loughner, parents of the 22-year-old Tucson man who has been charged in the attack that left six people dead and 14 wounded ...
Paul Krugmans Totalitarian Temptation
A Washington Examiner op-ed rhetorically asks, “Was President Obama encouraging Murder during his 2008 campaign when he said, ‘If they bring a knife … we bring a gun’?”
Was he encouraging political violence when he said more recently of the new Republican House majority that “we are going to have just hand-to-hand combat up here on Capitol Hill”? Of course not. Similarly, former Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Paul Kanjorski was speaking allegorically in ...
Halperin to Conservatives: Lie Back And Take It
Via Mary Katharine Ham, Mark Halperin agrees that Conservatives are right to be offended that the media has blamed them for the Tucson shooting. But if they keep pointing out that the facts are on their side they will only worsen the political discourse. Shame on them. Liberals are so smart. They're always telling the poor dumb Conservatives what to do. Just imagine how much better off we would be if we took their advice. "Halperin: “And, I already made that criticism, as well. they’...
Palin Gets That Tucson Wasnt About Politics, Obama Doesnt
In the New York Times today Sarah Palin is being criticized for not being more out-front in her defense of herself in the wake of the Tucson shootings over the weekend. The paper suggests that Palin is staying “in her digital comfort zone” choosing to react primarily through Facebook and Twitter. But maybe Palin understands that this isn’t political, and that even though many of her political enemies have absurdly attempted to tie her to the attack, I think she also realizes th...
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Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
ABC News : law enforcement sources say Loughner's Glock 19- 9mm was legally purchased at Sportsman's Warehouse in Tucson on Nov 30
ABC News : law enforcement sources say Loughner's Glock 19- 9mm was legally purchased at Sportsman's Warehouse in Tucson on Nov 30 (cont...