Pima County: Jim Geraghty in his Morning Jolt email takes on Sheriff Clarence Dupnik (pronounced "Dumbsh....") who has managed both to neglect his duties AND try and dismantle the First Amendment: Say this for Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.
PHOTOS: Rush Limbaugh in pictures
He may have dropped the ball on numerous red flags and other signs of a potential threat from the Tucson gunman, and he certainly didn't bother to assign any deputies or other police personnel to the "Congress on Your Corner" event that turned into a massacre, des...
VIDEOS: Rush Limbaugh in videos
Sarah Palin scores Blood Libel ascribed to her by the press - The Gabrielle Giffords shooting
Sarah Palin’s video response to the Arizona shooting of Gabrielle Giffords Sarah Palin today accused her opponents of Manufacturing a “blood Libel” by suggesting her Rhetoric and campaign tactics had anything to do with the Arizona shootings. Four days after an incident which left six people dead and critically injured the congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Palin released a video statement condemning the attack. She denied that a now infamous campaign map showing Giffords’...
The worst sheriff in America
In the ignominious tradition of camera-hogging Police Chief Charles Moose (remember him?), Pima County (AZ) Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has become America’s new worst celebrity lawman. While he cuddles up to MSNBC’s entire Tea Party-bashing line-up, more facts about Tucson massacre suspect Jared Loughner’s encounters with Law Enforcement are coming out. We now learn: “The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on more than one occasion be...
No More Mister Nice Blog
Lefties have been looking for ties between Jared Loughner's state of mind and recent expressions of right-wing rage; the right, in response to this, has lashed out, aggressively attacking commentators and others -- including Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik -- who've criticized the right.
And now along comes Limbaugh. The soundbite from Rush Limbaugh's Tuesday Radio Show that's Obama Known For His Threats Toward The American People Calls His "Mini Me" Sheriff Dupnik To Thank Him
Obama called the dishonorable Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik today to thank him. This was after this POS Sheriff attacked in hate Speech Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, tea partyers and Conservatives.
ABC News
Political Pupnch
by Jack Tapper
Obama spoke today with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, families of some of the Victims, Rep. Giffords’ Rabbi and two of the heroes that helped in the Arizona tragedy on Saturday.
In a phone call this afternoon with Sheriff Dupnik, according to Whi...
Arizona Newspaper To Sheriff Dupnik: "Get a grip! we have to say at last . . . enough. Enough attacks, sheriff. Enough vitriol "
Pima County Sheriff should remember duty
The Arizona Republic
On Saturday afternoon, with his friend Gabby Giffords in surgery fighting for her life, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik railed against the tense partisan politics - “the anger, the hatred, the Bigotry” - that prompted the mass Murders outside Tucson, in his view.
And, jarring as such claims may be, we understood. Or tried to understand, despite the spectacle of a lawman - an official whose very job it is to d
What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He’s sitting there in jail. He knows what’s going on, he knows that . . . the Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame. He knows if he plays his cards right, he’s just a Victim. He’s the latest in a never-ending parade of victims brought about by the unfairness of America . WE MADE THIS OBSERVATION
Since he first opened his mouth on Saturday night to address the nation about the terrible shootings at a Tucson Safeway, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been inaccurate, wrong, or completely biased in his handling of the case. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik must resign. Never have we witnessed a prominent public figure inaccurately and viciously politicize a national tragedy like Sheriff Dupnik. And in all of his statements he has either been wrong or misdirected. This bitter partisan must go. It’s ...
Video: Sarah Palin responds to accusations that somehow she caused the shooting spree in Arizona
I will admit, that I do not much care for Sarah Palin at all. However, I will give the ol’ gal credit — she knocked it out of the ballpark here and put all of her critics in their places.
The Video:
Sarah Palin: “America’s Enduring Strength” from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.
The Transcript from Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page:
Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent Victims. No words can fill ...
Douglas LaBier: The Changing Face of Psychological Health
The aftermath of the Tucson shootings is likely to spawn new discussion about serious Mental Illness and it's legal implications. Coincidentally, the Mental Health establishment has been debating what to include or exclude as a mental and emotional disorder, for the forthcoming revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. For example, one Controversy is whether to remove narcissism as a bonafide disorder.
In contrast to discussion about mental disorders, I think we've...
Palin: Were above the mindless finger-pointing (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Face of evil: Mug Shots of famous assassins [SLIDESHOW]
Poll of Conservatives shows support for broad cuts to spending, including Military Spending
Washington's top five most ridiculous reactions to the Arizona shooting
Jared Loughner and the ins and outs of the insanity defense
Mark Sanford exits the stage
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin released a video Wednesday of her first long-form statement on Saturday’s Tucson, Ariz. shooting that left six ...
Police Visited Loughners Home Before Rampage
TUCSON - The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on more than one occasion before the attack here on Saturday that left a congresswoman fighting for her life and six others dead, the Pima County Sheriff's Department said on Tuesday. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... W...
Boehner in tribute: 'Our hearts are broken, but our spirit is not'
An emotional Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) paid tribute Wednesday to the Victims of the Tucson shooting, lauding the stricken Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) while pledging the House would “lock arms” in prayer and resolve.
“These are difficult hours for our country,” Boehner said as the House opened debate on a resolution denouncing the massacre and honoring its victims.
“Our hearts are broken, but our spirit is not,” he said. “This is a time for the House to l
Palin accuses critics of 'blood libel'
WASHINGTON - Prominent U.S. Republican Sarah Palin Wednesday accused critics of “blood Libel” by blaming her Rhetoric for contributing to the shooting rampage in Tucson that killed six and wounded 14, including Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords. “Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them,” the conservative Tea Party favorite and former Alaska Governor said in her first major response to critics. R...
Dad pursued Ariz. massacre suspect before shooting
(01-12) 07:41 PST Tucson, Ariz. (AP) --
Mysterious black bag in hand, Jared Loughner ran into the desert from his angry father, who was driving a truck on a futile pursuit.
Hours after Randy Loughner's confrontation with his 22-year-old son Saturday morning, six people were shot dead and more than a dozen others wounded — and Jared Loughner was in custody.
The sheriff's deputies who swarmed the Loughners' house removed what they describe as evidence Jared Loughner was targeting Rep. Gabr...
No More Mister Nice Blog
I've always thought of Instapundit as tendentious but incredibly superficial -- looking back a decade, it seems to have been a Twitter feed before there was Twitter, and, in the '10s, Glenn Reynolds seemed like yesterday's man.
Now, though, he's suddenly hot. The New York Times reports on Sarah Palin's new fireside chat about the Tucson shootings and tells us:
Sarah Palin, who had been silent for days, on Wednesday issued a forceful den...
Jared Loughner: Was It the Family's Fault?
Details on Jared Lee Loughner and what occurred (and what may have occurred) prior to his shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and more than a dozen others, killing six, in a Tucson Safeway Supermarket last Saturday continue to unfold. The questions everyone wants answers to, of course: Could we have stopped him? Should we have known? And...why didn't someone know? Particularly, say, his parents?
Inevitably, in situations like these, people seek someone or thing to blame...
Palin: 'Journalists and Pundits Should Not Manufacture a Blood Libel'
Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength" from Sarah Palin on Vimeo. Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent Victims. No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mourn for the victims’ families as we express our sympathy. I agree with the sentiments shared yesterday at the beautiful Catholic mass held in honor of the Victims. The mass will hopefully help begin a healing process for the...
Poor Rush, Poor Sarah
Writes Eli Cryderman:
Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin are getting defensive over the accusations and implications that somehow their collective end of the political spectrum is responsible for the actions of the individual murderer Loughner, as can be seen in their quotes below:
“We are we constantly admonished not to rush to conclusions. Now…reporters are bending over backwards to link this shooting to me, to Sarah Palin, to an entire industry - Talk Radio,” Limbaugh said.
Why Won't Sheriff Nifong Release Documents on Loughner?
For a guy who's just so sure Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin had something to do with the shootings in Tucson last Saturday, he sure seems like he's got something to hide. Of course his buddy Obama has his back, so he probably feels he's got support. We'll see how long that lasts.Sheriff's Department and community-college officials in Pima County are refusing to release a wide range of public documents about the man charged in Saturday's shooting rampage that left six dead and more than a dozen wo...
More Bad News For MSM & Dupnik Police Were Sent to Loughners Home Several Times
It’s Rush Limbaugh’s fault. The further we get away from the tragedy the more we are putting together a picture of a very disturbed young man. After four days of blaming Conservatives for the Violent Crime of the young leftwing pothead, the media is finally getting around to reporting the facts to the case. This had nothing to do with Sarah Palin, or Rush Limbaugh, or the Tea Party, or conservatives. The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on mo...
A Fool With a Badge is Still a Fool
Michael Reagan, FloydReports.com
When a would-be assassin shot my Dad, President Ronald Reagan, nobody questioned the fact that the shooter was certifiably nuts.
Authorities recognized that fact and put him in a mental institution as his obvious disturbed mental state demanded.
Now we have another attempted killing of a public official, Arizona’s widely admired Rep. Gabby Giffords, and just about everybody recognizes the fact that the shooter, one Jared Loughner, is crazy as a loon.
Rhetoric and Perceived Status
The Left in the last 48 hours has tried to make the argument that the Tucson shootings were the result of Tea Party angst, health-care furor, Talk Radio, opposition to illegal Immigration — almost any contemporary hot-button hoi polloi issue or any Populist forum. And the more the public refuses to buy any of it, instead seeing Tucson as a madman’s evil attack on the innocent and noble, the more the liberal media seems weirdly intent on promulgating its absurd narrative. Arguments th...
The foolishness of the 'blood libel' charge
Greg already touched on many of the more egregious aspects of Sarah Palin's video response to critics, but I wanted to focus more directly on her use of the term "blood Libel."
First off, it would be a serious stretch to assign any blame to Palin for Jared Loughner's actions. But while this is a situation in which Palin has been genuinely wronged by critics, she has already squandered any Moral High Ground she might have fairly laid claim to. Part of Palin's appeal to her base comes from her w...
(Sharron) Angle: Media 'inappropriately attributing blame' for Tucson shooting
Source: The Hill
Former Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle denied her campaign Rhetoric helped motivate the Tucson gunman and accused the media of "finger-pointing towards political figures" to boost Ratings.
Angle's suggestion during the midterm campaign that voters could pursue "Second Amendment remedies" to settle political differences with Congress has been widely criticized in the wake of the attack that left six people dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in critical condition.
Sarah Palin: America's Enduring Strength
A few hours ago, Sarah Palin posted a Facebook Note and video in regards to the recent shootings that happened over the weekend in Tucson, Arizona. The sentiments expressed by Sarah are echoed by millions throughout our great, resilient country. Although the scars will remain, America WILL recover and come out of this horrific event stronger and even more committed to making our country the greatest it can be!
Please click here to view the video of this statement.
Like millions of Americans I...
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Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
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