Bloomberg: Let's talk gun control

Gun Control: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the shooting of an Arizona congresswoman should spark a renewed Gun Control debate, calling accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner “a disgrace to Democracy” as he advocated changes in federal gun policy.

PHOTOS: Michael Bloomberg in pictures

Continue Reading Text Size - + reset “This case is fundamentally about a mentally ill drug abuser who had access to guns and shouldn’t have,” Bloomberg said at a news conference Tuesday with members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns...

VIDEOS: Michael Bloomberg in videos

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Karen Fesler posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Federal law requires background check on gun sales in ALL states. Gun control advocates tend to not be correct in their statements.

Veronika Parjus posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

I totally agree with the Gun - control advocates that say shooter is proof for better background check

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