Mainstream Media: Goldberg made the comment last evening on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox.
PHOTOS: The Liberty in pictures
O'Reilly had already castigated the Mainstream Media for joining in the Leftwing chorus of blaming Conservatives for the massacre that killed a Federal Judge and wounded a U.S. Congresswoman, among others.
VIDEOS: The Liberty in videos
As a nightly guest on The O'Reilly Factor, Goldberg exposes bias inherent in the news reporting of the media. Goldberg had been part of CBS News under former anchor Dan Rather, and subsequently became a Whistleblower ...
Arizona Republics SCATHING smackdown of Sheriff Clarence Dupnik
Send Sheriff Clarence Dupnik a POSTCARD, not a letter or email, telling him what you think of his job performance. This is one of the most direct and scathing smackdowns I’ve ever seen a newspaper hand an elected official. It’s essentially a bare-bottomed spanking, which Clarence Dupnik may or may not actually enjoy. The Arizona Republic is much more charitable towards this man than we’ve been. In the article, the paper gives Dupnik a pass for anything he did the day Jar...
Mourners to hold 'community healing' Mass after Arizona shooting
Mourners will gather at a memorial Mass Tuesday for Victims of the weekend shooting outside an Arizona Supermarket that killed 6 people and wounded 14 others.
The Mass will be held at 7 p.m. (9 p.m. ET) at St. Odiilia Church in Tucson, Arizona - where 9-year-old shooting victim Christina Green had her First Communion a year ago.
"Right now it is important as a community to pull together and to reach out in care and concern to all who have been affected by this tragedy," Bishop Gera...
America's worse sheriff
Image via Wikipedia
It's bad enough that a fine congresswoman is shot down by a crazed assassin. But do those whose job it is to prevent such awful things have to insert their own base politics into the tragedy?
As a key Law Enforcement figure in the Assassination attempt against Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, a Democrat, might be expected to show some caution in commenting on the violent swirl of bitter, unsubstantiated and outright false accusation...
Fox News Website Continues Partisan Attack On Sheriff Dupnik's "Vitriol" Comments
If Propaganda is to be believed, it should be repeated. Yesterday, in both an interview on "Fox & Friends" and an article on the Fox News website, Fox News featured critical commentary about Pima County Sheriff's remarks about the vitriol in our society - vitriol that, as he stated, is promulgated by the media. Obviously needing to deflect and divert from the appropriate substance of Dupnik's comments, Fox is maintaining its seeming scapegoating of the sheriff. Today's headline (first under the ...
Fox New Website Continues Partisan Attack On Sheriff Dupnik's "Vitriol" Comments
If Propaganda is to be believed, it should be repeated. Yesterday, in both an interview on "Fox & Friends" and an article on the Fox News website, Fox News featured critical commentary about Pima County Sheriff's remarks about the vitriol in our society - vitriol that, as he stated, is promulgated by the media. Obviously needing to deflect and divert from the appropriate substance of Dupnik's comments, Fox is maintaining its seeming scapegoating of the sheriff. Today's headline (first under the ...
Only 32% of Americans Feel Political Rhetoric is to Blame for Jared Loughner Tucson Shooting Massacre
Once again Liberals, Democrats and yhe MSM find themselves on the wrong side with the American People …
57% of Americans believe that political Rhetoric was not to blame for the murderous acts on Saturday by gunman Jared Loughner. Only 32% believe Rhetoric was to blame as many jumped to conclusions and fueled their political agenda like Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. Many Democrats, Liberals and their complicit liberal mouth pieces in the media were quick to exploit the Tucson
Most Americans don't see link between Arizona shootings, political rhetoric, poll finds
A sizable majority of Americans said they did not believe that harsh political Rhetoric was the reason a gunman opened fire over the weekend in Tucson, killing six and wounding 14, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to a CBS News poll released Tuesday.
The finding comes as Republicans and Democrats have sparred over whether recent heated political Rhetoric may have been a factor in the shootings. Giffords was among 20 lawmakers targeted in campaign literature by Sarah Palin, the conse...
Most Americans Reject Tie Between Political Rhetoric, Arizona Shootings
While the Arizona shootings have triggered a national debate about whether the vitriol in political Rhetoric has gone over the top, 57 percent of Americans do not believe the heated partisan tone of public debate had anything to do with the gun rampage in Tucson, according to a CBS News poll released Tuesday. The connection between the state of political discourse and the shootings that critically wounded Arizon Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, killed six and injured 13 others had perhaps been put most ...
Right focuses on Dupnik
RIGHT FOCUSES ON DUPNIK.... On Saturday night in Tucson, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik lamented societal factors -- most notably, the Toxicity of our political discourse -- that he fears may have contributed to the day's violence.
"When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The anger, the hatred, the Bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous," the sheriff said. "And unfortu...
Evaluating Palin's Response to the Giffords Shooting (The Atlantic Wire)
WASHINGTON, DC – Sarah Palin hates violence and war--she just happens talk about it because it makes a middle-aged mom with glasses and a hair pouf sound tough. Harsh judgment, but even those who see no connection between Palin's rough Rhetoric (complete with gunsights) and the Giffords shooting aren't impressed with her response to the tragedy. Giffords's shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, appears to have been mentally ill and did not mention Palin--or the infamous map--a single time in his p...
CBS Poll: American Public Not Buying Democrat, Media Spin on Arizona Shooting
From CBS News:
Nearly six in 10 Americans say the country’s heated political Rhetoric is not to blame for the Tucson shooting rampage that left six dead and critically wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to a CBS News poll.
In the wake of the shooting, much focus has been put on the harsh tone of politics in Washington and around the country, particularly after a contentious Midterm Election. Rhetoric and imagery from both Republicans and Democrats have included gun-related ...
Tucson Shooting Suspect's Family "Hurting Real Bad"
Yesterday, when the man suspected of shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, as well as over a dozen others (leaving six dead), in an apparent Assassination attempt appeared in court, not a single relative of Jared Lee Loughner was spotted in the courtroom. Now details are emerging about the 22-year-old's family, who initially blocked the FBI from entering their home. And a neighbor told the NY Post that Loughner's dad is "pretty much the neighborhood prick."
The neighbor, who also said...
Hijacking A Massacre
Best headline of the day, via The Daily Mail in Britain:
How America's elite hijacked a massacre to take revenge on Sarah PalinThe substance of the article makes points you have heard before regarding the murderous rampage by Jared Loughner:
Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s former Chief of Staff and a figure compared to Labour’s Alastair Campbell, once said: ‘You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.’
And those on his side of the political divide have clearly seen t...
Wild West mythology feeds Arizonas weapon culture
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik addressed the cameras. The news was grim. Here was a lawman, telling his country, and the world, that the America he knew was falling to pieces. Six lay dead in Tucson. Another 13 were wounded. A Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, was fighting for her life. And the sheriff let fly with both barrels, blasting the ugly tone of political Rhetoric in the United States and bemoaning Arizona Gun Control laws that put a semi-automatic pistol in the hands of an appare...
Zandar's Thought Of The Day
Pima County Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik dared to voice the opinion that eliminationist Rhetoric from the right is a problem in this country. How do the eliminationists respond? 48 hours later, the right is holding Dupnik responsible for the shooting. Hot Air: Any cop can tell you whodunnit but it takes a supercop to tell you What It All Means about our political culture. A nagging question: Should supercop maybe have figured out that Loughner was a menace before he gunned down six people out...
Have gun, Will talk: Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik not speechless over Tucson shootings or much else
For a chief Law Enforcement officer who's supposed to be assembling the complex Criminal Investigations of six sudden homicides against a local 22-year-old suspect, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik sure has found ample time the last couple of days to appear all over national News Media, spouting prickly opinions on pretty much anything asked.
The sheriff, who celebrates his 75th birthday today, is understandably defensive. He had no officers at Rep. Gabrielle Giffords ' Saturday ope...
'Climate of Hate' to Blame for Ariz Shooting?
Investigators are still trying to find the motive behind Saturday's shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and others in Tucson. Liberals quickly blamed Conservatives for creating the climate that led to the attack and that has sparked a fiery debate about political Rhetoric.
Tucson has come together to rally around the Victims of the Shooting Spree and its primary target, who authoritites say was Giffords.
"Every day that goes by and we don't see an increase, we're slightly more optimi...
Poll: Most Americans see no connection between Ariz. shooting and political rhetoric (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
We're probably alone in the universe, or else they're out to get us
Mark Halperin: Conservatives should turn the other cheek when scapegoated for Murder
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A majority of Americans don’t see a connection between vitriolic Rhetoric and Jared Loughner...
False Equivalency Watch, Cont'd
FALSE EQUIVALENCY WATCH, CONT'D.... Following up on an item from yesterday, the drive continues to insist that "both sides" are equally to blame for rhetorical excesses and the Toxicity of our discourse. Ross Douthat offers the latest evidence, arguing, "If overheated Rhetoric and martial imagery really led inexorably to Murder, then both parties would belong in the dock."
This isn't surprising, given that the media establishment appears obligated to always blame "both sides" for everything at...
Let's go after the real perps: the NRA and their supporters
Jared Loughner is in custody and I'd put money on his conviction and Incarceration. But the rest of the perps are still out there, still armed, still certain of their rights, and still ready to shoot or help you shoot.
Letter writers to the New York Times have, for the most part, agreed that the right has something to answer for.
From Denver: "Opposed to the perception disseminated by the G.O.P., it’s not the liberal elite exploiting the insecurities of the masses to g...
Sheriff Dupnik Spoke Out Against Conceal & Carry Laws
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been a vocal critic of conceal and carry laws in Arizona. Dupnik believed that such laws would further endanger innocent bystanders in these situations. Recent multiple homicides on college campuses, like those that occurred at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University, have inflamed the national community and brought about a call to arms that is at once understandable and dangerous. Currently, 13 states are considering Legislation that would allow i...
Sheriff Dupnick undaunted by criticism from right, blasts Limbaugh
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been under relentless fire from the right since his impassioned and impromptu plea for an end to hateful and violent Rhetoric. (Though as Media Matters points out at that link, they "repeatedly praised a different Arizona sheriff, Paul Babeu, who regularly engages in vitriolic attacks against President Obama and Democrats," and revere the Racist Joe Arpaio).
Dupnik has been attacked by everyone from Red State and Malkin to his home State Senator, Jon Kyl....
Doc: 'Hopefully she'll live to be 95'
Physicians at the University of Arizona Medical Center issued their most optimistic assessment yet of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s condition, with trauma specialist Dr. Peter Rhee telling a British Television Station that she was “100 percent likely to survive” the gunshot wound she sustained Saturday.
“As a physician I’m going to get into a lot of trouble for this, but her prognosis for survival is 100 percent, as far as it being short term,” he said. “H...
Arizona shooting suspect's parents said "devastated"
Jared Lee Loughner appeared in court on Monday on charges including attempting to assassinate Representative Gabrielle Giffords and killing a Federal Judge, some of the 20 Victims of the shootings at a constituent's meeting Giffords was hosting at a local Grocery Store on Saturday.
Neighbor Wayne Smith said that Loughner's parents, Amy and Randy, were devastated by the events and the allegations against their son.
"Their son is not Amy and Randy, and people need to understand that. They're deva...
Liberty Links: Morning Reads for Tuesday, January 11th
Below is a collection of several links that we didn’t get around to writing about, but still wanted to post for readers to examine. The stories typically range from news about prominent figures in The Liberty movement, national politics, the Nanny State, Foreign Policy and free markets.
Posting will be light today.
Man angry after gun-point Raid at his home (Toronto Sun)
Poll: Most Americans Feel Rhetoric, Tucson Shooting Unrelated (CBS News)
Missing from Arizona shooting debate: Guns (Politic...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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