In a story on likely Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty's strategy of trying to appeal to every constituency in the Republican Party (as opposed to just the tea partiers or just the Evangelicals, etc.), the Times observes that the former Minnes…
Read more >>Just how many battles can Sarah Palin sustain fighting at one time? The former Alaska Governor is seemingly always in a squabble with some combination of her usual targets: the GOP “establishment,” the “lamestream media,” …
Read more >>The New York Times has a major profile of Tim Pawlenty in today’s paper, arguing that Pawlenty has started to position himself as the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, an ironic position given Romney’s status in the late 2008 …
Read more >>The tragedy in Japan will quickly produce an army of PR flacks, fighting to protect the interests of those who have a stake in the building and maintaining of nuclear reactors and related Nuclear Energy facilities. We know, from Wendell Potter's…
Read more >>This weekend's New York Times profiles Rachel Feinstein and John Currin -- the art world's ruling couple. Feinstein, a sculptor, first dropped onto our radar when she posed for Marc Jacobs, a decision she mentions in the article: "My big problem…
Read more >>Surely the President knows as well as anyone else that asking people accused of maltreating a Prisoner whether the Prisoner is being properly treated is like asking a drunk how much he's had to drink. Since Barack Obama is not a fool, this can onl…
Read more >>Earlier this week, Sarah Palin called Kathy Griffin a “has-been” comedienne during an interview on Fox News, but there is increasing signs that Sarah Palin is quickly becoming a “has-been” politician. A Bloomberg poll relea…
Read more >>Prisoners of their own strategy by digby Doug Hill at Balloon Juice asked Conservative Bloggers if they believed in evolution and apparently was told that it wasn't a very good sample of conservative thinking because they were all well educated…