George W.
PHOTOS: George W. Bush in pictures
Bush: It’s long been obvious that Conservatives conceive of “civility” solely in terms of point-scoring, because they are essentially sociopathic fuckwads.
VIDEOS: George W. Bush in videos
Oh, perhaps this is unfair. But as I was grouching about last night, “once you’ve gone ahead and, say, made excuses for state-sponsored Torture, if you want the benefit of the doubt, fuck you.” Honestly, one of the absolute minimum qualifications for entry into a Civil Discussion ought not to include an enthusi...
An Eclipse of Tragedy and Opportunity: When Media Spin Transforms
While many Americans were enjoying a brief weekend break from the tedium of a typical work week, Tucson, Arizona saw a tragic drama unfold that would shock the entire country. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, while conducting a neighborhood meeting at a Grocery Store in Tucson, was shot in the head by a lone assassin along with 19 others at the meeting. A Federal District Judge, John Roll, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, was killed along with a nine year old girl who was born on ...
More on Violence And Right Wing Rhetoric
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Conservatives who fail to understand the arguments from liberals about Right Wing Hate Speech act as if Jared Loughner lived in a vacuum and acted with absolutely no external influences. This is despite multiple reports indicating Loughner’s interest in fringe politics. NewsOne reports on yet another connection, alleging that Loughner is a fan of right winger Alex Jones.
I find it curious that Conservatives have been attacking liberals this week ...
Noah Baron: The Libel of "Blood Libel"
Recently I've heard a lot of people talking about how the shooting in Arizona was merely the product of violent Rhetoric on the part of America's right-wing. Such claims, I feel, are disingenuous. What information I can find about the situation points to the killer being more mentally unbalanced than a political actor. Nonetheless, I feel that this situation presents an opportunity of us to seriously examine the way we discuss politics in our country -- and, especially, how we value Speech.
Liberals’ “Civil Discourse” Calls for Palin’s Assassination
As we pointed out earlier today, liberals/Democrats/whatEVER have totally ignored THEIR president's call for "Civil Discourse" in politics. Some pretty vicious anti-Palin posters were put up in San Francisco even before he finished his Speech in Tucson. Fox News reports it is getting much worse. There is a campaign on Twitter calling for Sarah Palin's Assassination. Is the FBI involved yet? Critics of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin have turned to Twitter ...
Naming Names: Some Of The Liberals Who Were Overjoyed About The Tucson Shooting
Sadly, there have always been mentally disturbed people who’ve acted out violently. Sometimes it’s against their families, at their jobs, schools, places of employment — and sometimes it’s against famous targets. Most people, when they hear about events of this sort, feel sorrow for the senseless loss of innocent life. We wonder why God allows bad things to happen to good people and we mourn for those affected, their families, and friends. This is how most Americans fee...
Liberals Preach Civility and Call for Sarah Palins Death
As we pointed out earlier today, liberals/Democrats/whatEVER totally ignored THEIR president’s call for Civil Discourse with vicious Palin posters in San Francisco put up even before he finished his Speech in Tucson. Fox News reports it is getting much worse. There is an organized social network push calling for Sarah Palin’s Assassination. Is the FBI involved yet? Critics of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin have turned to Twitter to post hate “tweets” suggesting that ̶...
Media misses their own mark on Tuscon
The massacre that took 6 American lives last week in Tuscon, Arizona seems to have left more questions than answers. While media outlets, political pundits, and elected officials attempted to lay blame anywhere but on the shooter himself, the White House was decidedly silent on the subject of motive. While the nation waited with baited breath for a leader to emerge offering signs of hope and stability following a horrendous act of terror, political chatter and talking points lit up the air...
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When host Ed Schultz referenced a statement from Tucson's Tea Party Leader, which suggested Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords should have been more prepared for the attack by bringing security to her event, Sekoff replied, "The one-word response is wince."
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Try to Be Nice, And Look What It Gets You
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The GOP Needs Solidarity
From True North
GOP Men and Selling out Sarah
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What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage!
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Per GOP spinmeister Frank Luntz, saying your opponent wants to kill you is just as bad as saying you want to kill your opponent
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No, boys and girls, saying unkind things about someone is really and truly not "violent Rhetoric." Even saying that the Right is made up entirely of ignoramuses, lunatics, liars, criminals, and economic predators isn't "violent Rhetoric." It may be unkind, but then, what are you supposed to say when it's the honest-to-gosh truth? Just not say anything? Well, that seems pretty much what the Right has in mind: freedom to spread its psychotic lies without any answer at all.
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Limbaugh, Beck, and other conservatives do not approve of how Tucson reacts
In the past 24 hours many prominent Conservatives have questioned the "tone" of the memorial service held last night in Tucson. The event was held in honor of nineteen Victims, including six dead, of the shooting last Saturday at an event hosted by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). Most of the reviews from "mainstream" media were positive. President Obama gave an emotional Speech which called for the country to "live up to the Democracy" that nine-year-old victim Christi...
Cafferty: Palin Can't Be President Due to 'Inflammatory' Reply to Critics
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Coats for Kids fires guy for agreeing with Obama?
Short version: Glen Busch was the Chicago director of the nonprofit Coats for Kids, right up to the point where he (on his own personal Facebook page, and on his own time) made the completely accurate and noncontroversial points that Tucson shooter Jared Loughney was not, in point of fact, a right-wing crazy; and that later evidence that Loughney has left-wing beliefs didn’t prove anything about the situation, either. A day later, Coats for Kids national president Paul Darby (of Virginia...
Limbaugh: Obamas speech was poll-driven pep rally
Glenn Beck and his colleagues on Fox News may have been complimentary of President Obama’s Speech last night, but Rush Limbaugh sure wasn’t.
He criticized the timing of the memorial service on Wednesday, four days after the Tucson shootings, saying it should have happened sooner.
“The reason they waited as long as they did is they were waiting for polling data,” he said. “If they polling data had been different, the Speech would have been different.”
CBS rel...
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Bill OReilly While Discussing Sarah Palin: There Isnt Anybody More Vilified Than Beck
Fox’s Bill O’Reilly-who delivered what he describes as a “devastating” indictment of those who linked the shootings in Arizona to politicians like Sarah Palin-does not see the former Alaska Governor as the ultimate Victim of hypercharged political Rhetoric. It’s Glenn Beck.
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Limbaugh's 'Straight Shooter' Tucson Billboard is Removed
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A Tale of Two Speeches: Roundup and Reactions
As far as I can tell, the reaction to Palin's video statement and President Obama's Speech has been pretty disparate, and interesting. One theme shines through: Both were commenting on the same event, but the focus was very, very different. The video is The Nation's John Nichols commenting on the differences and similarities. His conclusion: If Democrats claim the mantle of civic involvement and responsibility, that's not such a bad thing. Tristero over at Digby's blog thinks this Speech transce...
NYT on Obamas speech: Thank goodness he spoke out against this weeks rhetorical ugliness especially Palins
Before this week, I would have chalked this up to simple dishonesty. They know perfectly well who he meant last night when he talked about “pointing fingers or assigning blame” in a way that “wounds,” I’d have said, but they’re such miserable shills for their liberal readership that they feel obliged to cocoon them from the truth.
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