Civil Discourse: As we pointed out earlier today, liberals/Democrats/whatEVER have totally ignored THEIR president's call for "Civil Discourse" in politics. Some pretty vicious anti-Palin posters were put up in San Francisco even before he finished his Speech in Tucson. Fox News reports it is getting much worse.
PHOTOS: Twitter in pictures
There is a campaign on Twitter calling for Sarah Palin's Assassination.
VIDEOS: Twitter in videos
Is the FBI involved yet? Critics of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin have turned to Twitter ...
John Dingell (D-MI) blames Palin, GOP for rhetoric leading to AZ shooting. Flashback: linked tea party to KKK, called radio talk
By now, many have already seen this Dingell diatribe on the floor of the House via TPM:
Curiously, Dingell said:
"I saw the district of Gabrielle Giffords has a crosshairs put on it. As a lifetime rifleman and shooter, I know what crosshairs signify when you put them on somebody and I know what happened.Is he talking about Palin or Daily Kos? The liberal Daily Kos put a bullseye on Giffords in 2008 (via HillBuzz):
More from Henry Payne at The Michigan View: Dingell just accused Palin as an acce...
MRC's Bozell Shares Thoughts on Civil Political Discourse on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal'
CBS Touts Dem Congresswoman Using Daughter to Pin Shooting on Rhetoric: 'Mommy, Are You Going to Get Shot?' Earlier this morning, NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center (MRC) president Brent Bozell sat down with C-SPAN's Libby Casey for an interview on "Washington Journal." Among other topics, Bozell addressed media coverage of the Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona) shooting. "Where's the harm in having this discussion about Civil Discourse?" Case...
ZOMG!!! Palins in the room! If its not a Constitution fetish, its a gun one! [Darleen Click]
The Hill reports
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) will deliver a keynote address to a gun convention (sic) later this month.
Palin will speak Saturday, Jan. 29, to the Safari International Club (SCI) in Reno, Nev., according to the group’s website. The organization bills itself as “the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting Wildlife Conservation worldwide.”
The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee’s Speech is expected to touch on “her past hunting...
The Progressive Smear Machine Blames the Right Again
Check Michelle's post, "Blame Righty: A Condensed History":
On Monday, as The Progressive smear machine worked overtime to pin the horrific Tucson massacre on Conservatives and to squelch political opposition by targeting Tea Party/limited-government Rhetoric, I published “The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010.”
Today’s column provides another primer for the Amnesia-wracked blamestream media on just how widespread the Blame Righty me...
Gun Sight Ad Still Part of Palins YouTube Channel
Never one to publicly back down, America’s half-governor, Sarah Palin, quietly scrubbed her web presence of images of the now infamous “gun sight” ad. The ad featured sights over targeted Democratic House districts, including AZ-8, the seat held by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who is still in a Tucson Hospital, recovering from last weekend’s gunshot wound to the head.
Team Sarah first tried to excuse the targets as “surveyor’s symbols,” but also deleted the ad from th
Loughner Facts Chat
From the blog for the John Batchelor Show, January 12. 2011: Am putting up my YouTube from the evening of the Tucson crisis in order to document where the argument was within ten hours of the events, while the facts were still jumbled and unreliable.
Am relieved to see that I spoke carefully on Saturday 8 January, and correctly though ambiguously anticipated the political brouhaha that would follow the Tucson massacre.
Using 1968 and 1981 as my examples, I did lean toward the 1968 scenarios, an...
The Golden Goose and His Smooth-Talking Devils Hit A Speed Bump
This week the media's attention went from the "golden-voiced" celebrity building of Ted Williams to the heated blitzkrieg mission of "blood Libel" against Sarah Palin, the average American Citizen movement of the Tea Party, Talk Radio personalities, etc. (everyone except the authentic lunatic fringe of society who actually sprayed a gathering of innocent people with a full clip of bullets) ... So, I thought I'd bring you up to speed a bit on the Homeless man that grabbed everyone's attention one...
After Tucson shootings, Sarah Palin isn't retreating, she's reloading
In many ways, Sarah Palin mirrors the ethos of the gun-rights movement she promotes: never back down. Criticized for her Rhetoric in the aftermath of the Tucson shootings, she's since posted a combative defense on Facebook and signed up to speak at a hunting and gun convention. This image taken from on Wednesday shows Sarah Palin's page. A nearly eight-minute video was posted on her page early Wednesday, accusing Journalists and pundits of inciting hatred and violence in the wake o...
Mayhem in Tucson VI: Sarah Palin and Bloody Libel
As Dan Friedman ominously wrote, They are sick people who are using blood Libel to have her killed. The whole blood Libel Controversy may be nothing more than a subterfuge. It's not inconceivable that demonizing virtually everything Palin does and says is a calculated, despicable effort by the left to inspire and instigate an Assassination attempt. How's that for tolerance and healing, Mr. Obama?...
Linking Uncivil Rhetoric With Violent Acts
Political scientists have long wondered if violent Political Speech can be linked to political violence, a question given urgency in the wake of the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords.
By Emily Badger
Academics Link Violent Rhetoric With Violent Acts
In the wake of Saturday's attempted Assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, partisans have been quick to point fingers.
Partisans have been quick in the wake of Saturday’s shooting in Tucson, Ariz., to point fingers, and to...
Palin to Headline Hunters Convention
Yahoo! Buzz Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will headline one of the nations biggest gun shows and convention later this month in Reno, Nev. Ms. Palin, who is widely considered a top presidential contender, will speak Jan. 29 at the Safari Club International convention, which describes itself as the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting Wildlife Conservation worldwide. The group said last years event drew nearly 20,000 people. Other speakers include Michae...
Chris Wallace on Palins video: Not so good
In this week’s "Turn the Table" Sunday hosts Chris Wallace, David Gregory and Candy Crowley spoke to John Harris about the aftermath of the Arizona shooting. Gregory said that “President Obama seized this leadership moment” with his Speech Wednesday, while Wallace called it a “powerful speech, a moving speech” and praised the president’s decision to avoid laying blame on anyone but the shooter. And while he agreed that it was unfair to link Sarah P...
Pictures Of Loughner Posing With Gun In G-String Emerge
As the week has gone on, more and more unnerving details have emerged about Jared Lee Loughner, the accused shooter in last weekend's attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords which left six dead and 14 others injured. But late today, the Times reports on a particularly strange new development: Law Enforcement officials say they have multiple photos of Loughner posing with a Glock 9mm pistol next to his "naked buttocks and dressed in a bright red g-string."
It's reportedly the sam...
Two Videos to Watch; Eric Fullers Edited Hyperbole and Pat Caddell Calls Krugman an Asshole
First, there is Eric Fuller and his comments to Democracy Now. Basically he said things like this: “It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target,” Eric Fuller, a former campaigner for Ariz. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, told Democracy Now. “Their wish for Second Amendment Activism has been fulfilled.” But I want you to watch the original video, and listen carefully. It’s risible in many ways, but notice what he doesn’t say....
Media Elites Show Reason For Libel Of Palin--Their Attempted Assassination Of Her Political Future
Do you want to know why the media will not acknowledge or apologize for libelous slander against Conservatives, most particularly Sarah Palin?
They want to take her out politically. This woman, who the elites on both sides derided as some ignorant backwards hick from Alaska, they've wanted to destroy by any means necessary. The abused their First Amendment protection and "trust" in the process.
Let's start with Mr. Thrill Up My Leg--Chris Matthews.
MATTHEWS: Okay, this is idiotic. This is, ever...
Palin aide: She's getting death threats at unprecedented levels
Lost in all the feigned outrage over supposed hate-speech from Sarah Palin is the fact that Sarah Palin has from the getgo been the target of death threats. But since the Arizona shooting and the liberal media pointing their crooked finger at Palin as somehow the cause, this is what has been happening: Palin aide: She's getting death threats at unprecedented levels
I almost wish that this wasn’t being reported as it’ll only inflame things further among fringe types, but after four d...
There's a New Sheriff in Politics
The Thread is an in-depth look at how major news and controversies are being debated across the online spectrum.
blogs, Internet, Media, tuscon shooting
In his Speech in Tucson Wednesday night, President Obama called on Americans to expand their “moral imaginations” and “remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together.” Well, never hurts to aim high. For now, at least, the president seems to have put an end to the...
Official: Ariz. shooter posed in G-string with gun
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — A Law Enforcement official says authorities have photos of the suspected Arizona shooter posing with a gun, dressed only in a bright red G-string. Authorities said Friday the suspect, 22-year-old Jared Loughner, took the film to be developed on the eve of the rampage that killed six people and critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The Pima County Sheriff’s Office says Loughner picked up the film a few hours later from a Walgreens. The Law Enforcement offici...
Leftovers - January 14, 2011
Classy: Maine's Tea Party Gov. Paul LePage tells the NAACP to "kiss my butt." Sen. Mike Lee says Child Labor laws are Unconstitutional. The Washington Times claims "blood Libel" outrage is evidence of a "Pogrom" against the right. The argument against mixed-party seating at the State of the Union. Tim Heffernan rounds up all of Sarah Palin's 'sorries' in the past year. ...
NEW YORK--The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 11 other people is tragic. But it is not shocking. It isn't even surprising.
What is surprising--weird, even--is the response of the corporate-owned political and media establishment. They're coming out against violent Rhetoric. Not real violence. They want to stop talk about violence.
Liberals accuse right-wingers of creating an atmosphere of hatred that fuels incidents like the Arizona shootings.
"We need to put the gun meta...
Gabrielle Giffords is Model of Deliberative Democracy
During my first few days of the semester this week I was afforded an unusual opportunity to engage in a discussion on "deliberative Democracy," the theme of the textbook I'm using, from Joseph Bessette and John Pitney, American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy, and Citizenship. And as announced by the publisher, a key element of the the text is the focus on " thoughtful, selfless consideration of issues and on civic participation as essential components of good citizenship ."
Law Enforcement officials said Friday they have multiple photos of Jared L. Loughner posing with a Glock 9mm pistol next to his naked buttocks and dressed in a bright red g-string.
It is the same model of weapon as the one the police say Mr. Loughner used last Saturday to kill six people, including a Federal Judge and a 9-year-old girl, and to wound 14 others, including an Arizona congresswoman.
The photos were turned over to the police by Walgreens, where Mr. Loughner had taken the ...
John McCain Praises Obama, Defends Palin
U.S. Sen John McCain, R-Ariz., and his wife Cindy.
(Credit: Associated Press)
Arizona Sen. John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee and regular critic of President Obama, today called Mr. Obama's Speech at a memorial for the Victims of the Tucson tragedy "terrific" and implicitly defended former Running Mate Sarah Palin from criticism in connection with the tragedy.
The president "movingly mourned and honored the Victims of Saturday's senseless atrocity outside Tucson, comforted...
ACTION ITEM: Research instances of the NAACPs and Congressional Black Caucuss bullying on behalf of Race Industry
One of the lessons I hope you all take away from this past week is that Democrats have a team of howlers, wailers, and teeth-gnashers ready to go at a moment’s notice, to fake Protest and outrage over just about anything, once someone at DNC Headquarters pull the lever and sets these Rube Goldberg collections of oddball opportunists in motion. The national media is filled with these people, who serve the Democrat party and its agenda while aggrandizing themselves as eulogists for the Left&...
Lawmakers Calling for Civil Discourse Havent Always Been Civil
Lawmakers Calling for Civil Discourse Haven’t Always Been CivilThursday, January 13th, 2011
Yet another reminder of why we aren’t supposed to be watching or reading Fox News. It seems you’re not supposed to be holding the powerful accountable unless you’re doing it the same way some other powerful people are also holding the powerful accountable.
“Violence has no place in our Democracy,” [Congressman Pete] Stark said in a statement shortly after the shooting...
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Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
I love this Obama speech , but his hopes for more civil discourse are hitting up against my cognitive dissonance of the reality.I hate that.
(cont'd) (3) Repeatedly call for more " civil discourse " to quash the Hate Speech Straw Man (4) If successful, you reduced/stopped opposition