Glenn Beck Defends Sarah Palin With New Pledge Scam

Glenn Beck: It was a no-brainer that Glenn Beck would jump on the hastily gerrymandered “FOX ‘News’ Protect Palin” bandwagon after the Tucson massacre.

PHOTOS: Glenn Beck in pictures

Beck has a lot invested emotionally in the Half-Governor.

VIDEOS: Glenn Beck in videos

Not only is she his BFF—she was his first guest on Fox “News”—but he is also knew that an attack on Sarah Palin for her “target maps” would quickly spread to the Beckinator himself. As offensive as the bulls eyes might have been—and the...

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Arrest Rove Now posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Glenn Beck is claiming Frances Fox Piven Cloward Van Jones are calling for violence. Except they aren't on the air 4 hours a day. Biff.

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