Glenn Beck: On his Radio Show this morning, Glenn Beck decided to take some time out to clear up what exactly this “violent Rhetoric” everyone’s talking about is.
PHOTOS: Glenn Beck in pictures
It’s not coming out of the mouths of Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh, he promised.
VIDEOS: Glenn Beck in videos
Instead, it’s coming from Frances Fox Piven and the other progressive radicals he rails against on his show. However, while we need to “tune in” to this rhetoric, Beck explained, we’re not here to regulate it. Helpfully u...
Does Moderation Work?
In The Conversation, David Brooks and Gail Collins talk between columns every Wednesday.
Gabrielle Giffords, Tucson shooting
Susan Walsh/Associated PressGabrielle Giffords, a moderate in the most immoderate state in the union.
Gail Collins: David, we can’t not talk about the shootings in Tucson. I know you’ve been wanting a more moderate and sane political dialogue. But I am sorry to admit that one of my thoughts is that the aftermath of Tucson proves h...
See, I Told You So Comes Back Around to Bite Rush Limbaugh
Actually, there is evidence that at least Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck have tacitly admitted their responsibility for inciting violence. Almost immediately following the shootings, Palin removed from her website the map with the gun sight crosshairs targeting Giffords. And Beck removed the picture of him stalking around with a pistol in his hand.
The fact that they removed these images right after a shooting in which they are clearly inciting violence by gunfire is just coincidence, I guess.
Infants Playing with Flamethrowers
Harold Meyerson nails it:
Dangerous outcomes from a culture of paranoia: Last October, Glenn Beck was musing on his Radio Show about the prospect of the government seizing his Children if he didn't give them Flu Vaccines. "You want to take my kids because of that?" he said. "Meet Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson."
Last April, Erick Erickson, the managing editor of the right-wing RedState blog and a CNN commentator, was questioning the legality of the Census Bureau's American Community Survey on a radi...
Glenn Beck Mocks Rhetoric Hysteria By Showing Historys Most Dangerous Symbols
More on Loughner and Violent Rhetoric
First up, a friend of mine from Olympia, Zoltan Grossman, has a really good analytical look at Loughner over on Znet and shares his thoughts on where Loughner fits on the political spectrum. When Zoltan speaks, I listen.
Real Fascists in Our Midst
Cliff notes: Zoltan finds lots of connections between Loughner's ramblings and the thinking behind the Posse Comitatus and Sovereign Citizen movements. The grammar and brainwashing stuff that Loughner rambles about is also present in David Wynn's writi...
Glenn Beck Defends Sarah Palin With New Pledge Scam
It was a no-brainer that Glenn Beck would jump on the hastily gerrymandered “FOX ‘News’ Protect Palin” bandwagon after the Tucson massacre. Beck has a lot invested emotionally in the Half-Governor. Not only is she his BFF—she was his first guest on Fox “News”—but he is also knew that an attack on Sarah Palin for her “target maps” would quickly spread to the Beckinator himself. As offensive as the bulls eyes might have been—and the...
Left Lays Seige After Arizona Shootings
Sheriff Dupnik’s comments immediately after the horrific weekend shootings wherelaid the blame on conservative Talk Radio have caused the American left and right even further apart. Though there is no proof that the suspect Jared Loughner ever listened to talk radio, and in fact may actually have leftist beliefs, Sheriff Dupnik continued to pound the airwaves and lengthened his fifteen minutes of fame into a fifth day. Despite the fact that he’s responsible for the investigation of ...
oh no, there's no violent rhetoric on the right
rush limbaugh: "i tell people don’t kill all the liberals. leave enough so we can have two on every campus -- living fossils -- so we will never forget what these people stood for." Ann Coulter: "we need somebody to put rat poisoning in justice stevens' creme brulee. ... that's just a joke, for you in the media." with that being said, you are a democrat. you are saying, "let's cut and run." and i have to tell you, i have been nervous about this interview with you, because what i feel like ...
Charles Krauthammer: 'The origins of Jared Loughner's delusions are clear: mental illness. What are the origins of Paul Krugman'
Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist, political commentator, and physician, Charles Krauthammer, so often a voice of sanity and reason (he is, after all, a Psychiatrist) ... says today exactly what's been needing to be said, in what Peter Wehner refers to as "a 'spectacularly good column' that concludes with a devastating knockout of the New York Times columnist Paul Krugman." Here are a few excerpts to pique your interest. The money quote is "The origins of [Jared] Loughner's delusions ...
Chris Christie Facts XIV: Punching the pensions
New Jersey's Republican Governor, Chris Christie, has not only become an Internet sensation sweeping the nation not only due to his major ownership of Liberal reporters, his winning remarks toward a lying school teacher but for his announcement that the "day of reckoning" has come as well. A lot of people in Conservative, Tea Party and Libertarian camps that don't have the pleasure of living in the Garden State and instead have to deal with governors like Schwarzenegger, Rendell and Paterson wis...
Worst Human Being in the World: Rush Limbaugh
By Michael J.W. Stickings
He could be our Craziest Conservative of the Day, but I think he's actually much worse than that. (Our newest contributor, Nicholas Wilbur, will have more on Rush this afternoon.)
On his Radio Show yesterday, Dear Leader Rush actually said -- I kid you not -- that Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner has the full support of the Democratic Party:
What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full sup...
'Blood libel'
'BLOOD Libel'.... If the goal of Sarah Palin's Speechwriters was to get lots of attention, it worked. Her use of the phrase "blood libel" this morning has sparked quite a bit of discussion.
In context, the half-term Governor, speaking by way of a pre-recorded video because she can't handle interviews, argued that "Journalists and pundits" had manufactured "a blood libel," which in turn may "incite ... hatred and violence."
Palin was a little vague as to what, exactly, constituted "blood libel,...
Beck Stokes Fears Of "A Ban On Guns" Following AZ Shooting
Beck Claims Politicians Are "Pushing" To Ban Guns Following AZ Shooting
Beck: Lawmakers Are Pushing "A Ban On Guns." On his Fox News show, Beck claimed that lawmakers are pushing "a ban on guns" in response to the Arizona shooting. Beck stated:
BECK: It didn't take long for Washington to come out with their solution to the problem of the alleged violent Rhetoric. The solution, however, comes despite not having a shred of evidence that this crazed gunman was motivated by anything other than his...
Palins Persecution Complex Culminates with Blood Libel Accusation
This gaffe -- demonstrating both an ignorance of religious history and language -- tops a disastrous week: her crosshairs map has been Exhibit A in the discussion of the use of gun-related imagery in political Rhetoric. But her PR has been woefully inadequate in explaining the map away as "surveyors symbols." Her TLC show will not be renewed by TLC, her chances for a successful run at the presidency have been downgraded, and even Barbara Walters expressed "feeling a bit sorry for her." Palin, ho...
Arizona Shooting Funeral Protest Strains the First Amendment
The tragic shootings in Tucson raise, yet again, a critical question in a country which cherishes the First Amendment: how much must we tolerate intolerance in the defense of free Speech?
It’s not even about conservative rabble-rouser Glenn Beck, who commonly uses heated Rhetoric (and some outright misstatements) to rally his supporters—and who is now piously attacking the left for purportedly using the shootings to taint the Tea Party movement. The sad truth is that while the shoo...
Words have consequences (Leo W. Gerard)
Five years ago, a 47-year-old Missouri woman began a duplicitous on-line courtship through MySpace with a 13-year-old neighbor who once had been friends with the woman’s daughter.
The adult, Lori Drew, flirted with the 13-year-old, Megan Meier, through the guise of a fictitious, 16-year-old character named Josh Evans. Suddenly, “Josh” broke up with Miss Meier, writing to her, “the world would be a better place without you.” Just hours later, Miss Meier hung herself in h
Joe-Wilson-inspired You Lie! rifle available for sale in South Carolina
What could possibly go wrong here? A South Carolina gun and accessories company is selling semi-automatic rifle components inscribed with “You lie” - a tribute to the infamous words of 2nd District Republican Congressman Joe Wilson when he shouted at President Barack Obama during a congressional Speech about national Health Care reform in the fall of 2009. “Palmetto State Armory would like to honor our esteemed congressman Joe Wilson with the release of our new ‘You...
Palin says efforts to lay blame 'reprehensible'
Sarah Palin spoke out on the Arizona shootings Wednesday, calling the events "tragic" and sharply chastising those who have suggested charged Rhetoric from her and others on the right may have motivated the killings. "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion b...
Glenn Beck seeks Congress members for Giffords letter
Fox News's Glenn Beck is recruiting members of Congress to sign on to his Open Letter denouncing violence and stressing that Jared Lee Loughner's shooting bears no connection to politics.
My colleague Jonathan Allen obtained an email from a Fox producer, Virginia Grace, to Congressional offices this morning:
From: Grace, Virginia
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 9:45 PM
Subject: [LIKELY_SPAM]Glenn Beck// Fox News Request for Rep. ....
Dear XXXX,
Following the tragedies in Arizona, Glenn Beck ha...
Questions for Charles Krauthammer and others on the right
I agree with Charles Krauthammer: It's wrong to blame the Arizona shooting on any specific conservative commentators or individuals, as he argues in his column this morning.
But in the spirit of civil debate that everyone is suddenly clamoring for, I have a couple of follow up questions for him -- or anyone else who feels like answering them -- that I hope he will address, which he could do anytime he likes over on the Post Partisan opinion blog.
Krauthammer argues that claim that the rhetor...
Sarah Palin Invokes Anti-Semitic Term Blood Libel in Reaction to Arizona Shootings
There has been extensive discussion about whether intensified hateful Rhetoric used in partisan debate may have incited accused Arizona shooter Jared Loughner to try to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords at her Congress on the Corner event Saturday, wounding 13 others and killing six. Loughner himself has not yet explicitly expressed a motive, though Law Enforcement has uncovered evidence indicating an extreme political dislike for Giffords. Journalists such as Keith Olbermann and others ...
Sarah Palin just released Video RESPONSE!
Sarah Palin takes on HATE in video JUST RELEASED online! Amid all the finger pointing one would almost begin think Jarred Loughner had thousands of accomplishes. But one of the firmest of fingers has targeted Sarah Palin map as well as comments she made to be the cause, in hopes of discrediting her. But before we go any further with this article, let the record shows Jarred Loughner was mentally disturb and acted alone in the Arizona shootings and is not a fair representation of the publi...
Sarah Palin statement: 'America's Enduring Strength'
The following is the full statement by Sarah Palin, which was posted to Facebook Wednesday, January 12, 2011. Please click here to view the video of this statement. Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent Victims. No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mourn for the victims' families as we express our sympathy. I agree with the sentiments shared yesterday at the beautiful Catholic mass...
The foolishness of the 'blood libel' charge
Greg already touched on many of the more egregious aspects of Sarah Palin's video response to critics, but I wanted to focus more directly on her use of the term "blood Libel."
First off, it would be a serious stretch to assign any blame to Palin for Jared Loughner's actions. But while this is a situation in which Palin has been genuinely wronged by critics, she has already squandered any Moral High Ground she might have fairly laid claim to. Part of Palin's appeal to her base comes from her w...
What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He’s sitting there in jail. He knows what’s going on, he knows that . . . the Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame. He knows if he plays his cards right, he’s just a Victim. He’s the latest in a never-ending parade of victims brought about by the unfairness of America . WE MADE THIS OBSERVATION
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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