The season premier of HBO's “Real Time” with comedian Bill Maher closed Friday night with a sharp critique of Tea Party members for their admiration of the Founding Fathers. Maher made the argument t…
Read more >>I’ve often pointed out that the Tea Party defends a version of the Constitution which exists only in their heads, and certainly not the one supported by the Founding Fathers. During the American Revolution the revolutionaries were the libe…
Read more >>In related news, 77% of Americans are now considered Extremist Teabaggers by the left. A new CBS News poll finds that Americans strongly prefer cutting spending to raising taxes to reduce the federal Deficit. While 77 percent prefer to cut spendin…
Read more >>Steele just dropped out in the race for re-election as RNC chairman. Anyone know anything about the other Candidates? Are they all Teabagger insane? ...…
Read more >>It has been a disturbing day. And like all fast moving news stories the known and unknown ‘facts’ shift by the moment. We will learn more as time goes by but we do know a few things as of now. We know that six people are dead and tha…
Read more >>ICYMI: Charlie Rangel Vs. "The Teabaggers" Ok, Congressman, was that an accident? In case you missed it, here's Rep. Charlie Rangel on Fox Business yesterday, talking about the issue of the $14.3 Trillion National Debt ceiling, and …
Read more >>In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year &…
Read more >>William Miller on RNCC Says “No Deal With Steele.” Update: Black RNC Members Say “No Deal” Too? gastorgrab on Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-Scumbag) a Pretty Big Fan of the Word “Teabagger”… Larry7 (prev. just La…