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Associated Press videos
Oklahoma Governor Swears to Offend the Constitution, Blame..
"Toning Down The Rhetoric" Means Obeying Big Gov..
Scott Laird Punched: Fan Punches Stevenage Player After FA..
Sheriff: Giffords Gunman May Not Have Acted Alone
Jared Loughner Interacted With Giffords in 2007
Shooting Suspect Named: Jared Lee Loughner
Dutch firefighters tackle blaze at chemical plant
Wheeler Seen Disoriented, Shoeless on Surveillance Tape (V..
Navy Investigation Over Lewd Videos Expands To Offender's ..
Favorite Political Moments Our Readers Left Out
Hellion Pat Robertson questions harsh pot laws - Used to t..
Obama Snubs White Kid Wanting Autograph
THOUSANDS Of Protesters Storm Government Building After Ri..
WikiLeaks Founder's Statement From Prison
Provo Tabernacle Fire: Historic Mormon Building Devastated..
(VIDEO) Clay Duke, Panama City Florida School Board Shooti..
Video: Ex-con paints V for Vendetta symbol on wall, opens ..
Palin Urges Americans to Remember Haiti
Reince Priebus, Tossing His Hat in the Ring for RNC Chair
10 Million Viewers Watch Game Show Contestant Hit By Car L..
Obama Touts New Trade Deal With South Korea
Lost in Transition
Boy Falls From Stands During UCLA-Arizona State Game (VIDE..
Leslie Nielsen, R.I.P.
VIDEO: North Korean Shells Blast South Korean Island
TSA Tyrants Search Young Boy at Utah Airport
Pat-Downs Ensnare White House in New Distraction
The Google Maps War That Wasn't
Murkowski: Its time they met one Republican woman who wont..
Global Warming Debate Ignites LSU Classroom
AP: Dem Pat Quinn Wins IL-GOV Race
Recriminations Fly As Morgan Freeman Sucked Into NC GOPer'..
Soros and Men's Wearhouse founder donate to Calif. pot leg..
The Jawa Report: Move On Apparently Not Welcome
AP: Woman's Head Stomped By Paul Fans
Drug Thugs Decapitate Mexican Police Commander Investigati..
Book-Throwing, Streaker at Obama Campaign Event? Hard to S..
GOP Operative Releases Obama Muslim Ad
Ad of the Day: Tea Party Express tells Murkowski to let go..
Snacklash: Junking a Virtuous Bag
Tim Gunn's moving message to gay teens
Ron Johnson: ‘The Science Of Global Warming Is Unpro..
Ron Johnson: "The science of global warming is unprov..
Emanuel Out, Rouse In As Chief Of Staff
Murkowski attacks tea party group in new ad
Rahm Leaving Tomorrow
Canada wants US war resisters to stay
Tea Party-Backed Gubernatorial Candidate Paul LePage Says ..
Nobel Prize To Obama Defended (VIDEO)
Another Democrat's Shameful Racism
LGBT and AIDS Activists Heckle Obama in NYC
Obama's Aunt Says ""If I come as an immigrant, ..
Figures. AP Stringer Arrested for Working With Taliban
Video: Murkowski write-in campaign begins with terrible ne..
"You Have Really Challenged the Whole Country to Sit ..
USC Inches Up In Polls
Maher Digs Up O'Donnell 'Witchcraft' Clip
FCC Asked To Block Nickelodeon Cartoon That's Reportedly A..
Bilal Hussein: Is There Blood On His Hands?
Associated Press and the Bilal Hussein case; Update Pentag..
Tennessee: Herron Ad Calls Fincher 'Unworthy of Our Trust'
Brewer Finally Backpedals: I Was Wrong About Headless Bodi..
Ground Zero Welcomes 16 New Trees for 9/11 Memorial
Excuse Me, Officer, I Speak Jive...
Another Broken Promise
Too dumb to check: Blago jury deadlocked 11-1 to convict o..
Fed-Up Flight Attendant Steven Slater Wants To Fly Again: ..
David Vitter BIRTHER? GOP Senator Supports Lawsuits Over O..
Government Lied: Naked Body Scanners CAN Transmit Images
Andy Griffith Pitches Health Care Law in T.V. Ad
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1. Barack Obama
2. Hu Jintao
3. Gabrielle Giffords
4. Sarah Palin
5. Joe Lieberman
6. Sheila Jackson Lee
7. Harry Reid
8. Jared Loughner
9. Steve Cohen
10. Hillary Clinton
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1. Barack Obama
2. Hu Jintao
3. Gabrielle Giffords
4. Sarah Palin
5. Joe Lieberman
6. Sheila Jackson Lee
7. Harry Reid
8. Jared Loughner
9. Rick Perry
10. Hillary Clinton
hottest topics
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1. Barack Obama
2. Hu Jintao
3. Gabrielle Giffords
4. Sarah Palin
5. Joe Lieberman
6. Sheila Jackson Lee
7. Harry Reid
8. Jared Loughner
9. Rick Perry
10. Hillary Clinton
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