DREAM Act: Carrie Dann writes: A measure that would have offered provisional legal status to some adults who came to America illegally as Children failed to advance in a Senate vote Saturday.
PHOTOS: Lisa Murkowski in pictures
Democratic backers of the Legislation fell short of the 60 votes to move the DREAM Act Legislation forward.
VIDEOS: Lisa Murkowski in videos
Democratic Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Jon Tester of Montana, Max Baucus of Montana, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, and Ben Nelson of Nebraska voted against bringing the bill to the floor; Republican Sens. Richa...
Harry Reid, DREAM ON Dream Act Blocked by US Senate 55 to 41
Hey Harry Reid and Democrats … DREAM ON!
“Dream On” - Live from Aerosmith Boston 2009
The DREAM Act once again failed to break a Filibuster in the Senate on Saturday morning, effectively killing the bill this year. The next time this will be an issue is the 2012 election. The Senate blocked the Dream Act, a bill that was nothing more than backdoor Amnesty , that would have created a path to Citizenship for certain young Illegal Immigrants wh
Dream Act fails to advance in Senate
Reporting from Washington and Los Angeles —
The Senate rejected a path to Citizenship for some Illegal Immigrants on Saturday, a defeat that pushes any effort to reform Immigration into the next Congress where Conservatives will have even more influence.
In a 55-41 vote, senators failed to advance the DREAM Act, which would have provided a way to legalize those immigrants who arrived in the United States illegally as Children and who attend college or serve in the Military. Three Republ...
Senate Roll Call: Falling short on Dream Act
-- The 55-41 roll call Saturday by which the Senate voted to pass the DREAM Act, which would give hundreds of thousands of young Illegal Immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the Armed Forces. The vote fell five short of the 60 needed to enact the Legislation before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats' majority in the Senate next month.
A "yes" vote is a vote to pass the bill.
Voting yes were 50 Democrats, 3 Republicans and 2 indep...
Senate Shatters DREAM
A last-gasp effort to pass an Immigration Bill that has long languished in Congress failed Saturday morning, with Democrats failing to muster the 60 votes required to bring the DREAM Act to the floor for a final vote. The push to resuscitate the bill, which would have created a path to Citizenship for young Illegal Immigrants who met specific requirements, was not expected to pass amid heated opposition from Republicans and some Centrist Democrats, who cast DREAM (the acronym stands for the Deve...
Republicans block DREAM Act from advancing in Senate
The Senate failed to overcome a Republican Filibuster of the DREAM Act on Saturday, giving a setback to a major policy issue of Democrats, Latinos and Immigration Reform supporters. The DREAM Act would give Illegal Immigrants who came to the country at a young age, lived here for at least five years, graduated from High School and attended college or served in the Military a pathway toward Citizenship. By a 55-41 vote, it was five votes short of the 60 it needed to advance. In the end, three Rep...
Utahs Bennett votes for DREAM Act; bill fails in senate
Utah’s lame-duck Senator Bob Bennett was one of three Republicans who voted for the DREAM Act Saturday, but in the end, the bill failed to pass. The other two Republicans were Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski and Dick Lugar of Indiana. Sixty votes were needed for the bill to overcome a Republican Filibuster, and the final vote was five short of that mark. Forty one senators voted no. Five Democrats voted no, John Tester and Max Baucus of Montana, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, North Carolina Senator...
Senate Roll Call: Falling short on Dream Act
The 55-41 roll call Saturday by which the Senate voted to pass the DREAM Act, which would give hundreds of thousands of young Illegal Immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the Armed Forces. The vote fell five short of the 60 needed to enact the Legislation before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats' majority in the Senate next month.
A "yes" vote is a vote to pass the bill.
Voting yes were 50 Democrats, 3 Republicans and 2 Independents.
Senate Roll Call: Falling short on Dream Act
The 55-41 roll call Saturday by which the Senate voted to pass the DREAM Act, which would give hundreds of thousands of young Illegal Immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the Armed Forces. The vote fell five short of the 60 needed to enact the Legislation before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats' majority in the Senate next month.
A "yes" vote is a vote to pass the bill.
Voting yes were 50 Democrats, 3 Republicans and 2 Independents.
Voting ...
BREAKING: DADT repeal advances in the Senate, DREAM Act blocked
Good news, bad news. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the Senate will take a final vote Saturday afternoon on Legislation that would overturn the U.S. Military's ban on Openly Gay Troops. The vote on ending the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is set for 3 p.m. (2000 GMT) before senators turn to a nuclear arms treaty with Russia. Passage would send the military measure to the White House. Senators cleared the way for final action with a 63-33 vote earlier Saturday to move the bill ahead. A ...
Another Harry Reid epic failure! DREAM Act cloture vote fails 55-41
Another Harry Reid epic failure! DREAM Act Cloture vote fails 55-41
This is the issue of the day that was most important to me, not the Don’t ask, Don’ tell Repeal. Thankfully the nightmare amensty “Dream Act” Cloture vote failed today 55-41. It needed 60 yes votes to go to a full vote. Had this bill passed, I think it would have done far more damage to the country than repealing Don’t ask, Don’t Tell. Of course, i’m not Military expert either. The RIN...
Why one is hard pressed to take the Democratic Party seriously
The egregious Senate (which does deserve credit for repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, with the support of eight Republican senators), of course also refused to move forward with the "Dream Bill" because there were "only" 55 senators (out of 100, which in some countries that call themselves democracies would be a relevant data point) to support ending debate on the measure. Although, needless to say, most members of the Republican Party voted against Cloture, three did not: Senators Richard Lugar, ...
Senate roll vote on Dream Act immigration changes
The 55-41 roll call Saturday by which the Senate voted to pass the DREAM Act, which would give hundreds of thousands of young Illegal Immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the Armed Forces. The vote fell five short of the 60 needed to enact the Legislation before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats’ majority in the Senate next month. A “yes” vote is a vote to pass the bill. Voting yes were 50 Democrats, 3 Republicans and 2 inde...
Republicans crush Dream Act in Senate
WASHINGTON — A last-ditch Democratic effort to establish a path to Citizenship for some Children of undocumented immigrants failed in the Senate on Saturday, likely derailing any attempt at sweeping Immigration Reform in Congress for the foreseeable future.
The bill, known as the DREAM Act, had passed the House, and its advocates and Democratic sponsors hoped that they could muster enough Republican votes to bring the Legislation to the floor. Instead, it fell Victim to a GOP Filibuster, ...
Awwwww. Fish Wrap Is Concerned For Barry After DREAM Act Defeat
Apparently, the defeat of the DREAM Act Amnesty bill has left Obama's policy in disarray. Really, what policy of his isn't in disarray? The majority of Americans are against most of what he done/tried to do, as well as what he wants to do now. So many have said "this isn't what we thought we were voting for in 2008." Gee, if only they had focused more on what Obama stood for, rather than falling for hopey changeyness. Anyhow, Julia Preston of the Fish Wrap brings us the "news analysis", otherwis...
Dream Act dries up in Senate, posing problem for Obama
Washington • The vote by the Senate on Saturday to block a bill to grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of Illegal Immigrant Students was a painful setback to an emerging movement of young immigrants and also appeared to leave in disarray the Immigration policy of President Barack Obama's administration, which has supported the bill and the movement. A vote to bring the bill, known as the DREAM Act, up for debate gained 55 votes in favor with 41 against, a tally that fell short of t...
Tea Party scores major win on illegal immigration
Illegal Immigration has been a key issue in the Tea Party in this area - as at this June rally. This area's Tea Party - which was rooted in Protests by area building tradesmen against Illegal Aliens - scored a major win today: the defeat of the DREAM Act mini-amnesty for younger illegal aliens. Today, the Senate voted 55-41 to defeat the DREAM Act - and both senators from North Carolina, including Democrat Kay Hagan, voted to defeat it. The Tea Party's leade...
Senate Roll Call: Falling short on Dream Act
The 55-41 roll call Saturday by which the Senate voted to pass the DREAM Act, which would give hundreds of thousands of young Illegal Immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the Armed Forces. The vote fell five short of the 60 needed to enact the Legislation before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats’ majority in the Senate next month. A “yes” vote is a vote to pass the bill. Voting yes were 50 Democrats, 3 Republicans and 2 inde...
Republicans to Latinos: we dont want your DREAM Act children here
With Saturday’s Senate vote defeating the DREAM Act, Republicans dash the hopes and dreams of hundreds of thousands of innocent Children of undocumented aliens. In the end, Right Wing efforts to demonize entire groups of people and ignore facts countering GOP ideology were successful. For example, the Center for Immigration studies, a restrictionist web site popular with nativists and Far Right Conservatives, wrongly claimed the act would cost $6.2 billion a year despite a non-partisan Con...
Bad News-The DREAM has died
The weeks of rallies, Hunger Strikes and sit-ins and the thousands of phone calls placed to Senate offices didn’t pay off for Immigration Activists.
The decade-old DREAM Act once again failed to break a Filibuster in the Senate on Saturday morning, effectively killing the bill this year and shutting the door on what perhaps was the last chance for pro-immigration reform Legislation until at least the 2012 election.
Darn it.
I was so looking forward to oodles more illegals pouring th...
DREAM Senate Vote Fails
The DREAM Act Cloture vote just failed in the Senate, 55 to 41. The Cloture vote was on the version of DREAM that passed the House earlier this month. Among Republicans, only Sens. Bob Bennett of Utah, Richard Lugar of Indiana, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted for the bill. On the Democat side, Sens. Jon Tester of Montana, Max Baucus of Montana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Pyror of Arkansas, and Kay Hagan of North Carolina voted against the bill. UPDATE : Forgot to note that Democrat Sen. Joe...
Immigration activists disappointed after Senate blocks DREAM Act
A bill that would have granted legal status to hundreds of thousands of undocumented Students was blocked in the Senate on Saturday, effectively killing its chances of passing this year.
Sixty votes were needed to overcome Republican efforts to prevent action on the Legislation, known as the DREAM Act. Proponents could muster only 55 -- with 44 senators voting no.
Immigration Activists and undocumented students, some of whom drove overnight from Miami to Washington, reacted with frustration on...
Republcans end year with scrooge move on immigration
Senate Republicans on Saturday doomed an effort that would have given hundreds of thousands of young Illegal Immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the Military. Sponsors of the DREAM Act fell five votes short of the 60 they needed to break through largely GOP opposition and win its enactment before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats‘ majority in the Senate next month. “A minority of senators prevented the Senate from doing what most...
Senate Blocks DREAM Act, "Disappointing" Says Obama
Undocumented College Student Jorge Herrera, 18, center, of Carson, Calif., rallies with Students and DREAM Act supporters in Los Angeles, Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010. (AP Photo/Jason Redmond)
After numerous Protests, debates and delays, the DREAM Act failed to break a Filibuster in the Senate with a 55-41 vote. The act—which would provide a path to Citizenship for immigrants who came to the country before they were 16, are under the age of 30, earned a High School diploma or a GED and enroll...
Undocumented students devastated after U.S. Senate blocks DREAM Act - Immigration - MiamiHerald.com
A Controversial bill that would have granted legal status to hundreds of thousands of undocumented Students was blocked once again in the Senate Saturday.
The 55-41 vote in of the so-called DREAM Act was five votes shy of moving onto the Senate floor, effectively killing its chances of passing this year.
Immigration Activists and undocumented students, some of whom drove overnight from Miami to Washington, reacted with frustration on hearing the final vote. Dozens gathered at Yambo Restaurant ...
Plan bans illegals from public universities
The "DREAM Act" plan, defeated in Congress today, would have given benefits and rights to Illegal Aliens who want to go to school in the U.S., but the state of Virginia isn't prepared to depend on what Washington decides - it has its own plan to address the situation: a ban on those Students in public colleges and universities. A leading GOP legislator in the Virginia House of Delegates is poised to introduce a bill which would prohibit Illegal Aliens from attending public colleges and universi...
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Dems who voted against the Dream Act : Kay Hagan -NC, Mark Pryor-AR, Ben Nelson-NE, Jon Tester-MT, Max Baucus-MT. (Plus all but 3 repubs)
How could Dem Sens. Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor, Jon Tester, Max Baucus and Kay Hagan vote no on the DREAM Act and let those students down?!?!?
The Dems who voted no on the DREAM Act : Sens. Ben Nelson (Neb.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), Jon Tester (Mt.), Max Baucus (Mt.) and Kay Hagan (N.C.)
Democrats who voted against DREAM ACT : Sens. Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor, Jon Tester, Max Baucus, and Kay Hagan
5 dems are responsible for derailing the Dream Act . Max Baucus and Jon Tester, Kay Hagan , Ben Nelson and Mark Pryor. You people are idiots.
Kay Hagan (D-NC) votes to block the DREAM Act .
Kay Hagan only D to vote NO twice since 12/15 (tax cuts, Dream Act ). Yes on DADT repeal & START. Manchin missed would-be no votes
Kay Hagan voted NO on Dream Act - Discrimination - DEMS GET HER OUT OF OFFICE !!
�5 Democrats who voted AGAINST the DREAM Act : Jon Tester, Ben Nelson, Kay Hagan , Max Baucus and Mark Pryor.
N. Carolina Kay Hagan , from Arkansas Jon Pryor, Montana Max Baucus y Jon Tester, Nebraska's Ben Nelson. Dems AGAINST Dream Act
Dems agst Dream Act included Max Baucus & Jon Tester of MT,Ben Nelson of NE, Kay Hagan of NC, & Mark Pryor of AR <THANK YOU 4 preserv/sovrnt
Dems voting AGAINST DREAM Act : Mark Pryor, Ark; Kay Hagan , NC; Ben Nelson, Neb; Jon Tester, Mont., Max Baucus, Mont.
These people suck: Dems voting AGAINST DREAM Act : Mark Pryor, Ark; Kay Hagan , NC; Ben Nelson, Neb; Jon Tester, Mont., Max Baucus, Mont.
Kay Hagan voted no on the dream act ? seriously? North Carolina, what is going on with your senator?
Democrats who voted against the Dream Act . Remember their names. Mark Pryor, Jon Tester , Max Baucus , Kay Hagan , and Ben Nelson.
Both Sens. Richard Burr and Kay Hagan vote NO today on DREAM Act cloture
Both Sens. Richard Burr and Kay Hagan vote NO today on DREAM Act cloture
"@zimism: Senator Kay Hagan voted against the DREAM act ." vote against her whenits election time
Both Sens. Richard Burr and Kay Hagan vote NO today on DREAM Act cloture
McCaskill and Kay Hagan were both on the fence. McCaskill voted yes, Hagan opposed it... Dream Act has fallen short of 60.
Both Sens. Richard Burr and Kay Hagan vote NO today on DREAM Act cloture
Kay Hagan @SenatorHagan Protect unemployed Americans by voting against the Dream Act
Please Senators, vote NO and oppose the horrible DREAM Act :Jon Tester@jontester; Kay Hagan @SenatorHagan; Kay Bailey Hutchison@kaybaileyhutch
Just sent Kay Hagan a personal message to vote for the Dream Act .
Just posted something on Kay Hagan 's FB wall about the Dream Act . You should too.