Lindsey Graham

Born: July 09,1955
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Lindsey Graham news


New START clears vote threshold; Kyl won't admit defeat

The Cable - 8hrs 30mins ago

Everyone here on Capitol Hill is beginning to see the ratification of New START as increasingly inevitable -- everyone, that is, except for Sen. Jon Kyl. As the Senate headed toward a vote to close debate on the treaty, more and more GOP senato…


Graham: GOP to blame for 'capitulation ... of dramatic proportions' in lame-duck

The Hill - 7hrs 34mins ago

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) lashed out at fellow Republicans Tuesday for a "capitulation ... of dramatic proportions" to Democrats and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in the lame-duck Congress. Graham said Republicans have no one to …


Lindsey Graham: Senate owes Jon Kyl an apology for moving forward with New START

The Plum Line - 7hrs 22mins ago

Look, I get that being an elected member of the world's greatest deliberative body is a really awesome gig, with lots of perks -- secret holds, Senators-only elevators -- that encourage a rather outsized view of the importance of individual Sena…


There's no stopping START in Senate

Washington Examiner - 10hrs 14mins ago

Republican opponents of a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia can do little to stop what appears to be a growing momentum to ratify the agreement in coming days. With one senator, Ron Wyden, D-Ore., out of commission due to Cancer surgery, 6…


Shocker! Obama Regime Fails to Release Annual Report on Union Corruption

Weasel Zippers - 1hr 7mins ago

dmacleo on How Big a Disaster Has The Lame-Duck Session Been? Lindsey Graham Now Scolding Fellow RINOs For “Capitulating” to Democrats… (Daily Caller)- The Office of Labor Management Statistics (OLMS) was supposed to release an a…


How Big a Disaster Has The Lame-Duck Session Been? Lindsey Graham Now Scolding Fellow RINOs For Capitulating to Democrats

Weasel Zippers - 1hr 34mins ago

dmacleo on How Big a Disaster Has The Lame-Duck Session Been? Lindsey Graham Now Scolding Fellow RINOs For “Capitulating” to Democrats… myrtle on Shocker! Obama Regime Fails to Release Annual Report on Union Corruption… car…


Anti-Happy Meal Mom Is Also a Big Govt Bureaucrat

Weasel Zippers - 1hr 49mins ago

dmacleo on How Big a Disaster Has The Lame-Duck Session Been? Lindsey Graham Now Scolding Fellow RINOs For “Capitulating” to Democrats… myrtle on Shocker! Obama Regime Fails to Release Annual Report on Union Corruption… car…


Non-Stop START

National Review Online - 4hrs 48mins ago

Washington — New START moved one step closer to ratification Tuesday, as the Senate voted 67–28 to end debate. A vote on final passage is expected Wednesday. Eleven Republicans voted for Cloture — Sens. Dick Lugar (Ind.), Bob Ben…