Tax Increase: Alternate headline: “Blogger now opposes tax deal.” Seriously, though: Is this true or a clever lie by DeFazio? “The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he doesn’t get this bad deal,” he told CNN’s Eliot Spitzer.
PHOTOS: Chris Christie in pictures
Obama’s push shows that the president is going to the mat in order to push through Congress the Compromise brokered with Republicans...
VIDEOS: Chris Christie in videos
Peter DeFazio: Obama Says Tax Deal Must Pass Or Its The End Of His Presidency
Washington, D.C. is full of rumors; there’s one going around now that is of particular interest to those of us who pay attention to such things. One Democrat lawmaker says that President Obama is pushing Democrats to support the current tax deal on the table or it’s the “end of his presidency.”
Rep. Peter Defazio said in an interview on CNN’s little watched Parker-Spitzer that President Obama has laid down the gauntlet by telling lawmakers that if he doesn’t pass this ta
REPORT: Obama told lawmakers not passing tax deal could end presidency...
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker. Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said. "The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he doesn't get this bad deal," ...
Congressman: Obama Warned If Tax Compromise Fails Its The End Of His Presidency
Last night on CNN ’s Parker Spitzer, Democratic congressman Peter Defazio appeared and wanted his opposition to President Obama’s tax Compromise to be heard loud and clear. With the tax Compromise very much in jeopardy as liberal members of the House of Representatives are currently in revolt, DeFazio’s comments not only ruffled a few feathers in the White House, but they also earned him a return appearance on tonight’s Parker Spitzer so that he can clarify his story and...
Obama: Vote For Tax Deal Or It's the End of Me
I wish it was that easy:
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said.
"The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he do...
Obama: Vote For Tax Deal Or It's the End of Me
I wish it was that easy:
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said.
"The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he do...
NJ Gov. comes out in support of Obama tax deal
New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie came out in support of the tax Compromise reached by President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans that passed the Senate Wednesday afternoon in an 81-19 vote.
“Governor Christie supports President Obama and Congressional Republicans' Compromise which ensures that during this difficult economic time no American is subject to a Tax Increase on January 1st,” Christie spokeswoman Maria Comella told NewsCore in a statement. ...
Obama's Novel Spin On M.A.D. - "Assured Self-Destruction"; President Tells Congress Not Passing Tax Deal Would End His Presiden
payout season on Wall Street ever ), whether Obama's departure would even be considered 'bad thing'...
From The Hill:
"The White House is putting on tremendous pressure making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he doesn't get this bad deal," he told CNN's Eliot Spitzer.
Obama's push shows that the president is going to the mat in order to push through Congress the Compromise brokered with Republicans.
During the end of the healthcare deba...
PRUDEN: The noisy display of dead ducks
Those aren't lame ducks in session on Capitol Hill. They're dead ducks, but like chickens that can still take a few steps once their necks are wrung, these dead ducks are flailing and flapping across the barnyard, leaving a trail of blood and gore.
The Democrats of the 111th Congress, which can't die soon enough, still can't wrap their minds around the November election returns. They can't figure out how humiliating repudiation could have happened to such wise and wonderful folk. The decks of th...
Tax Deal Hits Procedural Snag in the House
WASHINGTON —The $858 billion Tax Cut package negotiated by the White House and Republican leaders hit a procedural snag on Thursday, as Liberal Democrats skirmished with Party Leaders over its estate-tax provisions. At issue was whether the House would vote on an amendment to tax a larger proportion of wealthy estates and to apply a higher rate than was provided for in the Compromise package. Estate taxes have long generated political heat. Would other kinds of taxes work just as well? Th...
President Obama to Meet with Labor Leaders Friday
President Obama will welcome union leaders to the White House Friday in an effort to have a substantive conversation on The Economy. The meeting comes as Obama earlier this week also met with the CEOs of major companies, partly to mend his sometimes strained relationship with the business community, but also to talk Job Creation. Obama has had a strong-backing from the major unions in the country, however they were not happy when President Obama extended a federal pay freeze. "The president talk...
President Obama to Meet with Labor Leaders Friday
President Obama will welcome union leaders to the White House Friday in an effort to have a substantive conversation on The Economy. The meeting comes as Obama earlier this week also met with the CEOs of major companies, partly to mend his sometimes strained relationship with the business community, but also to talk Job Creation. Obama has had a strong-backing from the major unions in the country, however they were not happy when President Obama extended a federal pay freeze. "The president talk...
Is Democratic Opposition to Obama Also Racial?
Republican disagreement with the president on policies is often labeled Racist. What do you call it when Democrats oppose the first significant Bipartisan Compromise so vigorously that one of them even tosses the f-word at the president? There is the familiar theme: "We oppose the president on his latest legislative initiative." There is the familiar Rhetoric: "The president is spineless and needs to take a stand." Then there is the face of the opposition: the Republicans on Capitol Hill. But no...
Obama: No Tax Deal = Failed Presidency
From The Hill:
Obama tells lawmakers not passing tax deal could end presidency, Dem says
By Jordan Fabian - 12/15/10
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter DeFazio (Ore.) said .
So it would be a ‘win win’?
"The Whit...
Controversy surrounding DeFazio comments on Obama continues
(CNN) - Rep. Peter Defazio, D-Oregon, Thursday appeared to backtrack comments he made on CNN's "Parker Spitzer" Wednesday night claiming he'd been told President Obama pressured Democrats to vote for a Controversial extension of Bush-era Tax Cuts, saying not passing them would be "the end of his presidency." DeFazio's turnaround on the issue comes a few hours after the White House said the President "hasn't said anything remotely close to that." As a follow up, DeFazio is scheduled to appear Th...
NJ Governor Chris Christie supports tax deal (Daily Caller)
Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie supports the tax deal reached by President Obama and congressional Republicans, a spokesperson says.
In a statement, Christie spokesperson Maria Comella said, “Governor Christie supports President Obama and Congressional Republicans’ Compromise which ensures that during this difficult economic time no American is subject to a Tax Increase on January 1st.”
“However, if Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic lawmakers use this o...
NJ Governor Chris Christie supports tax deal
Amanda Carey is a political reporter at the Daily Caller. She previously worked for Robert Novak and Reason Magazine. Carey is a graduate of Clemson University in South Carolina. Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie supports the tax deal reached by President Obama and congressional Republicans, a spokesperson says. In a statement, Christie spokesperson Maria Comella said, “Governor Christie supports President Obama and Congressional Republicans’ Compromise which ensures t...
Tax-cut deal could revive Obama's chances in 2012 - Politics AP -
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's tax-cut deal with Republican lawmakers may help him lay the groundwork for his political revival heading into his 2012 re-election campaign - if it strengthens The Economy as intended.
If economic forecasters are right, the deal will help The Economy grow and could lower Unemployment sharply over the next two years. That's the kind of record that can help first-term presidents win re-election even after rough Midterm Elections: Consider Ronald Reagan and...
Reid defends earmarks, blasts some Republicans as hypocrites
Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry gave a full-throated defense of Earmarks Thursday and criticized some Republicans for seeking them in a pending government-funding bill despite a recent pledge to ban them. "Some people who speak out against congressionally directed spending or Earmarks are people who have more Earmarks than others. They're hoping, of course, it will pass and they can go home and do the press events as they've done with the stimulus money that we have gotten back t...
Christie Supports Tax Deal
New Jersey's Republican Governor Chris Christie came out in support of the tax Compromise reached by President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans that passed the Senate Wednesday afternoon in an 81-19 vote. "Governor Christie supports President Obama and Congressional Republicans' Compromise which ensures that during this difficult economic time no American is subject to a Tax Increase on January 1st," Christie spokeswoman Maria Comella told NewsCore in a statement....
DeFazio (OR-D) Says Barack Obama told Lawmakers not Passing Tax Deal Could End Presidency
According to The Hill , US Rep. Peter Defazio (OR - D) stated that Obama told lawmakers not passing the tax deal could end his presidency. Obama denies making any such comment. Obama’s presidency over because of not passing the tax deal? Not quite, Obama’s presidency is over for many other reasons as soon by his continued low Approval Ratings and his signature Health Care Legislation being in deep trouble with the people and the courts.
Might end his presidency …
Dem Congressman Says Obama Told Him Not Passing Tax-Cut Deal Could End His Presidency
Awww, how cute, he thinks his Presidency isn’t over yet…
(The Hill)- In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said.
“The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making...
Candid camera in Congress
All eyes — well, all wonky eyes — are on the House today where some Democrats are attempting to amend the estate-tax provision of the White House and Senate Republican tax Compromise. But what if instead of watching the classic CSPAN angles (stationary shots of the Congressperson speaking or wide shots of the chamber), there were — gasp! — lawmaker reaction shots, close-ups and candid angles of the floor. The current staidness of the coverage is not all C-SPAN’s fau...
How Obamas Tax Deal Is a Compromise of Details, Not Principles
Nearly 10 years ago, President George W. Bush signed into Legislation sweeping Tax Cuts for all federal Income Tax brackets, including various Tax Credits and estate Tax Exemptions. Many Americans saw an immediate tax savings, and now those Tax Cuts are set to expire on December 31, 2010—unless Congress votes to extend them. In most cases this would lead to a great debate between Republicans and Democrats, but instead the parties are negotiating a deal that extends the Bush Tax Cuts and ...
David Thielen: Senator Michael Johnston Interview
First off an Apology, I forgot my recorder and so was not able to record the interview. So we're going by my memory and a couple of notes I made. Consider all "quotes" to be paraphrases.
We started off with Senator Johnston asking me about my idea to address TABOR, etc. He was interested because most every Republican I have mentioned it to finds it an interesting alternative and so it might get wide support. The idea is to eliminate all Budget restrictions in the constitution and replace it w...
Negotiating 101
On November 29, all 42 Republican senators signed a letter to Harry Reid that said this:
we write to inform you that we will not agree to invoke Cloture on the motion to proceed to any legislative item until the Senate has acted to fund the government and we have prevented the Tax Increase that is currently awaiting all American Taxpayers. With little time left in this Congressional session, legislative scheduling should be focused on these critical priorities. While there are other items that...
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