Barack Obama: According to The Hill , US Rep. Peter Defazio (OR - D) stated that Obama told lawmakers not passing the tax deal could end his presidency.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
Obama denies making any such comment.
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Obama’s presidency over because of not passing the tax deal? Not quite, Obama’s presidency is over for many other reasons as soon by his continued low Approval Ratings and his signature Health Care Legislation being in deep trouble with the people and the courts. Might end his presidency … ...
Dem Congressman Says Obama Told Him Not Passing Tax-Cut Deal Could End His Presidency
Awww, how cute, he thinks his Presidency isn’t over yet…
(The Hill)- In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said.
“The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making...
REPORT: Obama told lawmakers not passing tax deal could end presidency...
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker. Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said. "The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he doesn't get this bad deal," ...
Obama: Vote For Tax Deal Or It's the End of Me
I wish it was that easy:
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said.
"The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he do...
Obama: Vote For Tax Deal Or It's the End of Me
I wish it was that easy:
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said.
"The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he do...
"Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut legislation could result in the end of his presidency..."
Or so says Oregon Congressman Peter Defazio.
The White House denies it: "The president hasn’t said anything remotely like that and has never spoken with Mr. DeFazio about the issue." Denies even speaking to DeFazio?
There's a discrepancy. Maybe both are lying, but both can't be telling the truth.
The quote from the White House has internal indicia of dishonesty. The spokesman (Tommy Vietor) is asserting, with respect to another person (the President), that things have never happened. Viet...
Obama: No Tax Deal = Failed Presidency
From The Hill:
Obama tells lawmakers not passing tax deal could end presidency, Dem says
By Jordan Fabian - 12/15/10
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter DeFazio (Ore.) said .
So it would be a ‘win win’?
"The Whit...
Rep. DeFazio: Emo Obama Says Not Passing Tax Deal Could End Presidency
Emo Obama is back, according to Obama-Republican tax-cut opponent Peter Defazio, who said last night that the president is “making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he doesn’t get” his deal passed. Oh, is that it? One thing doesn’t go his way and suddenly the whole world has conspired against Emo Obama and his feelings and completely ruined being president for him? DeFazio, though, thinks this tax-cut thing getting passed will actually ruin ObamaR...
Dem: Obama says not passing tax deal would be 'end of his presidency'
(CNN) - Rep. Peter Defazio, D-Oregon, on Wednesday claimed that President Obama put pressure on Democrats to vote for a Controversial extension of Bush-era Tax Cuts, saying it would be "the end of his presidency." In an interview with CNN's Eliot Spitzer on "Parker Spitzer," DeFazio said "The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls; the president's making phone calls saying that's the end of his presidency if he doesn't get this bad deal." Asked by CNN's Kathleen Parker...
Obama Pleads: Pass Tax Deal or My Presidency Is Over
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker. Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thoug...
Cynical Me
If I were a completely cynical political type, I'd say to hell with the merits of the "tax deal," because we just found the best reason to vote No.
As reported by The Hill (h/t HotAir), Obama tells lawmakers not passing tax deal could end presidency, Dem says:
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut legislat...
Dem Congressman: Obama Warns Tax Bill Could Be End Of His Presidency
"The president is making phone calls saying 'this is the end' of his presidency if he doesn't get this bad deal," Rep. Peter Defazio (D-Oregon) told CNN. "I don't feel that way. I think this is potentially the end of his possibility of getting reelected if he gets this deal," DeFazio added....
Dem rep: Obama told us if the tax deal doesnt pass, its the end of his presidency
Alternate headline: “Blogger now opposes tax deal.”
Seriously, though: Is this true or a clever lie by DeFazio?
“The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he doesn’t get this bad deal,” he told CNN’s Eliot Spitzer.
Obama’s push shows that the president is going to the mat in order to push through Congress the Compromise brokered with Republicans...
Controversy surrounding DeFazio comments on Obama continues
(CNN) - Rep. Peter Defazio, D-Oregon, Thursday appeared to backtrack comments he made on CNN's "Parker Spitzer" Wednesday night claiming he'd been told President Obama pressured Democrats to vote for a Controversial extension of Bush-era Tax Cuts, saying not passing them would be "the end of his presidency." DeFazio's turnaround on the issue comes a few hours after the White House said the President "hasn't said anything remotely close to that." As a follow up, DeFazio is scheduled to appear Th...
Obama's Novel Spin On M.A.D. - "Assured Self-Destruction"; President Tells Congress Not Passing Tax Deal Would End His Presiden
payout season on Wall Street ever ), whether Obama's departure would even be considered 'bad thing'...
From The Hill:
"The White House is putting on tremendous pressure making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he doesn't get this bad deal," he told CNN's Eliot Spitzer.
Obama's push shows that the president is going to the mat in order to push through Congress the Compromise brokered with Republicans.
During the end of the healthcare deba...
Saving President Obama --- from himself
Saving President Obama
by digby
Arm-twisting for Tax Cuts:
In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the Healthcare Debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
Obama is telling members of Congress that failure to pass the tax-cut Legislation could result in the end of his presidency, Rep. Peter Defazio (Ore.) said.
"The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls, the president is making phone calls saying this is ...
Peter DeFazio: Obama Says Tax Deal Must Pass Or Its The End Of His Presidency
Washington, D.C. is full of rumors; there’s one going around now that is of particular interest to those of us who pay attention to such things. One Democrat lawmaker says that President Obama is pushing Democrats to support the current tax deal on the table or it’s the “end of his presidency.”
Rep. Peter Defazio said in an interview on CNN’s little watched Parker-Spitzer that President Obama has laid down the gauntlet by telling lawmakers that if he doesn’t pass this ta
TRENDING: Palin calls tax deal 'lousy'
(CNN) - Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin voiced strong opposition to the Tax Cuts passed in both chambers of Congress and revealed her 2012 timeline. "I think it's a lousy deal and we can do better for the American People," Palin said on ABC Friday. The tax package the president will sign Friday concludes months of contentious politicking over a Compromise between the White House and members of Congress, a deal Palin said is "still not good enough." "You can term it compromise, I term it flip flop...
Dem: Obama says presidency at risk if tax deal fails
A Veteran House Democrat said Wednesday that President Barack Obama is trying to drum up support for his Tax Cut package by warning lawmakers that failing to pass the deal would be "the end of his presidency."
Rep. Peter Defazio (D-Ore.) said the White House is putting a full-court press on Democratic lawmakers, who last week cast a non-binding Caucus vote to oppose the Legislation that would temporarily extend the Bush Era tax cuts, including breaks to the wealthiest Americans.
Democrat Peter DeFazio: President Is Telling Some Lawmakers "This Is The End of His Presidency" If Tax Cut Deal Fails
Democrat Peter Defazio on the highly rated Parker/Spitzer program on CNN
DeFavio: "The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls; the president's making phone calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he doesn't get this bad deal."
Obama Says its End of Presidency Without Tax Deal?
If Rep. Peter Defazio, D-Ore., is to be believed, President Obama is casting the upcoming House vote on the Tax Cut deal in very stark terms.
“The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls,” DeFazio said on CNN’s Parker Spitzer. “The president’s making phone calls saying that’s the end of his presidency if he doesn’t get this bad deal.”
Not true, says the White House….
Read more.
Pleasing 23% with trillions
From Rasmussen: “Just 23% of Likely U.S. Voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, December 12. Down three points from last week, it’s the most pessimistic finding since January 2009.”
The message is clear. Washington is spending too much.
From the Hill: “The Senate plans to work through the weekend to ratify the New START Treaty and a Trillion-dollar spending bi...
ThinkFast: December 17, 2010
At midnight last night, the House approved the White House Tax Cut deal , sending the bill to President Obama, who is expected to sign it today. The deal, already approved by Senate, extends the Bush tax cuts and Unemployment Benefits, and was hailed by both sides as a rare Bipartisan achievement and “a prototype” for future bargains in the new Congress.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) withdrew the $1.1 Trillion omnibus spending bill from Senate consideration yesterday afte...
Not Passing Tax Cuts Would be End of Obama Presidency
Rep. Peter Defazio (D-OR) told CNN that President Obama put pressure on Democrats to vote for his Tax Cut package saying that if it failed it would be politically devastating.
Said Fazio: "The White House is putting on tremendous pressure, making phone calls; the president's making phone calls saying that's the end of his presidency if he doesn't get this bad deal."
Of course, as Greg Sargent notes, DeFazio "is basing this claim on what a single other House member told him. And he won't even na...
The Commerce Clause, Ctd
After reading my earlier post, Jonathan Chait was good enough to respond. Here is how he begins:
The legal merits of Hudson’s ruling, which seem to be totally daft, are themselves piggybacked upon a policy argument which is itself highly unpersuasive at best. The political argument, endorsed by Friedersdorf, maintains that the Individual Mandate represents some dramatic new imposition of Congressional power. Congress’s power may have grown over the years, the argument holds, but th...
Bill McCollum - The wrong way to reform health care
On Thursday, 20 states argued in a Pensacola, Fla., courtroom against not only the Individual Mandate in the federal health-care law but also the massive Medicaid expansion that places state budgets and Taxpayers in peril. Our suit differs from that brought by the state of Virginia, but we agree that the health reform law crosses legal boundaries. The Obama Administration has threatened that court rulings against this Legislation will devastate efforts to provide universal Health Care. Yet unt...
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