CNN : Washington (CNN) - Americans feel sadness, anger and shock in the wake of the tragic events in Tucson, Arizona, according to a new National Poll.
PHOTOS: CNN in pictures
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates there's plenty of blame to go around over the shootings, but two-thirds of the public is pessimistic that the government or society can prevent something like this from happening again.
VIDEOS: CNN in videos
A total of 19 people were shot January 8 at the "Congress on Your Corner" event at a Tucson sup...
Post-Tucson Poll: Little Support for Gun Control
CNN reports:
Americans feel sadness, anger and shock in the wake of the tragic events in Tucson, Arizona, according to a new National Poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates there’s plenty of blame to go around over the shootings, but two-thirds of the public is pessimistic that the government or society can prevent something like this from happening again.
View full results (pdf)
A total of 19 people were shot January 8 at the “Congress on Yo...
Polls: Favorable to Obama Arizona Response and Mixed on Palin Crosshairs Map
The poll numbers are coming out now on how Americans are perceiving the tragic shootings in Arizona and the response of some politicians to it. The verdict: Obama rising and Palin at the very best did not impress or unimpressed.
ABC News reports:
Americans divide on the risks posed by the tone of the country’s political discourse but approve overwhelmingly of President Obama’s attempt to redirect it. Most also hold some hopes of political conciliation in the aftermath of the Tucson ...
CNN Poll: By 59% to 35% Margin Americans Say Palins Crosshairs Map Had Nothing to do With Giffords Shooting
In related news, 35% of the American public has been brainwashed by the MSM into believing Captain Crazypants was driven to mass Murder by a map (that he probably never saw). Washington (CNN) - Americans feel sadness, anger and shock in the wake of the tragic events in Tucson, Arizona, according to a new National Poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates there’s plenty of blame to go around over the shootings, but two-thirds of the public is pessi...
Why Gabrielle Giffords shooting hasn't boosted gun control (The Christian Science Monitor)
The aftermath of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others - six fatally - last week has resulted in no plans for sweeping antigun Legislation.
Instead, Gun Control proposals forwarded by members of Congress in the past week have been notably limited in scope - seeking to address only narrow subsections of the population or perceived legal Loopholes. The reason: the political calculus of Gun Control has changed dramatically in the past 20 years, resulting in a strongly pro-g
CNN Develops New Retard Test
This new CNN poll on the Tucson Mass Shooting
QUESTION: Overall, how much do you blame each of the following for the shooting in Arizona — a great deal, a moderate amount, not much, or not at all?
The laws under which guns are bought and sold in this country
Great deal 30% … Moderate amount 22% … Not much 14% … Not at all 33%
The use of harsh Rhetoric and violent metaphors by politicians and commentators
Great deal 25% … Moderate amount 23% …
CNN poll: Dont blame Palin
CNN released a little of its latest poll. It deals with the national tragedy that left 6 dead and 13 wounded in Tucson.
I don’t think the network brass got what they wanted.
Asked how much Sarah Palin had to do with it, 15% said not much and 44% said she had nothing to do with it — even though the question was loaded (“A map on Sarah Palin’s website that marked 20 Congressional Districts, including the district by the congresswoman who was shot…”).
Yet Another Poll that States that Sarah Palins Cross-Hairs & Political Rhetoric Had Little to Do with Tucson Shooting
CNN has yet out another poll looking for blame in the Tucson, AZ shooting tragedy that left 6 dead and 14 wounded. However, once again those polled do not find Sarah Palin’s bulls-eye map or political Rhetoric to blame. Previous polls from CBS and Quinnipiac University confirm the same, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Fox News had little to do with Jared Loughner’s evil acts.
“But while a large majority predict that tragedy in Tucson will lead to more civility in...
Sarah Palin's Ignorance.
Over the weekend, Sarah Palin defended her use of the term "blood Libel" last week in an online statement about the Arizona shooting. She spent several minutes arguing that she'd been unfairly accused by her favorite bogeyman, the media, of having had something to do with the shooting because she put out a map before the Elections with gunsights surveyor's marks over several Congressional Districts before the election, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot and wounded along ...
'Respect' for 'different gun cultures'; contempt for 2nd Amendment activists
In the wake of the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others (six fatally) in Tucson, it has become fashionable for the moment to at least pay lip service to the idea of eschewing harsh, divisive Rhetoric, replacing it with constructive, mutually respectful dialog. In that vein, writer Mitchell Bard states in the Huffington Post that "There Can Be No Gun Control Without Recognizing and Respecting the Different Gun Cultures in the U.S." We'll ignore, for the moment, t...
Poll vaulting
Spin Doctor
There is a new post at Salon by Justin Idiot that is spun so hard it will make you dizzy. Here’s the headline:
Poll: 35% blame Palin for Tucson shooting
This is how the article begins:
This new CNN poll on the Tucson Mass Shooting seems like bad news for Sarah Palin:
QUESTION: Overall, how much do you blame each of the following for the shooting in Arizona — a great deal, a moderate amount, not much, or not at all?
When you get to the third option you see this:
A map ...
Janine Balekdjian: The Tuscon Massacre and Jan Brewer
There is a lot of blame going around for the rampage in Tuscon aimed at Representative Gabrielle Giffords last Saturday, leaving the Congresswoman in critical condition, six others dead, and fourteen wounded. Liberals have pointed to disturbing right-wing violent Rhetoric, like Sarah Palin's infamous crosshair map and Glenn Beck's daily panic sessions, as bound to have consequences eventually. Chief Wingnut rhetorician Rush Limbaugh has fired back, amazingly casting himself as the Victim, clai...
Palin answers critics
Published: Jan. 18, 2011 at 11:14 AM Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says it's ridiculous to think the Tucson shooter was inspired by a political map her political action committee put up. UPI WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says it's ridiculous to think the Tucson shooter was inspired by a political map her political action committee put up. The map featured crosshairs over Congressional Districts including the one represented by Gabrielle Giffords who was shot i...
Poll: 35% blame Palin for Tucson shooting
This new CNN poll on the Tucson Mass Shooting seems like bad news for Sarah Palin:
QUESTION: Overall, how much do you blame each of the following for the shooting in Arizona -- a great deal, a moderate amount, not much, or not at all?
The laws under which guns are bought and sold in this country
Great deal 30% ... Moderate amount 22% ... Not much 14% ... Not at all 33%
The use of harsh Rhetoric and violent metaphors by politicians and commentators
Great deal 25% ... ...
Looking For Answers In Tuscon
52% of Americans think Gun Control laws deserve a great deal or moderate amount of the blame for the tragedy, 48% feel the same way about political Rhetoric, only 35% think Sarah Palin had much of anything to do with it, but 70% thought the resources available to deal with the mentally ill played a significant role in the shooting. 54% of Americans think violent rhetoric will either very likely or somewhat likely cause another incident like this in the future. 70% of Americans think politicians ...
Ed Koch: Reflections on Sarah Palin
As I see it, in the current battle for Public Opinion Sarah Palin has defeated her harsh and unfair critics.
After the January 8 shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the Murder of six others in Tucson, Arizona, some television talking heads and members of the blogosphere denounced her and held her in part responsible for creating a climate of hatred that resulted in the mass attacks.
An example is Joe Scarborough and his crew on the Morning Joe show, which I watch and gener...
Palin defends use of 'blood libel'
WASHINGTON - Prominent U.S. Republican Sarah Palin Monday defended her reference to “blood Libel“ that aroused Controversy last week when she used the term to condemn criticism linking her fiery Rhetoric to the Arizona shootings. “Blood libel obviously means being falsely accused of having blood on your hands. In this case, that’s exactly what was going on,” Palin told Fox News in her first interview since the Controversy erupted over her remarks. “Just two da...
No Tucson Lectures for Artists?
In his weekly op-ed, Brent Bozell writes:
Within minutes of the news breaking that Jared Lee Loughner had killed six and wounded 12 in a rampage outside a Tucson Safeway store, including a critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the News Media immediately leapt to the conclusion that the harsh tone of our political discourse — led by conservative Talk Radio — surely must be to blame.
That narrative turned out to be hogwash, but another one has emerged during the investigation i...
CNN poll shows most do not blame Sarah Palin for Arizona shooting
A CNN/Opinion Research poll released Monday shows that a majority of Americans do not blame Sarah Palin for what has become known as the Tucson Massacre that left Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life after being shot in the head. According to Politico, 59 percent of the 1,014 adults polled said Palin deserved little or no blame, while 35 percent said she was to blame for what happened. Shortly after the shooting, many on the left, including some in the media, pointed a fin...
Poll: 69% Say Az. Shooting Has Not Changed Their Opinion on Gun Control
*18 Have the shootings in Arizona made you more likely to support stricter Gun Control laws, less likely to support stricted Gun Control laws or has your opinion on Gun Control not changed as a result of the Arizona shooting?
CNN poll
Most Americans have not changed their views on Gun Control following the shooting nine days ago in Tucson, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll out Monday.
Sixty-nine percent of those polled said the shooting that left six dead and injured 13, includi...
Arizona Shootings: Jared Lee Loughner's Trial Likely To Be Moved To Southern California
The Federal Judge assigned to the case against Tucson shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner is likely to move the trial out of Arizona because the tragedy has profoundly shaken so many potential Arizona jurors, legal experts said Monday.
No motion for a change of venue has been filed, however, and a Justice Department spokesman said prosecutors would resist such a move.
Read the whole story:
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On the Radar: Health care debate, Giffords' condition, Chinese leader's visit
House to debate Health Care Repeal - Floor debate over whether to quash health care reform kicks off Tuesday in the House of Representatives. Lawmakers are expected to vote this week. The measure likely will pass the Republican-led House but is believed to have little chance of clearing the Democratic-controlled Senate or surviving a presidential Veto. Republicans acknowledge it's an uphill battle to achieve an outright repeal, but they suggest they'll attempt to defund...
Arizona shooting hasn't changed views on gun control
A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows that Americans aren't any more likely to support stricter Gun Control laws in the wake of the Arizona shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. In the latest poll, 28% of those surveyed said that they would support stricter Gun Laws as a result of the attack, while 69% had no change in opinion regarding the nation's Gun Control measures.
Still, although the shooting did not change minds, a full majority of Americans blamed lax Gun Control either a g...
Raising gun control after Arizona | Amanda Marcotte
A man walks by the Glock Handgun billboard at a 2003 NRA meeting in Orlando, Florida. The shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, in the attempted Assassination of Gabrielle Giffords and the Murder of six others in Tucson used a Glock 9mm semi-automatic pistol bought in Arizona. Photograph: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters The answer to the question, "Why can't the United States have a grown-up, rational discussion about reasonable Gun Control measures anymore?" was actually provided before the Tucson, Arizon...
Rallies in Richmond target gun laws from both sides
With Michael Sluss of The Roanoke Times
It's one of the most heated debates of our time: Would fewer guns equal fewer killings, or is it just the opposite?
In the shadow of the recent shootings in Arizona, the argument is as contentious as ever. Both sides came to the capital Monday to air their starkly different views to lawmakers.
The face-off, however, was more subdued than in years past. Each camp staged its own rally and kept largely to its own.
The irony of dueling over guns on M...
Truth and Tucson
I was traveling over the weekend of 8-9 January, and listening to a book-on-CD instead of the radio, so I missed out on much of the big news from those days. I was confident that just about anything newsworthy I might be interested in (and a lot of what I wouldn't) would be waiting in my email inbox once I got home, and I wasn't disappointed. That Sunday evening I found a friend had forwarded me (at 2:49 PM Eastern on Saturday) an email alert from Fox News (he'd received at 1:21 PM Eastern). Sub...
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5 Family Members Killed in Thornton Traffic Crash
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CNN / Opinion Research Poll " January 14-16 " Barack Obama
The Obama Bounce: president's approval now at 54% in ABC/WaPo poll; 53% in CNN / Opinion Research .
CNN / Opinion Research poll finds Obama's approval rating is up five points to 53%,Americans consider him a strong leader.
US-Obama Approval: 53% Approve, 45% Disapprove ( CNN 1/14-16): CNN / Opinion Research Corporation1/14-16/11; 1,014 adults, 3% margin o...