Political Action Committee: Published: Jan. 18, 2011 at 11:14 AM Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says it's ridiculous to think the Tucson shooter was inspired by a political map her political action committee put up.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
UPI WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says it's ridiculous to think the Tucson shooter was inspired by a political map her political action committee put up.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
The map featured crosshairs over Congressional Districts including the one represented by Gabrielle Giffords who was shot i...
Arizona Shooting Bungle Sinks Sarah Palin's 2012 Presidential Bid
Well, this really was what the inside-the-beltway Republicans were hoping for—Sarah Palin has effectively sunk her campaign for president, just as she was trying to launch it.
Last week she gave a fireside chat that was to connect her with “Average Americans,” a straight-look-into-the-camera moment for eight minutes without a cutaway or even a camera push-in or pull-out, an attempt to show that she could be “presidential” on the very day the president was in Tucso...
Jon Stewart offers harsh assessment of Sarah Palin as 'Petty Woman' (Video)
By now Jon Stewart has an established reputation as one of the sharpest critics of Sarah Palin. Last night Stewart offered an especially pointed, and to some hilarious rebuttal of Palin. The context of the segment was Palin's recent interview with Sean Hannity. In the interview, Palin claimed that her Rhetoric had nothing to do with the Arizona shootings. Stewart actually agreed with Palin on that point. However, Stewart took issue with Palin's alleged propensity to...
Before banning 'crosshairs,' CNN used it to refer to Palin, Bachmann
CNN's John King is attracting a lot of notice -- and some ridicule -- in the blogosphere for his on-air Apology after a guest used the word "crosshairs" during a report on Chicago politics Tuesday. (The guest, a former Chicago reporter, referred to two rivals of Mayoral Candidate Rahm Emanuel, saying Emanuel is "in both of their crosshairs.") "We were just having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race," King told viewers. "My friend Andy Shaw…used the term 'in the crosshairs' in talki...
Palin on Blowback From 'Blood Libel' Comment: They Can't Make Us Shut Up
A defiant Sarah Palin said Monday night that she used the term "blood Libel" to describe false claims made against outspoken Conservatives like herself who were accused of having blood on their hands in the aftermath of the deadly shootings in Arizona. Palin was criticized by some Jewish groups for employing the highly charged words that historically have referred to a false rationalization for Anti-Semitism -- that Jews used Christian blood in some rituals. Fox News Channel's "Hannity" show. "Y...
Palin says criticism won't make her 'sit down ... shut up'
Sarah Palin called on all Americans to engage in more civil political debate in the wake of the Tucson shooting but, in an interview on Fox News on Monday, said she would not be silenced or deterred by criticism from her opponents.
This Story
Palin says criticism won't make her 'sit down ... shut up'
The Take: As Obama urged unity, Palin brought division
Police recover black bag, ammunition believed to belong to Tucson suspect
Wasserman-Schultz, Gillibrand discuss Giffords opening her eyes
Keith Olbermann Misrepresents CNN Poll to Tie Sarah Palin to Tucson Shootings
On Monday, Keith Olbermann cherry-picked a Daily Kos/PPP poll to bash the Tea Party as a violent threat to America's elected officials. KEITH OLBERMANN: According to new polling out this week, nearly half of Americans think that harsh and violent political Rhetoric was indeed to blame at least in part for the tragedy in Tucson, and more than half think it could easily cause a similar shooting in the future. In our third story, this puts a magnifying glass on the past Rhetoric of several Repu...
Keith Olbermann Misrepresents CNN Poll to Tie Sarah Palin to Tucson Shootings
On Monday, Keith Olbermann cherry-picked a Daily Kos/PPP poll to bash the Tea Party as a violent threat to America's elected officials. KEITH OLBERMANN: According to new polling out this week, nearly half of Americans think that harsh and violent political Rhetoric was indeed to blame at least in part for the tragedy in Tucson, and more than half think it could easily cause a similar shooting in the future. In our third story, this puts a magnifying glass on the past Rhetoric of several Repu...
Sarah Palin -- " I'm not going to shut up"
Love her or hate her (lately, for many the later), former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has the tenacity of a pit bull fighting for Michael Vick. She continues to bite despite being close to death. Instead of apologizing for not understanding the etymology of “blood Libel,” Railing Palin chose yesterday to deem her use appropriate. When asked about her use of the term during an exclusive interview with Fox News Sean Hannity, Mrs. Palin said, "Blood libel obviously means being f...
Sarah Palin's Poll Numbers Hit New Low
My bloleague Peter Fenn writes that Sarah Palin's post-Tucson performance has sunk her 2012 presidential hopes. Gallup released new poll numbers yesterday underscoring this point.
According to Gallup, Palin's approval numbers are at their worst level since she ascended to national prominence upon being named John McCain's Running Mate in 2008. Specifically 53 percent view Palin unfavorably, while only 38 percent view her favorably. That's the same desolate realm occupied by GOP punching bag Na...
The Right Word: Fox News under fire | Sadhbh Walshe
Conservatives hosts are struggling to get past the anger and denial stages of the grief imposed on them by the Tucson shootings, as they continue to be shocked by the hypocrisy of the "hate-filled" left. Sean Hannity was granted the much sought-after Sarah Palin exclusive (view clip) and his gentle questioning invoked a performance from her that, no doubt, delighted her fans and drove her detractors to distraction. To summarise the interview briefly: God was invoked aplenty, condolences were off...
Colbert Reduces Sarah Palin To Media Troll Via Pep Talk To Mika Brzezinski
Its been said a lot, but every now and again it bears repeating. Stephen Colbert is a genius. Yes, his consistent amplification of absurd news items to a level of hilarious observation is a consistent part of his routine, but the fake dimwittedness very often results in a much smarter meta-commentary than a straight report could ever provide. Take for example last night’s “pep talk” to Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski , who yesterday expressed frustration in having to discus...
Palin Unfavorable Rating at New High
More confirmation Sarah Palin would have a tough time running for president: A new CNN/Opinion Research poll finds 56% of all Americans have an unfavorable view of Palin, an all-time high for the former Alaska Governor and up seven points from just before the Midterm Elections.
Christian Heinze has a demographic breakdown and notes a big education gap. "Palin has better numbers among those with no college under their belt (-8%) than those who've attended some college (-25%)."
Sarah Palin's poll numbers get even worse
Sarah Palin's image problems have gotten even worse. A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll conducted January 14-16 (immediately after the Controversy over her ham-handed response to the shootings in Arizona) finds that perceptions of Palin have declined significantly since October:
A new National Poll indicates that 56 percent of all Americans have an unfavorable view of Sarah Palin, an all-time high for the former Alaska Governor. That 56 percent unfavorable figure is up seven points f...
Jon Stewart Mocks Sarah Palins Double Standard Over Inflamed Political Rhetoric
Jon Stewart opened The Daily Show tonight by discussing miraculous recovery by “the Victim our nation has been tracking so closely for the last ten days.” Of course he was talking about former Governor Sarah Palin, who last night sat down with Fox News Sean Hannity for her first live interview since becoming a central character in the finger pointing that followed the Arizona shooting tragedy. Stewart exploited Palin’s seeming hypocrisy of calling out attacks on the inflamed rh...
Palin explains "blood libel" comment
WASHINGTON — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, defending herself against criticism after the Tucson shootings, said Monday that she used the term "blood Libel" to describe comments made by those who tried to link Conservatives to the Assassination attempt against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Speaking out for the first time since she used the term in a video, Palin said on Fox's Sean Hannity show that the term referred to those "falsely accused of having blood on their hands." Some Jewish groups ...
US-Palin Rating: 38% Favorable, 56% Unfavorable (CNN 1/14-16)
SamFeistCNN New CNN/ORC poll: Palin unfavorable jumps to 56%. Favorable: 38%. Unfav. among Women: 61%, Ind: 59%. https://on.cnn.com/f4cb8G GOP12 CNN poll: Palin favorable rating at 38%/56% for -18%. Worst spread since CNN began polling her. https://bit.ly/fvHM8y PrestonCNN New Obama poll #'s, new Health Care TV ad & Palin's reaction to the Tucson shootings. I'm with @KyraCNN on CNN at 9:43 am ET. Newsvine - Should President Barack Obama Boycott the Copenhagen conference, as suggested by Sarah P...
Sarah Palin: Crosshairs Used By Democrats, Critics Not Going To Shut Me Up
Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, defending herself against criticism following the Tucson, Ariz., shootings, said Monday that she used the term "blood Libel" to describe comments made by those who falsely tried to link Conservatives to the Assassination attempt against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Read more: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/17/sarah-palin-cr...
Speaking out for the first time since she used the term in a video, Palin said on Fox's Sean Hanni...
Blood Libel: Left-wing Conspiracy Theories
In the past week, the focus of the media narrative has been centered upon language.In the aftermath of the Arizona shootings, the media has cleverly diverted attention away from discussing depictions of violence within the culture and guided the debate toward conservative Rhetoric. Something that has become apparent is that the same people who dismiss conservative Speech as promoting fear and suspicion have gotten into the paranoia game themselves. Along with serving as an excuse to distrac
Yup, Mark Kelly Saw the News Reports That Gabby Giffords Died
Even though a Washington Post/ABC News poll shows a majority of Americans approving of how the News Media handled the shooting in Tucson, it's hard to imagine a much worse performance. For example, in the frenzy to get there first, CNN ran a photo of Jared Loughner they had pulled off of his Facebook page except it wasn't Loughner. Sorry, innocent kid who everyone thought was a mass murderer for a little while! Then, on the night of the shooting, various outlets claimed Giffords had wok...
CNN in the Crosshairs
Oh yeah, retired ABC7 Chicago reporter Andy Shaw is stirring up hate for sure, referring to Rod, uh Rahm as being in the crosshairs in the Chicago mayoral debate. Shaw, now retired, is a mild-mannered earnest head of the Better Government Association, but now he is branded as an Extremist by the national blood Libel media, as CNN apologizes on his behalf.
So let's take the PC CNN at its word, that this stuff is beyond the pale. What responsibility does CNN itself bear in engendering a climate o...
Why they hate Palin
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Evan Sayet:
It just happened again.
I spend a fair amount of time at my local Coffee Shop. I like to do my writing outside and, besides, it gives me an opportunity to try and initiate political conversations with the people who pass by — my hope always being to begin to enlighten them as to what Conservatives really believe (and not just what the leftist media tells them.)
Today, the conversation turned to Sarah Palin and my latest acquaintance blurted ...
Eugene Robinson civilly requests Sarah Palin to shut up and go away
They've tried smears, ridicule, and character Assassination, but Sarah Palin persists as a super-sized thorn in the side of Liberalism. Now, in the new tone of civility that's sweeping America, Eugene Robinson tries asking Palin, politely, to shut up and go away.
My local liberal rag is gradually losing all its writers to other venues. Perhaps the few they have left just haven't gotten any offers? That would explain why Robinson is still there. One thing that can be said in defense of his cond...
Ari Fleischer On AC 360: Sarah Palin Is Tremendously Popular Within An Element Of The GOP
The tea-leaves-reading of Sarah Palin’s pushback after Tucson continued on CNN’s AC 360 last night, with former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer picking up on comments made by potential 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich-that Palin needs to expand her base if she’s truly got a shot at winning a national campaign.
Critics-including some in the GOP-have said Palin’s video response after the shootings in Arizona, followed by her appearance on Fox’...
Video: Gingrich to Palin: 'Be a lot more careful'
In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "Good Morning America," Gingrich said, "She's got to slow down and be a lot more careful and think through what she’s saying and how she’s saying it." Palin was widely criticized for remarks she made last week defending herself from criticism that her Rhetoric had anything to do with the Shooting Spree in Arizona earlier this month that left six dead and Rep Gabrielle Giffords gravely wounded. She called the political attacks ...
Snake Oil Salesman
From American Thinker
Obama’s Tucson Memorial Speech Was More Manipulation
by Lloyd Marcus
When I was a kid, my black dad spoke with what felt like admiration about Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Powell was a handsome, articulate, famed, and powerful black minister and congressman. Despite adulterous affairs with women in his church, charges of financial misconduct and wild parties on his yacht, it was said that women joined Powell’s church several times for the thrill of coming to the f...
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