Gun Control: *18 Have the shootings in Arizona made you more likely to support stricter Gun Control laws, less likely to support stricted Gun Control laws or has your opinion on Gun Control not changed as a result of the Arizona shooting? CNN poll Politico Most Americans have not changed their views on Gun Control following the shooting nine days ago in Tucson, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll out Monday.
PHOTOS: Opinion Research in pictures
Sixty-nine percent of those polled said the shooting that left six dead and injured 13, includi...
VIDEOS: Opinion Research in videos
Poll: Little support for gun control
Most Americans have not changed their views on Gun Control following the shooting nine days ago in Tucson, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll out Monday.
Sixty-nine percent of those polled said the shooting that left six dead and injured 14, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), has not changed their opinion on gun control. Twenty-eight percent said the shooting has made them “more likely” to support stricter controls on the sale of Firearms, while 3 percent were &ldqu...;
Gun control group sees support for background checks
A Gun Control group is brandishing new polling data to push back against recent indications that the Tuscon shooting hasn’t changed how Americans feel about their Gun Laws.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group co-chaired by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said a poll it commissioned found 86 percent of Americans supporting Background Checks for all gun sales. That comes just a day after Monday’s CNN/Opinion Research poll found that the shooting hasn’t changed most people&rs...;
Poll: Americans--even gun-owners--strongly favor broad range of gun control measures
A new Bipartisan poll conducted for Mayors Against Illegal Guns, shows strong support for stronger Gun Control measures, including strenghtened implementation of existing laws as well new measures--both of which have been vehemently opposed by the NRA. Support for some measures ranges as high as 80 or 90 percent, while majorities opposed only two measures that were asked about. The poll of 1003 adults included a sub-sample of 451 gun owners, whose responses once again showed that the NRA does ...
Our Gun-Crazy Nation
In the wake of the horrific shootings last week in Tucson, Arizona, you would think we could all agree to stop the legal distribution of concealed, automatic weapons to the floridly psychotic.
You would be wrong.
"There's no question that the debate over Gun Control will continue after the Tucson attack," the NRA declared in a statement on its legislative action web site. "Please rest assured that the NRA will, as always, stand front and center in defense of the rights of gun owne...
Bloombergs Gun Control Group Polls On Gun Control
Mayor Bloomberg has joined the pushback effort on the suggestion that passing Gun Control Legislation is neither possible nor palatable in the current political environment, releasing a poll through his Mayors Against Illegal Guns group today that demonstrates a “sensible approach” to the nation’s Gun Laws. The poll was conducted jointly by Momentum Analysis, a polling firm with Democratic clients, and American Viewpoint, a polling firm with Republican clients. “This po...
Why Should Public Opinion About Gun Control Change After a Shooting Rampage?
As Radley Balko noted this morning, a new CNN poll finds no shift in Public Opinion regarding Gun Control following the recent Mass Shooting in Tucson. The lack of change is similar to what was seen in the wake of other high-profile gun crimes, and it makes sense. If you do not think Gun Control is a good way to prevent violence—if you believe that it mainly serves to disarm potential Victims, rather than deter armed lunatics or run-of-the-mill criminals—dramatic evidence that Firearms can ...
Rallies in Richmond target gun laws from both sides
With Michael Sluss of The Roanoke Times
It's one of the most heated debates of our time: Would fewer guns equal fewer killings, or is it just the opposite?
In the shadow of the recent shootings in Arizona, the argument is as contentious as ever. Both sides came to the capital Monday to air their starkly different views to lawmakers.
The face-off, however, was more subdued than in years past. Each camp staged its own rally and kept largely to its own.
The irony of dueling over guns on M...
Why Has Support For Gun Control Tanked?
Nate Birkhead has an interesting and informative post up about lobbying and the power of the NRA. He notes that Gun Control has become far less popular over the last 20 years, and concludes:
The NRA, though it is exceptionally powerful (and it is), would still not be able to suppress the interests of populace if there was considerable support for renewed Gun Control initiatives. The problem for Rep. McCarthy and her allies: there’s very little public support for limiting access to guns. I...
Tougher Gun Laws?
WASHINGTON — Despite powerful lobbying against any new gun-control measures by groups like the National Rifle Association, a new Bipartisan poll shows that both gun owners and the general public support stronger measures to keep Firearms out of the hands of criminals and other potentially dangerous individuals. The poll — conducted for the coalition Mayors Against Illegal Guns, co-chaired by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino — suggests that wh...
CNN/Opinion Research Poll January 14-16 Gun Laws
Click here to cancel reply. The latest political news from CNN's Best Political Team with campaign coverage, 24-7. Sign up for our daily Ticker emails. Got a news tip or feedback? For complete political coverage, bookmark 'Kiss my butt' Gov. attends MLK event...
Post-Tucson Poll: Little Support for Gun Control
CNN reports:
Americans feel sadness, anger and shock in the wake of the tragic events in Tucson, Arizona, according to a new National Poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates there’s plenty of blame to go around over the shootings, but two-thirds of the public is pessimistic that the government or society can prevent something like this from happening again.
View full results (pdf)
A total of 19 people were shot January 8 at the “Congress on Yo...
Arizona shooting hasn't changed views on gun control
A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows that Americans aren't any more likely to support stricter Gun Control laws in the wake of the Arizona shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. In the latest poll, 28% of those surveyed said that they would support stricter Gun Laws as a result of the attack, while 69% had no change in opinion regarding the nation's Gun Control measures.
Still, although the shooting did not change minds, a full majority of Americans blamed lax Gun Control either a g...
Safer Streets 2011: Guns on campus for killers, but not a loving Mom and Dad.
Gun control has no conscience. At the risk of seeming uncivil, the public might like to realize it. Southern California, and another school shooting, this time in Gardena, CA. Gun owners believe, in general, that we are wasting our time trying to educate the Gun Control personality, and that we ought to concentrate on educating the rest of the electorate. Fine. here goes. Even in California, there are plenty of laws which protect self-defense, not the least of which is Public Policy and intere...
CNN poll shows most do not blame Sarah Palin for Arizona shooting
A CNN/Opinion Research poll released Monday shows that a majority of Americans do not blame Sarah Palin for what has become known as the Tucson Massacre that left Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life after being shot in the head. According to Politico, 59 percent of the 1,014 adults polled said Palin deserved little or no blame, while 35 percent said she was to blame for what happened. Shortly after the shooting, many on the left, including some in the media, pointed a fin...
USA TODAY poll: Americans favor stricter gun control, better mental health screening
Americans favor stricter Gun Control laws and better Mental Health screening and support to prevent Mass Shootings, a USA Today/ Gallup Poll found.
Ask what they think the one or two most important things that could be done to prevent mass shootings in the USA, 24% of adults selected stricter Gun Control laws, 15% favored better Mental Health screening, 9% favored more education for Children about violence and the proper use of guns, and 8% favored more extensive Background Checks for gun purch...
CNN/Opinion Research Poll January 14-16 Barack Obama
Click here to cancel reply. The latest political news from CNN's Best Political Team with campaign coverage, 24-7. Sign up for our daily Ticker emails. Got a news tip or feedback? For complete political coverage, bookmark ...
Video: Gingrich to Palin: 'Be a lot more careful'
In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "Good Morning America," Gingrich said, "She's got to slow down and be a lot more careful and think through what she’s saying and how she’s saying it." Palin was widely criticized for remarks she made last week defending herself from criticism that her Rhetoric had anything to do with the Shooting Spree in Arizona earlier this month that left six dead and Rep Gabrielle Giffords gravely wounded. She called the political attacks ...
Water is wet, Pope Catholic, and gun manufacturers raise money for the NRA
The Center for Public Integrity just sent out the following Press Release. I don't know about you, but I'm outrageously outraged: WASHINGTON, D.C. January 18, 2011 — It’s no accident the National Rifle Association staunchly supports high-capacity magazines - it gets money from their manufacturers every day. Missouri-based gun company MidwayUSA pioneered a Fundraising tactic called “Round-Up.” The program involves asking customers to round up their purchases to the n...
In News That Isn't News
Conservatives make bogus arguments against Gun Control:
But some arguments are so foolish they should be beneath the public discourse. For example, Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) told The Washington Post: "Gun Laws were not the reason that a socially isolated individual, an Anarchist, chose to open fire on an elected official, her constituents and a Federal Judge." That is attacking a straw man. No one has argued that gun laws were the reason Loughner carried out his attack. What they suggest is tha...
'Heated Rhetoric' Not to Blame in Arizona Shooting, Poll Finds
At the Washington Post (full survey here).
The poll does not break down by party. I'm still tripping on the 56 percent of Democrats in yesterday's CNN poll who blamed "heated right-wing Rhetoric" for the attacks. It's 100 percent untrue, of course, and is thus a bigger statement on the ideological denial of reality that's the hallmark of radical progressive thinking in recent years.
John Hawkins has more on this, "Understanding How The Left Thinks: It’s Not About What’s True, It...
New CNN Poll: 54% Believe harsh rhetoric and violent metaphors will lead to another AZ shooting type incident
While the Villagers try to erect their own narrative about the Arizona shootings, and as right-wingers try to deflect the fallout from the Giffords shootings, something important is finally penetrating into the minds of Americans: Right Wing vitriolic Rhetoric that has permeated our airwaves is dangerous to our society. Only 32% believe they have no impact at all. 54% believe the use of a harsh Rhetoric and violent metaphors by politicians and commentators would cause a future incident similar t...
CNN Poll: No change on gun law opinions after Arizona shootings
Washington (CNN) - Americans' overall attitudes toward Gun Laws have not budged an inch in the wake of the shootings in Arizona, according to a new National Poll. But a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates that majority of the public favors restrictions on semi-automatic guns and high-capacity ammunition clips, as well as Background Checks and limits on the number of guns that can be purchased. The poll indicates that the two sides of the gun debate are evenly b...
Adam Winkler: MLK and his Guns
One issue on everyone's mind this Martin Luther King Jr. day is Gun Control. King's calls for resolving our differences through peaceful nonviolence are especially poignant after Jared Loughner gunned down six people and wounded several others in Tucson. Amid the clamor for new Gun Laws, its appropriate to remember King's complicated history with guns.
Most people think King would be the last person to own a gun. Yet in the mid- 1950s, as the Civil Rights movement heated up, King kept Firearms...
Gun supporters converge on state Capitol
Nearly 300 pro-gun advocates converged on the State Capitol this morning to lobby legislators to protect their rights to Bear Arms in the commonwealth. Gun-toting Activists wearing black and orange stickers stating "Guns Save Lives" and red, white and blue stickers saying "Freedom is not a Loophole," roamed the halls of the General Assembly Building on Capitol Square in Richmond before assembly near the Capitol Bell Tower for a late-morning rally sponsored by the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defens...
Giffords Shooting in Arizona Spurs Gun Law Debate
The tragic shooting in Arizona, which left six people dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords seriously wounded, immediately swept aside business as usual for Congress, possibly altering its agenda for the rest of the year. As legislators mourned those who were lost, they also mulled how to move forward in a very new political climate. [See photos from the Arizona shooting.]
Although the House had been scheduled to debate a healthcare Repeal last week, that vote and all other major votes were postpon...
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