Rhetoric : 52% of Americans think Gun Control laws deserve a great deal or moderate amount of the blame for the tragedy, 48% feel the same way about political Rhetoric, only 35% think Sarah Palin had much of anything to do with it, but 70% thought the resources available to deal with the mentally ill played a significant role in the shooting. 54% of Americans think violent rhetoric will either very likely or somewhat likely cause another incident like this in the future. 70% of Americans think politicians ...
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
CNN Shoots Itself in the Foot, Uses Hate Rhetoric "Crosshairs" in a Political Context. UPDATE: They Apologize.
Aw geez, now it looks like I must apologize for using such violent imagery in my headline. Please forgive me. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz ...
Giffords's Husband Heard His Wife Had Died in Tucson
While racing to his wife’s side, Mark Kelly, the husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, heard from erroneous television news reports that his wife had been killed when she was shot outside of a Safeway Supermarket in Tucson on Jan. 8, he said in a televised interview on Tuesday evening.
In an interview on ABC’s “20/20,” Mr. Kelly said he initially learned that his wife had been shot during a very brief telephone conversation with one of her Staffers. Then, as he sat on a friend...
CNN Poll: Palin unfavorable rating at all time high
Washington (CNN) - A new National Poll indicates that 56 percent of all Americans have an unfavorable view of Sarah Palin, an all-time high for the former Alaska Governor. That 56 percent unfavorable figure is up seven points from just before the Midterm Elections, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday morning. Thirty-eight percent of people questioned in the poll say they have a favorable view of the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, down two points fr...
Keith Olbermann Misrepresents CNN Poll to Tie Sarah Palin to Tucson Shootings
On Monday, Keith Olbermann cherry-picked a Daily Kos/PPP poll to bash the Tea Party as a violent threat to America's elected officials. KEITH OLBERMANN: According to new polling out this week, nearly half of Americans think that harsh and violent political Rhetoric was indeed to blame at least in part for the tragedy in Tucson, and more than half think it could easily cause a similar shooting in the future. In our third story, this puts a magnifying glass on the past Rhetoric of several Repu...
Keith Olbermann Misrepresents CNN Poll to Tie Sarah Palin to Tucson Shootings
On Monday, Keith Olbermann cherry-picked a Daily Kos/PPP poll to bash the Tea Party as a violent threat to America's elected officials. KEITH OLBERMANN: According to new polling out this week, nearly half of Americans think that harsh and violent political Rhetoric was indeed to blame at least in part for the tragedy in Tucson, and more than half think it could easily cause a similar shooting in the future. In our third story, this puts a magnifying glass on the past Rhetoric of several Repu...
Here is video of GOP Rep. Paul Ryan on the House Floor today where he spoke during debate on the bill to Repeal ObamaCare. Ryan took time to destroy Democrat arguments that Repeal of ObamaCare would increase America’s Debt. Ryan called ObamaCare a “fiscal house of cards,” and then proceeded to expose the “smoke and mirrors” used by Democrats to put forward the fantasy that ObamaCare will help America be fiscally solvent. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share t...
Bloated Bigot Michael Moore: People Own Guns Because They're Racist or Something
The slob sits there quoting Martin Luther King Jr., then proceeds to judge people by the color of their skin. According to Moore, it's merely "imaginary people" who break into homes, so why does anyone need to protect themselves? Has Moore ever even looked into a mirror and wondered why those little hats don't fit on his enormous head? Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz ...
Why Should Public Opinion About Gun Control Change After a Shooting Rampage?
As Radley Balko noted this morning, a new CNN poll finds no shift in Public Opinion regarding Gun Control following the recent Mass Shooting in Tucson. The lack of change is similar to what was seen in the wake of other high-profile gun crimes, and it makes sense. If you do not think Gun Control is a good way to prevent violence—if you believe that it mainly serves to disarm potential Victims, rather than deter armed lunatics or run-of-the-mill criminals—dramatic evidence that Firearms can ...
Harper dismisses radical moves on abortion, gun-control laws
Last updated Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011 9:43PM EST Stephen Harper thinks Capital Punishment sometimes fits the crime, but he doesn’t plan to make it law if he’s elected with a majority. Canadians, he thinks, are comfortable with his government, even when they disagree with it, and he wants to reassure them he plans no radical moves. Can the Liberals make a breakthrough in 2011 with Michael Ignatieff as leader? In a season of speculation over a possible election, the Prime Minister says ...
Doughboy Michael Moore: People who own guns are racist
Doughboy Michael Moore: People who own guns are Racist
The only thing better than watching progressive liberal nut jobs going batsh*t crazy on social networks the night before the ObamaCARE Repeal, is seeing these same nut jobs going batsh*t crazy over guns and Gun Control. Doughboy Michael Moore appeared on the Rachael Maddow show to claim gun owners are racists! Just remember, according to brilliant minds like Michael Moore, it isn’t “freckel faced Jimmy” who might break in...
Sister Wives family moves from Utah to Nevada
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Utah polygamous family whose Reality TV show launched a criminal Bigamy investigation has moved out of state. Washington-based attorney Jonathan Turley says his client Kody Brown has moved his family of four wives and 16 kids to Nevada to pursue new opportunities. The family is featured on the TLC reality show “Sister Wives.” The show first aired in the fall and triggered an investigation by Lehi police into allegations of bigamy. Brown is only legally m...
Illegal aliens: Cop killer tees used to raise funds for Texas advocacy (video)
The logo of a tee shirt, created from artwork signed JLQ , believed to be the signature Juan Leonardo Quintero Perez, convicted Illegal Alien cop-killer, child molester and drunk driver, who had been once deported only to return, is causing Controversy in Houston, Texas. The tee shirts are being sold by the organization that paid for his defense, GRACE or Gulf Region Advocacy Center, for twenty dollars each. Protestors, including the wife of the slain officer,...
Your Tax Paying Dollars At Work In Tucson, And Elsewhere
In the ensuing days after the Tucson shooting, the Federal Government has sent a slew of people there to work with the locals in trying to figure out just what the heck was going on with Jared Loughner, as this Washington Post article highlights:
A team of 250 federal investigators and 130 local detectives trying to understand why Jared Lee Loughner went on his alleged Killing Spree has conducted more than 300 interviews with family, friends and neighbors since the shooting. But they remain stu...
Zietgeist: For Those Who Think the Matrix is a Documentary
As Bryon York writes in the Washington Examiner, “Tucson shooter obsessed with bizarre Internet movie:”
By all accounts, an Internet documentary named “Zeitgeist” was the favorite movie of accused Tucson shooter Jared Loughner. Created in 2007 by New York-based Conspiracy merchant Peter Joseph, “Zeitgeist” is a two-hour mash-up of old and new Conspiracy theories involving religion, the Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks, and the Federal Reserve system. Its message i...
The Death of Job Killing
ABC News’ John R. Parkinson reports:
During his Pen & Pad briefing on Jan. 4, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said the phrase “job killing” eight times over the course of the briefing.
Cantor, R-Virginia, used the term earlier this month to describe everything from “cutting the job killing regulations,” and “a job killing Health Care bill that spends money we don't have,” to the Obama Administration’s “job killing agenda.”
Moonbat Shooting Victim James Eric Fuller Calls for Republicans to be Tortured
Oh, and their ears should be cut off and made into a necklace or something. Thank God Mr. Fuller is getting a psychiatric exam after shouting "You're dead" at a Tea Party Leader. (Fox Nation)- James Eric Fuller, 63, who was shot in the knee, had told The Post on Friday, the day before his arrest, that top Republican figures should be tortured — and their ears severed. “There would be Torture and then an ear necklace, with [Minnesota US Rep.] Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin’s e...
Jon Stewart Mocks Sarah Palins Double Standard Over Inflamed Political Rhetoric
Jon Stewart opened The Daily Show tonight by discussing miraculous recovery by “the Victim our nation has been tracking so closely for the last ten days.” Of course he was talking about former Governor Sarah Palin, who last night sat down with Fox News Sean Hannity for her first live interview since becoming a central character in the finger pointing that followed the Arizona shooting tragedy. Stewart exploited Palin’s seeming hypocrisy of calling out attacks on the inflamed rh...
Donald Kaul: The Right to Bear Arms, Even if You're Nuts
Say what you will about the attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). Add in the Murder and severe injuries suffered by assorted bystanders in Tucson and it all proves that we're still a free country. God bless America!
Where else can a certifiable loony who looks like Charlie Manson's creepy cousin walk into a gun store and buy a semi-automatic pistol that shoots 30 rounds (30!) in just a few seconds? And then walk around with it, no questions asked?
The result: six dead and ...
Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/18/2011
A backpack containing a bomb was discovered yesterday on a bench along the route of the Martin Luther King Jr. march in Spokane, Washington. The bomb was set to go off by remote control, and contained shrapnel. The authorities were able to disarm the bomb using a robot, and no one was injured. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., Chinese Premier Hu Jintao has caused Controversy in advance of his visit to the United States by suggesting that the yuan would be a better reserve currency for the world tha...
How Do You Say Hitler In Spanish?
What we have hair, is a failure to communicate. That photoshopped image ran in a Hispanic newspaper in Georgia and depicts our newly elected Governor as Hitler. Of course the Governor is Republican and the article quotes a Democrat state lawmaker. Seems they ain't too happy with Mr Deal's position on Illegal Immigrants. I am also so glad the Democrats are working so hard on lessening the heat of the political Rhetoric in this country. Just more of the same where they live by the mantra 'Do what...
Intifada in Malm
Rosengård is a notoriously culturally enriched neighborhood of the southern Swedish city of Malmö. It’s not a good advertisement for multicultural diversity even in the best of times, and these are not the best of times in Sweden. During the last few days the normal chaos in Rosengård has escalated to a full-blown Intifada, with “youths” throwing Firebombs and shooting major Fireworks at the police. This news clip from Swedish TV shows what’s happening. Man...
Staff keeps Giffords office running after shooting
Carlos Loreto signs a cross at the memorial for the Jan. 8 Shooting Victims in front of University Medical Center in Tucson, Ariz., Monday, Jan. 17, 2011. As Congress returned to debate the Repeal of the Health Care law, the staff of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was holed up in a bustling office 2,000 miles away, paying little heed to what was going on in Washington. Five of them were focused on opening the estimated 10,000 cards left at makeshift memorials that have grown exponentially over the pas...
Giffords' husband says he thought wife was killed
Mark Kelly holds the hand of his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, as she lies in bed in the intensive-care unit at University Medical Center in Tucson on Jan. 9, the day after the shootings. (Courtesy of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' office ) TUCSON — The husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords said he believed for about 20 minutes that his wife was dead after viewing a mistaken TV news report that said his wife had been fatally shot. Mark Kelly told ABC's Diane Sawyer in an interview that aired Tuesday th...
Giffords to return to shooting site
TUCSON, Jan. 19 (UPI) -- U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., will recover and probably return to the Supermarket where she was shot in the head in a Mass Shooting, her husband said. "I can almost guarantee you what her first event will be," Space Shuttle Astronaut Mark Kelly told the Tucson Sentinel. "I'd be shocked if the first thing she does is not 'Congress on Your Corner' at that Safeway." Giffords was among 19 people shot Jan. 8 outside the Tucson Supermarket by a gunman identified as Ja...
Gingrich To Palin: Slow Down And Be Careful
Newt Gingrich has some advice for one of his potential rivals for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. “She’s got to slow down and be a lot more careful and think through what she’s saying and how she’s saying it,” Mr. Gingrich told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” Gingrich refused to discount Palin. “There’s no question that she’s become more Controversial,” Mr. Gingrich said Tuesday on ABC. ...
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Feds Arrest 119 Mafia Operatives; Claim Major Breakthrough
Tunisia Opposition Strikes And Ex-Ruler's Relatives Arrested
California Financial Emergency Renewed - Budget Gap Now $25 Billion
20 Years After The Gulf War - Leaders Reminisce
Common Cause: Why No Recusals By Supreme Court?
Hu Jintao Notes Human Rights Issues; Ignores Tibet, Taiwan
Regular Army Cheers, Reservists Pose Worry: Military Suicide Stats
Gov. Rick Snyder Throws Weight Firmly Behind DIRC Project
Improvement Continues: Giffords Stands, Operates Her iPad
Gunshots On Consecutive Days Create Panic In LA Schools
Dear Media, the story is not about gun control or political rhetoric . It's about an act of violence threatening our democracy by making. . .
Today's guest on the Deli: Susan Crabtree, at 7:20, on toning down political rhetoric , and Larry Pratt, at 7:40, on gun control .
Ooooh, Gun Lobby, you're good! Keep up the vitriol/ rhetoric , forget about the gun control . Yeah, right!
I really wish, that instead of talking about political rhetoric , we were talking about the overwhelming need for stricter gun control laws.
Time to talk about funding for MI services and gun control instead of political rhetoric .
The recent tragedy in Arizona should prompt serious discussion about gun control and access to mental health care, NOT rhetoric !
John Lott - "More Guns Less Crime", says gun control ppl have it backwards. I'm skeptical but agree research, not rhetoric , is needed.
will admit though that it was wrong of me & others to so firmly blame the toxic rhetoric . real issues: mental health services & gun control .
We need gun control . No! We need mental health funding! No! we need to avoid violent rhetoric ! No! Aargh!!!
New poll: 40% Couldn't have been prevented, 23% blame mental health system, 15% percent blame political rhetoric , 9% blame lax gun control .
it's not the rhetoric stupid, it's the fucking lack of gun control
And I am not talking gun control . I am talking about the insane political rhetoric flying around.
Meanwhile, there's more talk about gun control and " rhetoric " on Meet The Depressed. What a great way to start a Sunday. ./sarcasm
What will happen in the wake of the Tucson shootings? Reasonable gun control and less RW violent rhetoric ? No on both counts.