House Judiciary Committee: Day Two of Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives was highlighted with a reading of the 223-year-old Constitution — the document that formed the American government and guides it to this day.
PHOTOS: John Boehner in pictures
It’s often a raucous scene on the House floor.
VIDEOS: John Boehner in videos
Today, it was raucous in the visitors’ gallery, when a woman calling herself “Theresa” disrupted the recitation of the Constitution at the exact point in which a lawmaker read that the president must be a “na...
Quote Of The Day - Theresa Cao
"Literally if this question of the natural born Citizenship, if this question does not get answered, then I am allowing a tyrannical dictator - the spirit of the anti-Christ, the New World Order system that has their plans right this second to collapse the U.S. economy, and we know their plan, the New World Order system's plan is to literally destroy humanity. He [Obama] has fought it not only for two years, not only has he fought it pre-election but historically all of his connections, ever...
Progressives Want to Read Slavery Back Into Constitution
A couple of sections of the Constitution were inadvertently omitted from yesterday's reading on the floor of the House of Representatives: The U.S. Constitution has still never been read in its entirety and in order on the House floor.
During Thursday morning’s “historic reading,” one member apparently skipped Article 4 Section 4 and part of Article 5 Section 1 when he or she inadvertently turned two pages at once, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), who was in charge of the reading, ...
The Right Word: Republicans get House trained | Sadhbh Walshe
The changing of the guard ceremony in Congress was met with an odd mixture of enthusiasm, fear and indifference on the far right radio dials. "They're gonna do it. They're really gonna do it, and I like it. I love, ladies and gentlemen, love the idea of reading the constitution on the floor of the House of Representatives today. It's an exorcism. Look at it that way. The House Republicans are performing an exorcism today. The Democrat-controlled 111th Congress is being exorcised; evil, if you wi...
The Empathy Clause of the U.S. Constitution
The New York Times is having an utter hissy fit over the decision by leaders of the House of Representatives to recite aloud the Constitution to formally convene the 112th Congress. The left-leaning paper has run two editorials, the first condemning the act on the grounds that the Constitution—contrary to what Republicans believe—is a living document subject to reinterpretation and that doing a selective reading at a specific point in time is therefore an exercise in futility. The se...
Oops! Two House Republicans miss swearing-in ceremony, violate Constitution
Two House Republicans missed the official congressional swearing in ceremony because they were hobnobbing at a Fundraiser . [Gotta meet with those guys paying the bribes. First things first.] Some may not see this as a violation of the Constitution. The applicable part of Article Six states: The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bo...
Despite glitches, Constitution is read on the House floor
WASHINGTON — Republicans made history yesterday by staging the first-ever reading of the entire Constitution on the House floor. But that record may come with an asterisk: Democrats asked why original sections that later were amended, including references to slaves, were left out of the recital, and lawmakers initially did not catch that a couple of key paragraphs were omitted when two pages got stuck together.
Disputes and glitches aside, Republican and Democratic lawmakers silenced thei...
Some Americans Favor Repealing Health Care Reform, Others Don't
Health Care reform Legislation? Why, we haven't been subjected to idiots fighting about that in weeks! I feel so empty inside.
Please, somebody rekindle that nonsense, stat!
Americans do not strongly endorse the new Republican House majority's efforts to Repeal the landmark healthcare legislation passed last year. A new Gallup Poll finds that 46% of Americans want their representative in Congress to vote to Repeal the healthcare law, 40% want their representative to vote to let the l...
Four House Democrats Join With Republicans In Rules Vote To Repeal Obamacare
With a 236 to 181 vote, with four Democrats crossing the aisle to vote with Republicans in the House of Representatives, a procedural vote passed the House on the rules of length and terms of the ObamaCare Repeal debate b before an expected Weds vote on the full Repeal of Obama and Democrats Health Care law from March 2010.
Roll call found here on the House vote on the rules.
The four Democrats that crossed the aisle are:
Representative Dan Boren (OK), who is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition...
House Takes First Step in Repealing Abortion-Funding ObamaCare
The House of Representatives took its first step today in repealing the Abortion-funding ObamaCare bill that pro-life groups strongly oppose. On a 236-181 vote, Republicans approved the rules for debate for the Legislation they will vote on next week to Repeal the government takeover of Health Care. Four Democrats joined Republicans in supporting the rule while two Republicans voted present and 15 lawmakers ofboth parties did not vote. Responding to the vote, House Speaker John Boehner said Repu...
Lawrence Kudlow: Economy is shifting positively as GOP takes power
"Stop the bad stuff" is what then-House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Calif., told a bunch of us at breakfast a few weeks before the election. That's how he defined the GOP mission. Now he's speaker. And now there's an opportunity for both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to move in the direction of a supply-side Economic Growth model to reduce chronic Unemployment and really get The Economy moving again. You can't govern from the House alone. Boehner knows that. But he also knows that you can sto...
The Constitution Is Just Words, Until We Give Them Meaning
The new Republican leadership of the House of Representatives, in a Tea Party-inspired Publicity Stunt, kicked off the 112th Congress yesterday by inviting members of both political parties to read the entire text of the Constitution aloud for what appears to be the first time in the chamber’s history. Ascendant Conservatives hoped to paint their movement as the legitimate, deferential protector of our founding document. But Students of (non-redacted) Civil Rights history and of Constituti...
Cantor's local critic
In a scathing video column that all but accuses newly-minted House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of neglecting his safe district by playing the Beltway influence game, the Richmond Times-Dispatch's Jeff Schapiro takes Cantor to task over his alleged political contradictions.
"All Republicans seem to believe he's on their side," says Schapiro. "Corporate elites welcome his pro-business views. Translated: anti-union, anti-tax, anti-regulation. Social Conservatives are comforted by h...
Marijuana unites people across political lines
There was a time when smoking marijuana was overwhelmingly associated with Liberalism in politics. Old-time Reno Republicans even still seem to associate smoking marijuana with Communism. Today however, Americans of all political persuasions are realizing the value of herbal relaxation and the folly of prohibition. A fresher generation, raised to respect free intellectual inquiry, has ironically grown up with intimate knowledge of the machinations of Free Market Capitalism as a direct cons...
GOP-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Fires First Shot at DOJ
And the New Black Panther case Controversy is at the centerpiece of it's first Oversight letter. Right Turn's Jennifer Rubin reports : Right Turn has obtained the first Oversight letter from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) issued to the Justice Department. While he was in the minority, Smith labored, largely unsuccessfully, on the committee to convince the Democratic chairman to investigate a range of issues, including detainee policy and New Black Panther Party case. He...
The great healthcare showdown: Round One
The debate over Healthcare Reform will be a fascinating one, and already its unexpected twists and turns illustrate that no one can tell exactly where this showdown is ultimately headed.
As Republicans prepare to vote next week (Jan. 12) on a full Repeal of the entire law enacted last March, Democrats are gearing up for a public-relations blitz, hoping to defend the program and reframe it in time for the next election. No matter that it was radioactive during the recent election just two mon...
Poll finds Americans undecided on healthcare repeal
In the shadow of an upcoming vote to Repeal Healthcare Reform next week, Americans are split on whether Congress should Repeal the Legislation — 46 percent in favor to 40 percent against, with 14 percent Undecided, a Gallup Poll released today found.
According to Gallup, the poll, conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday, is consistent with past polls that found the Healthcare Reform law passed last year is still failing to gain traction among Americans.
"Americans' broadly divided opinions on r...
MTA Finances Grow Even Shakier Under GOP House
The assault on the MTA’s already battered finances could now come from yet another front: the Federal Government. The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives passed a rule Wednesday that would allow reductions in federal transportation spending, including investment in transit. That puts previously secure federal funds on the negotiating table, making it that much harder for the MTA to balance its books.
For more information about the Republican rule, check out Tanya’...
Jon Stewart Roasts The House's Reading Of The Constitution (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart was excited to hear that the Constitution would be read in its entirety on the House floor yesterday, but he ended up being less pleased with the results.
"Well, you've done it," Stewart said last night. "You've managed to make the reading of one of our nation's most treasured and sacred founding documents and combined it with the efficiency of the DMV and the dramatic chops of family members who demand to be called to the bima during your bat mitzvah."
[TPM SLIDESHOW: Sanest Of Th...
Conflict Constitutionalists
As promised, the very reverent reading of the Constitution was staged in the hallowed halls of Congress today. The tragicomedic production was not without its moments of high drama. When they got to the "President shall be a natural born citizen" clause, a Birther in the audience burst out in an anguished solliloquy. Help us Jesus indeed.
But the drama wasn't entirely confined to the gallery. The GOP went all PC on the script and decided on an abridged version of the Sacred Document, leaving ...
Moths to the Flame
While Reps were reading the portion of the Constitution covering presidential eligibility ("natural born citizen", a feral birther disrupted the proceedings from the Gallery, yelling "except obama, except obama. Help us Jesus."
Birther Chickens Come Home to Roost
Crazed birther disrupts Constitution reading in House when "natural born citizen" passage is read on the floor.
Birther outburst during Pallone's reading of the U.S. Constitution
As designated by the House GOP majority, Thursday morning was set aside for a full reading of the U.S. Constitution. During one part of it, a spectator in the gallery exercised her First Amendment right of Freedom of Speech. What set her off? No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to th...
Birther Disrupts Congress
A woman doubting the natural born citizen status of US President Barack Obama disrupted a reading of the American Constitution during the Thursday morning opening of the US Congress. “Except Obama! Except Obama!,” shouted the woman, after Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., read the passage from the US Constitution that says “no person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States” is eligible for the presidency. “Help us, Jesus!,” the woman cried ...
Steve King Moves Forward on Bill to End Birthright Citizenship
(Credit: CBS)
Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa, marking his first day as head of a House Immigration panel, introduced a bill on Wednesday to end the practice of birthright Citizenship.
The bill would amend section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify those classes of individuals born in the United States who are nationals and citizens of the United States at birth.
It's generally thought that the 14th Amendment provides a constitutional guarantee of citizenship for anyon...
Cat Fight (Again)?
S.C. Gov.-elect Nikki Haley is once again sparring with the leader of the Palmetto state’s largest fiscally conservative Think Tank - the latest insider drama to befall what can only be described as a turbulent transition to power for the so-called darling of the Tea Party movement. Sources tell FITS that Haley’s on-again, off-again relationship with S.C. Policy Council President Ashley Landess is currently set to “off.” In and of itself, that’s no Big Deal ...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home