Earlier today, I responded to the unsupported, and it turns out, false arguments by liberal Jonathan Chait that regulations and Big Government rarely end up serving Big Business. Now I stumble across more wrongness by Chait, this time regarding ta…
Read more >>These thoughts were inspired by an exchange I watched on CNBC this morning between Tom Friedman, Pulitzer Prize winning author and columnist for the New York Times and Joe Kernen, a co-anchor on CNBC's Squawk Box. Friedman commented that althoug…
Read more >>President Obama insists that he is a really bad negotiator, therefore the deal he got on the two-year extension of the Bush Tax Cuts and the one-year extension of UI benefits was the best that he could do. This package also came with a one-year cu…
Read more >>Apparently the deal on across the board Tax Cuts have been a plus for everyone in Washington. By working with congressional Republicans ( finally ), Obama will benefit in 3 ways. First, he will be able to get things done quickly. Second those thin…
Read more >>by Patrick Appel Jonathan Bernstein defends multiple-choice Mitt: [H]ow can anyone know what Romney will actually do it elected? I think the answer is, basically, the same way you can know that about anyone. He'll follow party …
Read more >>In the wake of President Obama's tax-cut deal with Republicans, the White House is moving quickly to mend its strained relationship with the Democratic Base, reassuring liberal groups, black leaders and labor union officials who opposed the tax …
Read more >>In the wake of President Obama's tax-cut deal with Republicans, the White House is moving quickly to mend its strained relationship with the Democratic Base, reassuring liberal groups, black leaders and labor union officials who opposed the tax …
Read more >>I hope there is nothing to this and Kuttner is just wrong: The tax deal negotiated by President Barack Obama and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is just the first part of a multistage drama that is likely to further divide a…