Outgoing Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) said Thursday that a "credible conservative" movement that doesn't focus on "hatred" of President Obama is needed. Inglis was defeated in a landslide by Trey Gowdy in the June primary runoff. Gowdy, a staunch co…
Read more >>Ignore the revisionist hype in sections of the liberal media about President Obama staging a (mythical) political comeback - this is a presidency with an Approval Rating of 45 percent (according to the RealClear Politics poll of polls), th…
Read more >>Politics: Progressive Populism in Oregon . Progressive Populism in Oregon signals a new kind of politics. With the passage of measures 66 and 67 Oregon is blazing a path of political Populism that should be emulated by Progressives through out the…
Read more >>"Post-American America" is a pervasive theme at Tea Party rallies - seen here locally in October. "Post-American America" is a concept apparently first introduced by Immigration-control Activist H. Millard - a prolific Cali…
Read more >>A Republican lawmaker is hoping to lead a charge in ending the lame-duck session of Congress once the GOP officially takes control of the House of Representatives in January. Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-Kansas) said she hoped to introduce a bill that wou…
Read more >>A new year ahead of us. What is there to look forward to for metro Kansas Citians on both sides of the state line? As we ring in the first day of 2011, tea partiers must be celebrating their victories at the polls in 2010. For locals, that means T…
Read more >>Joe Miller, a Republican Candidate backed by the Tea Party, has conceded defeat to Lisa Murkowski in Alaska's US Senate election. The move ends a protracted Legal Challenge that Mr Miller mounted following the election on 2 November. Authorit…
Read more >>JUNEAU, Alaska — Republican Joe Miller is ending his fight over Alaska's U.S. Senate seat, conceding the race to his bitter rival, Incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Miller's decision, announced Friday at a news conference in Anchorage, comes …