The framing introduction to this National Review chat with Ron Paul does a fairly good job summing up the set of beliefs that Ron Paul combines that give all sorts of folk who are apt to be with him on one thing to be against him on another. He's…
Read more >>I used that term — it’s probably not original, but who knows? — in a recent post about the increasingly obscure meaning of the Money Supply. The best example would surely be Ron Paul, who’s now going to have Oversight over…
Read more >>Ron Paul issued a Press Release that he has been "appointed to head the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee in the 112th Congress. The subcommittee has jurisdiction over monetary policy, currency, …
Read more >>Our prevailing mythology is that Tax Cuts help The Economy. They stimulate it. They promote growth. They create jobs. The truth is that Tax Cuts cause crashes. Tax hikes end depressions and Recessions. Those are the broad strokes. They need …
Read more >>Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke defended the Fed’s recent Controversial actions, aired concerns about the stubbornly high Unemployment Rate, but held onto confidence about the nation’s long term prospects in a rare interview. E…
Read more >>David Beckworth makes the conservative case for QE2 over on the homepage, and Mark Calabria demurs here in the Corner. Calabria is worried about the soundness of Beckworth’s core assumption: that the increase in monetary supply and lack of s…
Read more >>Why is it that Economists don't understand - at a deep and scientific level - how The Economy works? Two centuries after Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations," and more than seven decades after the Great Depression, they…
Read more >>I have long brooded over the fact that Sarah Palin still grabs headlines over the most egregious comments. She wangs Michelle Obama for pushing for an end of Obesity in the United States. She goes after Barbara Bush for being an elitist "blue-bl…