Income Tax news


Kansas county at U.S. geographical center is dying

Breitbart - 13hrs 41mins ago

Kansas City, Missouri (Reuters) - One of the newest businesses in Smith County, Kansas is a gravestone maker. This land of flat prairie boasts two claims to fame. Smith County is the geographic center of the 48 contiguous U.S. states, marked by a…


President Obama discusses economic growth and tax cut stimulus package - 15hrs 6mins ago

Washington , D.C. - In his weekly address on Saturday, President Barack Obama praised the slow but tangible Economic Growth by the country in 2010 and briefly discussed the predicted impact that December’s stimulus package of Tax Cuts …


Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun-Times - 1day 2hrs ago

SRINGFIELD — As the Illinois House returns to the Capitol Sunday, the Income Tax-hike agreement Gov. Quinn struck with the Legislature’s ruling Democrats faces serious questions with time running out. Top allies to House Speaker Michae…


Simple Taxes for Thee, But Not For Me

Mother Jones - 1day 12hrs ago

Fri Jan. 7, 2011 11:22 AM PST Via Megan McArdle, Howard Gleckman at TaxVox summarizes the #1 tax problem identified this year by Nina Olsen, the National Taxpayer Advocate at the Internal Revenue Service: complexity. Olsen estimates that individu…


Ga. Congressmen support FairTax - 2 days ago

Picking up where his predecessor left off, U.S. Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga., introduced Legislation to replace the current tax system with the FairTax. “I have said since its inception that the FairTax is not a tax bill; it is a freedom bill,…


Liberals in Illinois will give you a huge 75% tax increase, - 2 days ago

The people on the Titantic did not vot to hit the iceberg. People in Homer Glen did not vote for this, nor did the people of Will County. The takers in Illinois voted for this garbage. There are more people in Illinois taking from the Ta…


NJ legislature gets through major efforts to boost economy - 2 days ago

As reported on yesterday, Democrats in the statehouse in Trenton were urging their Republican colleagues to join them and work on passing a 30 bill package outlined back in November. Thursday was the first of two days for the state Senate and Asse…


The NY Times Explains the Constitution

Power Line - 2 days ago

Posted by John at 6:04 PM It is fascinating to see the liberal response to House Republicans reading the Constitution in the House chamber. At the New York Times, reporter Kate Zernike offers an "annotated guide" to the Constitution that purports…