The occasion of Rep. Paul Ryan winning an award for Fiscal Responsibility has left a lot of people wondering where the Paul Ryan who seemed to care so much for Fiscal Responsibility has gone. In recent months, Ryan has refused to sign onto the fis…
Read more >>Here’s a list of who’s scheduled to speak on Sunday (Eastern time): 8:30 a.m. – House Speaker John Boehner will speak to reporters in Ohio. 9 a.m. in NYC, 10:30 a.m. in D.C. – NBC’s “Meet the Press” will…
Read more >>Here is the current schedule for Sunday's TV Talk Shows. All times are Eastern: 8:30 a.m. – House Speaker John Boehner will speak to reporters in Ohio. 9 a.m. in NYC, 10:30 a.m. in D.C. – NBC’s “Meet the Press” will…
Read more >>Nearly all of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Washington staff huddled Saturday in the Longworth House Office Building, coping with the tragic news unfolding in their boss’s Arizona district. Just outside the Democrat’s office, a dozen ros…
Read more >>Yesterday David Stockman, Budget chief under President Reagan addressed the fiscal woes ahead for Arizona and the nation at the Downtown Phoenix Sheraton. Stockman told the crowd of Arizona State Legislators and leaders that, “Washington wil…
Read more >>Leg tingly! (CNS)- House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said on Thursday that the budget produced by his committee will reflect spending levels that assume ObamaCare has been repealed and that Republicans will then use “mechanisms”…
Read more >>Terry Hurlbut previously reported an attempt by Republican Congressman Scott Garrett, of New Jersey's fifth Congressional District, to get the House of Representatives to approve a rule requiring a constitutional citation added to the wording of p…
Read more >>Bill Kristol has floated the idea of a Paul Ryan - Marco Rubio ticket in 2012: Having just returned from the e21 and Manhattan Institute-sponsored Conversation with Paul Ryan (very ably conducted by Paul Gigot)--and having seen Marco Rubio speak …