So it now appears to be official: Obama has chosen William Daley as his new Chief of Staff. There's been a lot written about how this pick is sure to anger the Liberal Base, because the optics of appointing a Banker as chief of staff are bad and…
Read more >>Now that Lady Starburst has been deemed insufficiently serious to lead the Party of Lincoln, it’s pretty clear that we’re in for another GOP daddy as the presidential nominee in 2012. I believe it will be either Hunky Prairie Daddy J…
Read more >>In his even younger blog-days, young Ezra Klein supported the Iraq War. Then he stopped supporting the Iraq war. L’Education sentimentale of Ederic Klein is not something I have studied in any particular detail, and damned if I’ll Go…
Read more >>The 10thcongressional district may lose its favorite advocate, Rep Dennis Kucinich. According to the latest Census, the district loss residents.This may cause a reshuffling of district lines. One proposed arrangement would be giving more control t…
Read more >>While the media have been quick to run with Wikileaks’ U.S. State Department cable releases to undermine Washington’s efforts to effect stability in unstable parts of the world, it is slow, if not silent, in giving credit where credit…
Read more >>Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) repeated on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday his hope that the United States can maintain at least two permanent air bases in Afghanistan. He was pushing back against Vice President Joe Biden’s …
Read more >>A former Massachusetts congressman is perhaps most famous today for saying “all politics is local” (or, perhaps, “all politics are local”; I’ve seen it written both ways). Here’s the Wikipedia explanation of the…
Read more >>WASHINGTON — When the new Congress is seated later this month, it will boast the largest number of Iraq War Veterans ever, but will have a lower overall number of members who’ve served in the Military. Veterans groups and the new slate…