Iraq news


Tim Pawlenty on Michele Bachmann, Michael Steele and Hockey

Politics Daily - 7hrs 23mins ago

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is on a book tour, and, as such, I was able to catch up with him for a quick interview Thursday morning. We discussed a wide-ranging list of topics, ranging from Afghanistan to the Minnesota Vikings. Here are…


Diane Sawyer snags first Donald Rumsfeld interview

Politico - 3hrs 32mins ago

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has remained quiet since leaving office in November of 2006, but he returns to the media spotlight on Monday, Feb. 7 in an exclusive interview with Diane Sawyer coinciding with the release of his memoir, …


Late Night: How Sharper Than a Minnows Gums

FDL News Desk - 20hrs 4mins ago

In his even younger blog-days, young Ezra Klein supported the Iraq War. Then he stopped supporting the Iraq war. L’Education sentimentale of Ederic Klein is not something I have studied in any particular detail, and damned if I’ll Go…


Media Slow To Show WikiLeaks Justified Iraq War

Human Events - 1day 10hrs ago

While the media have been quick to run with Wikileaks’ U.S. State Department cable releases to undermine Washington’s efforts to effect stability in unstable parts of the world, it is slow, if not silent, in giving credit where credit…


Moqtada al-Sadr returns to Iraq from Iran

UPI - 1day 2hrs ago

Published: Jan. 5, 2011 at 4:30 PM Supporters greeted radical Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr as he returned Wednesday to Iraq after four years in Iran. (UPI Photo/Mitch Prothero) NAJAF, Iraq, Jan. 5 (UPI) -- Supporters greeted radical Shiite cleric Mo…


Robert Curran at the 9th District hearing - 1day 3hrs ago

"Another reason Curran said he would likely throw his support behind Welch was the nominee's mother’s support for the citywide Smoking Ban passed in 2008 that Curran successfully sponsored and fought hard to pass. “Rarely in political …


Debunking the Crudest Iranian Propaganda

National Review Online - 1day 4hrs ago

Over Christmas Vacation, I went to the Shiite holy city of Najaf, in Iraq, where I had the honor of having audiences with three of the Grand Ayatollahs who reside in that city. I’ll write more about that in the coming months.  Not only …


Larger guard presence sought at border

UPI - 1day 6hrs ago

NOGALES, Ariz., Jan. 5 (UPI) -- Lawmakers from U.S. states bordering Mexico say they want a larger National Guard Deployment to counter rising Drug Cartel violence. U.S. Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, has proposed Legislation allowing border-state governo…