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LIVE from the RNC chair election: Reince Priebus elected RNC chair on 7th ballot

Washington Examiner - 1hr 4mins ago

National Harbor, MD - Wisconsin wunderkind state chair and Michael Steele critic elected RNC chairman on the seventh ballot, with 97 votes, well ahead of the 85 votes needed. Like Speaker Boehner, he wields a wacky giant gavel! “I wanna tha…


Sen. Rand Paul Holds Debt Ceiling Hostage To 44 Percent Cuts In Every Government Program

Think Progress - 6hrs 21mins ago

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has already made it abundantly clear that he expects Republicans to demand concessions in return for raising the nation’s Debt ceiling, which will have to be done sometime in the coming months. Like a slew of equally …


You asked for it says Richmond Tea Party - 1day 23hrs ago

“You asked for it” says an email to Richmond Tea Party supporters this week who have been asking for monthly meetings with James A. Bacon, author of ‘Boomergeddon’ to be the first Keynote Speaker. According to Richmond Tea …


Will Governor Pat Quinn pass the bill to abolish the death penalty in IL? - 3 days ago

  The Illinois Senate voted 32-25 to abolish the death penalty today. The bill almost didn’t make it to the Senate floor after failing the first round of votes last week in the Illinois House, but the second round of votes passed a…


Courage To Stand

Power Line - 3 days ago

Posted by John at 1:17 PM Minnesota's former Governor, Tim Pawlenty, is gearing up for a Presidential run. While he has yet to make a big impression in the polls, he is well regarded by GOP leaders around the country and is working on becoming be…


A T-Paw Party?

The Weekly Standard - 6 days ago

Two-term Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty says he won’t decide on a 2012 presidential bid until March or April, but for over a year he’s been giving every indication that he’s running for the Republican nomination. Since announcin…


NY Post: Rudy rounding up advisers for 2012 presidential run

Hot Air - 7 days ago

Why not? The Republican nomination will be a wide-open affair, and more than one of the runner-up contenders from 2008 will return for another shot at the title.  And Rudy Giuliani apparently thinks he’s found a niche all to himself: …


Sullys On a Roll

Balloon Juice - 7 days ago

I can’t quit you when you write things like this: So true. You’ve got Andy McCarthy telling us that president Obama is allied with radical Islamists in a Grand Jihad against America, Stanley Kurtz insisting that he was a Marxist revo…