Americans For Prosperity: What the hell is Americans For Prosperity? Four years ago, that would have been a serious question. Today, just ask (former) Congressman Rick Boucher whether AFP-VA matters.
PHOTOS: Rick Boucher in pictures
Ben Marchi announced his departure today from AFP-VA, and the list of accomplishments is worthwhile. Rising from literally nothing, AFP-VA has scalps — and that’s a claim that few state fiscal Conservatives groups can manage to brag about.
VIDEOS: Rick Boucher in videos
At an AFP-VA staff meeting, Ben Marchi reminds others that he is a ...
Whipple Clips Dozen: Friday Morning
Marchi leaves Americans for Prosperity, expects to advise Allen
Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) is losing a frequenter supporter -- and a sometimes critic. Ben Marchi, state director of the Americans for Prosperity, a group that supports low taxes and transparency in government, will announce Thursday that he is leaving the organization after three years. Marchi and his wife, Jennifer, a Virginia former State Employee, are purchasing a Health Care business. He is also widely expected to become a top adviser to former Sen. George Allen in his yet to be announced bid ...
Extension of Bush Tax Cuts Helping the Middle Class
Economists and lawmakers often like to talk in grandiose numbers. A Tax Increase will raise millions of dollars. A Tax Cut will save millions of dollars. For the average person balancing their Budgets, these numbers are abstract and don’t mean anything.
That is, until the numbers actually affect them—and their wallets.
This was illustrated first hand to me twice this week, for better and for worse.
First, the bad. Pepsi announced on Monday they were closing a production plant in Ba...
Illinois tax laws could be California's future
Like a chapter out of the ObamaCare saga, Illinois voters will now reap what they have sown. Democratic Governor Pat Quinn was recently elected to serve a full term after replacing the disgraced Rod Blagojevich in 2009. His bitterly fought victory came by the narrowest of margins in a highly blue state. During the Lame Duck period between his interim status as governor and his first full term, the State Legislature voted into law a 67 percent personal Tax Increase and a 46 percent bu...
McDonnell proposes sending existing sales tax to NoVa for roads
Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) announced Friday that he is asking State Legislators to designate a portion of the Sales Tax to road projects in the two most congested areas of the state, Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads. The .25 percent of sales Tax Revenue generated in those regions would provide $140 million a year. Democrats, who narrowly control the state Senate, will likely oppose his proposal to use some of the local discretionary Sales Tax for roads. They have long contended that Virginia's a...
AFP Releases 111th Congress Key Vote Scorecard
AFP responses to President Obama's multiple attacks on our 1.6 million Free Market Activists. Proud Socialists march at the so-called "One Nation" rally led by labor Unions as an attempt to counter Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally. ARLINGTON, Va.—The Free Market Grassroots group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) today released its Key Vote Scorecard for the 111th Congress to educate Taxpayers on their representatives’ stand on key policy issues. The group rated the top Free Market vo...
AFP Releases 111th Congress Key Vote Scorecard
AFP responses to President Obama's multiple attacks on our 1.6 million Free Market Activists. Proud Socialists march at the so-called "One Nation" rally led by labor Unions as an attempt to counter Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally. ARLINGTON, Va.—The Free Market Grassroots group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) today released its Key Vote Scorecard for the 111th Congress to educate Taxpayers on their representatives’ stand on key policy issues. The group rated the top Free Market vo...
Letter of Support: Rep. Bachmann's Dodd-Frank Repeal Bill, H.R. 87
AFP responses to President Obama's multiple attacks on our 1.6 million Free Market Activists. Proud Socialists march at the so-called "One Nation" rally led by labor Unions as an attempt to counter Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally. Letter of Support: Rep. Bachmann's Dodd-Frank Repeal Bill, H.R. 87 On behalf of more than 1.5 million Americans for Prosperity activists in all 50 states, I am writing to applaud your introduction of H.R. 87, a bill to repeal the so-called Wall Street Reform a...
Elsewhere: In a Way That is as Minimally Staged as Possible
Tuition hikes could be in the offing for CUNY and SUNY
Carl Paladino, who you may recall once talked about taking a Baseball Bat to Albany, says the Tea Party
(Read more...)
Haagen-Dazs Dealers Don't Play
In this file photo, one local Ice Cream "gangsta" flexes his muscles for the camera to demonstrate dominance over his "turf." (Serious Eats)
It's not just Ice Cream truck drivers who conduct their business like they're in warring Drug Cartels. The NY Post has the scoop on an "ice cream Cold War" between two distributors fighting over the right to stock the same freezer in a Bed-Stuy bodega. It's tough out there for a frozen dessert dealer! On Monday Homero Jaramillo was in the midst of selling...
Worst Person in the World
Local Wingnut Talk Show host Bob Durgin:
In talking about The New York Times, often seen as queen of the left by Conservatives, Durgin added, “Somebody ought to burn that paper down. Just go to New York and blow that sucker right out of the water.” Durgin now concedes that last remark may have been a bridge too far in an overheated environment.
Find me one liberal Talk Radio host who has said anything resembling this. Good luck!
Murder Mac and Cheese. Your Neighbor is Suspect
Monday? This leftist blood Libel started on Saturday. Meghan Daum, LA Times visits the op-ed page of the Chicago Tribune:
If only we could go back to Monday. Discussions about Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Ariz., which killed six and wounded 13, including Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, were so much simpler then: inflamed, righteous and deliciously partisan in a comfort-food kind of way.
The fallout from the tragedy took a neat and predicta...
Harvard Professor Jill Lepore Links Tucson Massacre to Tea Party ‘Constitution Worship’
And breaking developments throughout the evening at American Power. RELATED : At The Other McCain, "How to Talk to a Follower of the Zeitgeist Cult (If You Must)." Share this article! Conservatives with Attitude!...
Ariz. Shooting Survivor Blames Conservatives
We speak with Tucson shooting survivor Eric Fuller. A 63-year-old disabled Veteran, Fuller had campaigned for Arizona Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in her Reelection campaign and was at the Supermarket in Tucson on Saturday to meet with her. He was shot in the knee and also wounded in the back. "It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target," Fuller says. "Their wish for Second Amendment Activism has been fulfilled." You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is...
They Just Don't Stop
I thought Sarah Palin's "blood Libel" comment was crude and stupid. And I understand that many found it offensive, though I can't say I was really offended in any personal way. The truth is very few things actually offend me. But this actually did. The Washington Times says that the reaction to Palin is part of an "ongoing Pogrom" against Conservatives in America.
That strikes me as offensive and even disgusting.
I really don't know what's with this people.
Sarah Palins next speaking engagement is at Safari Club International
Posted by Jennifer Caballero on Jan 14 2011 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
The MSM is already calling it a gun convention, because that is how they want to drive the false narrative about Conservatives and guns.
However, Sarah Palin is set to attend a hunters convention in late January for a Speaking Engagement.
The Road Not Taken
Shorter Kirstin Powers:
Wednesday night President Obama spent waaaay too much time talking about people who got shot and asking Americans to be more civil and stuff like that, when he should have talking about the real Victims of the Tucson shooting: Sarah Palin and Conservatives.
I think someone is going to find a little something extra in her paycheck from Roger Ailes next week and it’s not going to be Bill O’Reilly’s falafel this time.
Sarah Palins next speaking engagement is at Safari Club International
- Jennifer of Cubachi
The MSM is already calling it a gun convention, because that is how they want to drive the false narrative about Conservatives and guns.
However, Sarah Palin is set to attend a hunters convention in late January for a Speaking Engagement.
George Soros- Just a Liberal friend or more?
Conservatives on Fire has a thoughtful post on the motivations of George Soros. At first glance, one would assume he must share the goals of the Progressives. But an alternative is presented. Don’t think that because of his age, his worrisome plans will be buried with him. He has two sons waiting in the wings who are more radical than he. Well worth strolling over to his place for his full read. George Soros - Friend to American Liberals or does he just use them? “On the surfac...
Univ. Confirms It Was Responsible For Tucson Memorial T-Shirts Criticized By Conservatives
As TPM was first to report Wednesday, Conservatives found themselves up in arms about T-shirts that were given out during the Tucson memorial for Victims of last Saturday's shooting.
Some said the T-shirts, which read "Together We Thrive: Tucson & America," were an inappropriate political statement orchestrated by the White House, since President Obama spoke at the memorial.
TPM reported Wednesday that the memorial, including the T-shirts, was organized by the University of Arizona. Now, the...
Bob Graham: the battle over whether Florida is for sale has re-emerged
Is Florida a commodity or a treasure? That is the question former U.S. Sen. and Gov. Bob Graham asked after his Speech Friday to the Economic Club of Florida on the Oil Spill disaster in the Gulf. Although he chose his words carefully, his point is that the political climate today has revived the question which he believes was put to rest 40 years ago: Is Florida for sale?
Graham, who was Governor from 1978-86 and U.S. Senator from 1986-2004. Here are his remarks to the Heral...
MSNBC Exonerates Jared Loughner
Jared Loughner almost certainly had never heard of Sarah Palin back in 2007 when he first developed the psychotic fixation on Gabrielle Giffords that climaxed in mass Murder. He did not follow the news, and there is no evidence whatsoever that he was motivated in any way by any conservative. But that's not going to stop MSNBC from exploiting the tragedy. Spinning the news is behind this astonishingly vile network. Now they invent it out of whole cloth. Check out the graphic they've been running ...
Should State Of The Union Seating Be Bi-Partisan?
Typically seating in the House of Representatives for the State of the Union addresses by the President is done along partisan lines, with Democrats sitting on one side and Republicans sitting on the other. Now, in the wake of the Tucson shooting, many want the seating to be bi-partisan with members of the two parties mixed in. “”This is symbolic, this is a nice gesture,” Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA) says in support. “”I think both sides need to be careful about going bac...
Michael Steele Will Not Continue as RNC Chair
The rounds of voting continue at the RNC meeting, but Chairman Michael Steele has now dropped out. There are still four Candidates in the running. Steele made an Endorsement, but the person he endorsed is not a favorite of Conservatives. We'll see how that all works out.
Lightning Round: There's More to Freedom than a Mel Gibson Monologue.
According to the Heritage Foundation, America continues its steep descent on the "economic freedom" scale, dropping to ninth overall, firmly in the "mostly free" bracket. Now, I happen to believe economic freedom is a good and important thing. But it is one freedom amongst many. For the Libertarian right, however, economic freedom is freedom, QED. Similarly, this Washington Post editorial that reads a gloomy Freedom House report and concludes that Obama and America need to "advocate" more for f...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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