Michelle Obama: Potential GOP Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee says Sarah Palin’s wrong and Michelle Obama’s right, at least when it comes to the First Lady’s push to combat Childhood Obesity. “With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she's misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do,” the former Arkansas Governor said Tuesday on the “Curtis Sliwa Show.” Continue Reading Text Size - + reset Politico 44 Michelle Obama has pushed...
PHOTOS: Michelle Obama in pictures
VIDEOS: Michelle Obama in videos
Huckabee Backs FLOTUS Healthy Eating Campaign
Politico reports:
Potential GOP Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee says Sarah Palin’s wrong and Michelle Obama’s right, at least when it comes to the First Lady’s push to combat Childhood Obesity.
“With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she’s misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do,” the former Arkansas Governor said Tuesday on the “Curtis Sliwa Show.”
Michelle Obama has pushed several initiatives to encourage kids t
Huckabee Says Palin in Wrong, Michelle Obama Should Act as The Food Police
steve7.62 on Pelosi Finally Finds a Reason to be Patriotic, Leads Dems in Singing “God Bless America” to Celebrate Gays in the Military… DisturbedMary on U.S. Director of National Intelligence Asked About Recent London Terror Arrests: Umm, What Terror Arrests?… skydiver on How Big a Disaster Has The Lame-Duck Session Been? Lindsey Graham Now Scolding Fellow RINOs For “Capitulating” to Democrats… asaracen on Shocker! Obama Regime Fails to Release Annual R...
Huckabee Takes Sides In Palin-Michelle Obama Food Fight
Potential GOP Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee says Sarah Palin's wrong and Michelle Obama's right, at least when it comes to the First Lady's push to combat Childhood Obesity. "With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she's misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do," the former Arkansas Governor said Tuesday on the "Curtis Sliwa Show." You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives,...
Mike Huckabee Defends Michelle Obama Against Sarah Palin (AUDIO)
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee took a moment on Tuesday to counter Sarah Palin's recent claim that Michelle Obama is out to rob Children and parents of their rights to eat dessert.
"With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she's misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do," Huckabee said Tuesday during a radio appearance the "Curtis Sliwa Show."
On Sunday's episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska," the state's former governor quipped on a camping trip that sh...
Huckabee Sides With Michelle Obama Over Sarah Palin On Anti-Obesity Campaign
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is defending the First Lady from attacks by Sarah Palin over her anti-obesity campaign: Potential GOP presidential...
TRENDING: Huckabee takes Michelle Obama's side over Palin
(CNN) - Mike Huckabee is weighing in on the Sarah Palin v. Michelle Obama face-off when it comes to suggesting nutritional guidelines for Americans - and he's taking the First Lady's side. "With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she's misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do," Huckabee, who has long documented his own battle with weight said Tuesday on the "Curtis Sliwa Show," according to Politico. Huckabee's comments come in response to a rema...
Huckabee takes Obama's side in food fight
Sarah Palin's war on the war against Obesity has been one of the more curious fights the former AK Governor has picked, considering obesity's crippling effect on the Health Care industry.
Earlier this year, Mike Huckabee invited Michelle Obama to his show to help promote her anti-childhood Obesity campaign, and now -- with Palin's shots at Obama's campaign fresh in everyone's mouths -- Huckabee is again rallying to the FLOTUS' defense.
"With all due respect to my colleague and friend, Sarah Pa...
Huckabee sides with Michelle Obama on the fight against childhood obesity
- Jennifer of Cubachi
Huckabee decided to enter into the nutrition and Childhood Obesity debate, stemmed from Palin's comments against Michelle Obama's Big Government initiatives.
Should it be a surprise that Huckabee is a Big Government republican who thinks the government knows best when it comes to your kids?
Huckabee: Michelle Obamas Right on Child Obesity
When it comes to child Obesity, Mike Huckabee has praise for Michelle Obama’s approach — and thinks that Sarah Palin should give Obama’s anti-obesity initiatives another chance. “With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she’s misunderstood what Michelle Obama’s trying to do,” said Huckabee in an interview yesterday with New York radio Talk Show host Curtis Sliwa, referring to Palin’s sarcastic comment in Sunday’s e...
The Real Reason Why Kids are Fat
The Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, that was pushed through Congress just last week, is a terrific example of all that is wrong with the Left. The proposed legislation includes $4.5 billion over 10 years for programs that are designed to…teach children how to eat.
Yup, the United States government has officially become Mom and Dad — which works out well for moms like Monet Parham, who’s suing McDonald’s for offering Happy Meals on their menu.
I am concerned about the health o...
Mike Huckabee Sides with Michelle Obama over Sarah Palin on Controlling what Kids Eat Audio 12/21/10
Here is audio of Mike Huckabee siding with Michelle Obama over Sarah Palin on Obama’s push to control what school Children eat. He made his remarks to New York Radio Host Curtis Sliwa. Huckabee seems oblivious to the great likelihood this push is only a first step to the Government seeking to determine what foods are fit for citizens to eat in order to control Health Care costs (which the Government is going to be on the hook for in 2014). Sarah Palin has warned that the Federal Governme...
News links: With dont ask, dont tell repeal, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand emerges into the spotlight
The Obamas are back in Hawaii for Christmas break. Politico>>>
Food fight. Sarah Palin accuses First Lady Michelle Obama, a vocal proponent of healthy eating, of being the grinch who stole dessert. Fellow conservative Mike Huckabee, formerly 280 pounds, disagrees. CNN>>>
With the Repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” and the passage of the 9-11 Health Care bill, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand emerges from the shadow of her colleague, Sen. Chuck Schumer. NY Tim
Sarah Palin creates media firestorm over Michelle Obama and kids desserts
Former Governor Sarah Palin touched off a hot debate recently over sweets for kids. She mentioned it on her show. "Where are the s'mores ingredients? This is in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert." Huckabee jumped all over it. Palin also took on Wikileaks the other day. The Computer Hacker Assange could have a day of reckoning coming soon. His high wire act which consists of peddling classified data has run up against solid opposition...
Ticket Replay: Michelle Obama's health reform plan for restaurant menus and families dining out
During the Holiday Season, as in years past, The Ticket is republishing some of our favorite items from the previous political year. This story was originally published on Sept. 14, 2010:
First Lady Michelle Obama , who has been unable to convince the Smoker-in-Chief to give up that dreadful habit, now has some health suggestions for other American families and for restaurant menus across the country. The goal is to eat healthier, although that might hurt restaurant sales and cause disappointe...
Why Becky Skillman Matters (with a Special Guest Appearance by Haley Barbour)
The withdrawal of a Candidate few have heard of from a race few have given much thought to could be very significant for a number of Presidential Candidates.
Becky Skillman has withdrawn (for health reasons, she says) from the race to succeed Mitch Daniels as Governor of Indiana. Ms. Skillman is currently the Lieutenant Governor and was considered a strong contender for the position, though probably an underdog if Mike Pence got in the race. Skillman’s withdrawal, combined with Evan Bayh say...
Sarah Palin levels more criticism at Michelle Obama and child nutrition bill
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, also known as the child nutrition bill that was sponsored by First Lady Michelle Obama and signed into law earlier this month, is not Sarah Palin's cup of tea. Sarah Palin, leader of the Tea Party movement and possible Republican Candidate for president in 2012, has missed no opportunity to criticize Michelle Obama for her tremendous efforts to combat child Obesity and hunger. Recently, Sarah Palin showed her Disapproval of government intervention...
Commentary: First they came for my Twinkie ...
To ring in 2011, let's raise a toast in unison to proclaim the most frequently made New Year's resolution. Then promptly break it.
Yes, it's the season for the annual American vow to lose weight.
But first, let's argue about just how much leverage the government should exert to squeeze us back into our Skinny Jeans. Now that it is well established that a full two-thirds of adults and one-third of school-aged Children are overweight or obese.
But here we are, with the president's signature bar...
On This One Kudos To Michelle Obama
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Forgive me if my sarcasm is obvious. However, don't rational people have more important things to single out and criticize the FLOTUS for than her efforts to heighten awareness over the dangers of Obesity. Particularly within the young? Sure she has had an occasional Ice Cream, maybe her taste for the sweeter things in life are legendary. So what? At least she is attempting to to do the right thing. Not unlike the Conservatives that have preached fidelity ...
Palin Attacks Michelle Obama For Wanting Kids To Eat Healthy
When Sarah Palin wants to go to Haiti to do some good and the media snipes at her she is offended; however, she has no problem sniping at First Lady Michelle Obama who does good by fighting Childhood Obesity. While scrounging around for ingredients to make S’mores on her reality show, she dedicates the snack to the First Lady “who said the other day we should not have dessert.”
No Second Season of 'Sarah Palin's Alaska'?
For now Sarah Palin is a TV star, in the same way that Mike Huckabee is a talk-show host and Mitt Romney is just a guy with well-combed hair, but she could soon become a Presidential Candidate. The TV work, it would seem--particularly her gig on The Learning Channel's "Sarah Palin's Alaska," in which she shows viewers her home state--would prevent a serious campaign from materializing.
In light of that truth, rumors have arisen that Palin could return (or, rather, that the Discovery camera crew...
Poll: Obama Leads In Hypothetical 2012 FL Matchups
President Obama carried the critical Swing State of Florida in 2008, and according to a new poll, he's leading there again in 2012.
In a new PPP poll, Obama leads all five potential Republican challengers matched against him in the Sunshine State. Mitt Romney comes closest to catching Obama, trailing by just two points, 46% to 44%. Romney is the only challenger to come within the poll's 3% Margin of Error.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Speaker Newt Gingrich each came within fiv...
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee seems to be spending a lot of his time talking about Sarah Palin these days.
Oz Garcia: Child Nutrition Act: 'Childhood Obesity Is a National Security Threat.'
Slowly, but surely, things are starting to look up. Last week President Obama signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, a nutrition bill that I believe is sure to reduce our country's overwhelming child Obesity statistics. When enacted, this law will promote better eating habits by giving the Federal Government greater authority in setting the standards for food that is sold in vending machines and in school cafeterias.
The bill will provide $4.5 billion to subsidize free meals in low-income ...
Oprah talks Palin, 2012
Washington (CNN) - Oprah Winfrey says America may "fall in love" with Sarah Palin as a TV star, but is dismissing the idea that the country would vote for the former Alaska Governor in the future. Asked in an interview with Parade magazine if the thought of Palin's running for office scares her, Winfrey responded, "It does not scare me because I believe in the intelligence of the American public." Winfrey, who interviewed Palin shortly after her first book was released, said she was not sure if...
Michelle Obama's Best Outfits Of 2010 (PHOTOS, POLL)
First Lady Michelle Obama continued to up the style ante in the White House over the last twelve months, starting off the year in a McQueen pantsuit and ending it with a secondhand first: a vintage frock by Norman Norell. And in between, we saw tons of color and texture, statement jewelry and a FLOTUS-worthy 'do to go with each.
We've rounded up our favorite First Lady looks of the year and -- whew! -- it wasn't easy. Click on the caption to find out where Michelle was and what she was wearing...
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