On January 1st, the Environmental Protection Agency began implementing new regulations that are a complete overreach of the agency’s authority. Across the country they have begun to set up a “Cap and Trade” style licensing system…
Read more >>Rep. Edolphus Towns has a decision to make before Democrats finish handing out key subcommittee assignments next week: energy or health. The 14-term Brooklyn congressman's seniority gives him a top pick on the powerful Energy and Commerce Commi…
Read more >>Below is the full text of an email I sent Friday afternoon to Arthur Brisbane, Public Editor of the New York Times. In it, I detail a serious error made by Times columnist Paul Krugman in his Sunday column - documented at NB - and request that the…
Read more >>Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has been doing the rounds lately, promoting his new book and signaling quite clearly that he is going to run for president. He's still pretty mu…
Read more >>Of all the pundits trying to pin the Tucson massacre on Conservatives, perhaps none has been more nakedly partisan and ignorant of the facts than Paul Krugman. Putting aside the sheer comedy of calls for Civil Discourse from a columnist who, when …
Read more >>RICHMOND - Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, in his State of the Commonwealth Address Wednesday evening, called for civility from state lawmakers and hit hard on the issue of transportation as he unveiled his 2011 agenda for the General Assembly. McDon…
Read more >>I am a fan of Fox News, but very well aware of how most of the local media is extremely biased towards the left, even Vegas Fox 5. I just thought that maybe they could be a little more objectionable when it came to reporting news and that is…
Read more >>HAVE YOU NO DECENCY, SIR? I also agree that this may be a tipping point in Krugman’s disgraceful career as a columnist. For one thing, he is intellectually lazy and seems to operate on the principle that a Krugman assertion is, ipso facto,…