Ann Coulter: After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors.
PHOTOS: Ann Coulter in pictures
At least I think that's what the Mainstream Media are trying to tell me.
VIDEOS: Ann Coulter in videos
Liberals instantly leapt on the sickening massacre at a Tucson political event over the weekend to accuse tea partiers, Sarah Palin and all Conservatives who talk out loud of being complicit in Murder by inspiring the shooter, Jared Loughner. Of course, to make their case, ...
NY Times Hits New Low, Keeps Digging: Shamelessly Spins Quote to Imply Giffords Shooter Was a Pro-Life Zealot
Pravda is officially more credible than the New York Times. (Ann Coulter)- In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times — which is saying something - that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth. Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail — and with direct quotes — do we know that the Times’ ...
New York Times wrongly suggests Tucson shooter is a pro-life
Ann Coulter, of all people, makes a heck of a catch in her latest column. So here's what ABC News reported about Loughner's time in community college: One Pima Community College Student, who had a poetry class with Loughner later in his college career, said he would often act "wildly inappropriate." "One day [Loughner] started making comments about Terrorism and laughing about killing the baby," classmate Don Coorough told ABC News, referring to a discussion about Abortions. "The rest of us were...
Off The Grid
There are many ways to transcribe political philosophies into graphical form. I am rather fond of the dual-axis model, as illustrated and explained here. On the other hand, there's a large delegation of the left thinks that second axis is kind of redundant; there's a simple left-right continuum, with "left" being synonymous with 'liberal" and "good," and "right" meaning "conservative" and "evil."
And then there's a third model. This is the one demonstrated by the Tucson shooter and his politic...
Arizona Shooting Suspect Jared Loughner Posed in Pictures in Red G-String with Glock, Say Police
Source: CBS News
Police say Jared Loughner, the suspect in the Arizona shooting rampage that left six dead and over a dozen wounded including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, posed in photos with a Glock 9mm while wearing a red g-string, according to a report.
Walgreens turned the photos over to police, according to a police source that spoke to CBS News.
Police say Loughner had dropped the photos off to be developed.
The New York Times reports that according to police, in some photos Loughner is hold...
Political Discourse and the Tucson Shootings
Should the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona, where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was gravely wounded in a Shooting Spree that left 14 injured and six dead, become a "teachable moment" about hate and polarization in American political discourse? Yes—not because of the shooting but because of its aftermath.
First there was the blame game on the left, with New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and others jumping with indecent haste to pin the shootings on right-wing and Tea Party Rhetoric. In fact, the gun...
Worst Person in the World
Local Wingnut Talk Show host Bob Durgin:
In talking about The New York Times, often seen as queen of the left by Conservatives, Durgin added, “Somebody ought to burn that paper down. Just go to New York and blow that sucker right out of the water.” Durgin now concedes that last remark may have been a bridge too far in an overheated environment.
Find me one liberal Talk Radio host who has said anything resembling this. Good luck!
The Golden Goose and His Smooth-Talking Devils Hit A Speed Bump
This week the media's attention went from the "golden-voiced" celebrity building of Ted Williams to the heated blitzkrieg mission of "blood Libel" against Sarah Palin, the average American Citizen movement of the Tea Party, Talk Radio personalities, etc. (everyone except the authentic lunatic fringe of society who actually sprayed a gathering of innocent people with a full clip of bullets) ... So, I thought I'd bring you up to speed a bit on the Homeless man that grabbed everyone's attention one...
Top 10 Most Ridiculous Attacks on Conservatives Following the AZ Shootings
This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the 21st century, even to the extent that President Obama himself, probably the most liber...
New York Times Lies?
In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times — which is saying something — that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot . This is the precise opposite of the truth. Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail — and with direct quotes — do we know that the Times’ rendition was complete bunk. ABC News reported: “One Pima Community ...
When your name is Palin, you have no right to defend yourself
**Posted by Phineas
I was going to go off on another rant‡ about Democratic politicians, mainstream Journalists, and leftist Activists (but I repeat myself) and their blood Libel against the Right and Sarah Palin, but then I watched this episode of PJTV’s Trifecta and realized that Greene, Ott, and Whittle said everything I could. And did it better. Just watch; I’ll wait here.
Take away line from Whittle: “I have to count to ten.”
Of the many odd, even outrageous, thing...
Violent Rhetoric Can Lead to Tragedies Like Arizona Shooting
David Brock is CEO of Media Matters, which tracks and corrects conservative misinformation in the media
As we learn more about Jared Loughner, the young man allegedly responsible for the tragedy in Tucson last weekend, it seems clear that he is a mentally unstable individual whose motivations for committing such a horrific crime remain unknown. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a conversation about current political discourse and how it has gone too far.
It is a conversation Media Matte...
From Dallas to Tucson
An American politician takes a bullet to the head in broad daylight. Three days later, under the headline “The spiral of hate,” The New York Times editorial board has this to say about it: “None of us can escape a share of the fault for the spiral of unreason and violence that has now found expression in [gunfire].” In the same spirit, a U.S. Supreme Court justice blames the act on “the hatred and bitterness that has been injected into the life of our nation by bigots.”
Jeff Kass: Jared Loughner's Diagnosis
And the verdict is... schizophrenia.
I thought it would be interesting to survey the various diagnoses to see what experts and others were saying. And I thought there would be a range of opinions, which might point up the futility of such an exercise, but also be a good starting point for comparative analysis. (Keeping in mind that snap judgement blogging isn't always the best place to start serious inquiries).
But so far schizophrenia seems to be the most common diagnosis for Loughner, who st...
Fact About Jared Loughner I Didnt Need To Know Of The Day
This is the opening paragraph in a story at The New York Times of all places: Law Enforcement officials said Friday they have multiple photos of Jared L....
Loughner posed in g-string with Glock (Politico)
Police said Friday they have semi-naked pictures accused Tucson shooter Jared Lee Loughner took of himself posing with a Glock 9mm gun while wearing a g-string, police said Friday. In photos turned over to the cops by a Walgreens drug store, Loughner posed bright-red g-string underwear with the same type of gun recovered at Saturday’s shooting at a Tucson Safeway. In some photos, Loughner is holding the gun near his crotch, The New York Times reported. In others that appear to have been sh...
New York Times Tells Lie Big Enough To Earn It Another Pulitzer
Oh boy. I saw commenters posting this but I didn't know where they'd gotten it from.
In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times -- which is saying something -- that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth.
Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail -- and with direct quotes -- do we know that the Times' rendition was ...
Liberals now seekban on metaphors
After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors.
At least I think that's what the Mainstream Media are trying to tell me.
Liberals instantly leapt on the sickening massacre at a Tucson political event over the weekend to accuse tea partiers, Sarah Palin and all Conservatives who talk out loud of being complicit in Murder by inspiring the shooter, Jared Loughner.
Of course, to make their cas...
Leftist Lies and the Arizona Shooting
Posted by Ann Coulter on Jan 13th, 2011 and filed under Daily Mailer, FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we’ve got to pass Obama’s agenda immediately and stop using metaphors. At least I think that’s what the Mainstream Media are trying to tell me. Liberals instantly leapt on the s...
In Defence Of The Mainstream Media
For the better part of two decades, “Mainstream Media” has been mostly an epithet. For Conservatives, it described the cabal of secret lefty elites, who slanted news reporting in favor of their Upper West Side agenda. For liberals, it was the corporate club of lazy, self-important stenographers who happily carried water for whomever held power--and especially for Republicans in the run-up and execution of the Iraq War. For the moderate, less-engaged news consumer, it was just sort of...
FBI pays visit to blogger as potential "threat"
This local ABC report out of southwest Missouri suggests a law enforcement response to the Mass Shooting in Arizona that has, until now, been conducted behind the scenes:
CHRISTIAN COUNTY, Mo. — A local blogger who was critical of Rep. Billy Long during last year's congressional campaign has been interviewed by the FBI about his encounters with the congressman.
Clay Bowler, who lives in Christian County, says he was shocked to find an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation at...
The Myth of Civility
This is an important point as we try to understand why our society is breaking down. As mistermix points out it's not the Incivility, it's the dishonesty. He gets quote of the day:
The reason that hundreds of angry people came to town hall meetings in my Congressional District in 2009, and the reason that police had to be present where they had never been before, wasn’t because someone was “uncivil”. It was because their media heroes and Party Leaders told them a pack of lies about deat
Michelle Malkin: Pointing fingers a popular liberal theme
I agree with President Obama. When it comes to politicizing random violence, he and his supporters have been "far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than" they do. Recognition is the first step toward Reconciliation. It's time to recognize the poisonous pervasiveness of the Blame Righty meme. For the past two years, Democratic officials, liberal Activists and Journalists have jumped to libelous conclusions about individual shooting...
Tucson Survivor Claims Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Sharron Angle 'Got Their First Target'
At Communist Amy Goodman's Democracy Now!, "Tucson Shooting Survivor: 'It Looks Like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the Rest Got Their First Target'." (Via Memeorandum.)
PREVIOUSLY : "Harvard's Jill Lepore Ties Jared Loughner to Tea Party 'Constitution Worship'."
Death Threats Against Palin Caught on Youtube
Death threats against former Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin have spiked on the Social Networking site Twitter ever since the January 8 Tucson Shooting Spree. An individual who goes by the Nom de Web of "trackerkan" screen captured a rather large number of "tweets" that either advocated the Murder of Palin, or wished violence upon her in different situations, such as hoping she'd commit Suicide. "Listen. I don’t want much from Sarah Palin. I just want her to admit pa...
Remembering Our Fallen Week: The Tragedy In Wasilla
Your Wonkbot kept us safe from terror, before becoming another Victim in the tragedy in Tuscan, Arizona, like fellow cylon Sarah Palin. Starved for attention (her TLC show ended this week), Sister Sarah made a Controversial hate movie (Crash 2), shot on location in her Wasilla meth factory. Jared Lee Loughner should have just gone into gun sales, as he has a clear talent for moving them off the shelves. “Houdini of the Senate,” Joe Manchin, says he would never shoot a man, unless he ...
Hawaii Dismisses Nuclear Fears
Wisconsin Judge Blocks Controversial Union Bargaining Law
Libya Declares Cease-Fire After UN Approves No Fly Zone
Arizona Senate Rejects Birthright Immigration Bill
Obama Signs Short-Term Spending Bill
House Votes To Ban Funding for NPR
Senate Approves Stopgap Measure
Justice Department Slams New Orleans Police Department for 'Misconduct'
Flood Threatens Nearly Half of U.S.
U.S. Gets UN Nod on 'Airstrikes' in Libya
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