Mark Kirk

Born: September 14,1959
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Mark Kirk news


Biden botches swearing-in of senator...

Drudge Report - 17hrs ago

WASHINGTON — Joe Biden, the gaffe-prone Vice President, strayed from tradition Monday at the swearing-in of Republican Mark Kirk, the new senator from Illinois. Biden, who is president of the Senate, began by instructing Kirk: "Please place …


Joe Biden Facepalm Alert: Has Mark Kirk Swear-in Using Wrong Hands

Weasel Zippers - 13hrs 25mins ago

Gaffe-tastic!… Gaffe Made During Mark Kirk’s Swearing-In - Fox Chicago There was a slight mix-up during the swearing in of Republican Senator Mark Kirk. On Monday, Vice President Joe Biden asked Kirk to place his right hand on…


Pork-buster McCaskill and subsidy-scourge Kirk rally for ethanol boondoggle

Washington Examiner - 14hrs 15mins ago

If Republicans are serious about their free-market talk they'll let the expiring Ethanol Subsidies die, I wrote earlier this month. But they're not. WASHINGTON - Saying that Ethanol offers the most effective alternative to Foreign Oil and su…


Welcome to the U.S. Senate, Mark Kirk

Fox News - 15hrs 12mins ago

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," Nov. 30, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, Fox News HOST: Ladies and gentlemen, the newest member of the United States Senate, Illinois Senator Mark…


Biden tells senator to raise wrong hand

UPI - 16hrs 32mins ago

Published: Dec. 1, 2010 at 12:29 PM Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) participates in a reenactment of his swearing-in ceremony with Vice President Joe Biden in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington on November 29, 2010. UPI/Kevin Dietsch WASHINGTON, Dec. 1…


The Day In Black Comic Fiscal Juxtaposition

The Stash - 19hrs 35mins ago

There was a grim, understated hilarity to the Senate debate over extending Unemployment Benefits yesterday. Republicans piously insisted that any extension of Unemployment benefits, whose cost to the government is both small and temporary, must b…


Senate passes Durbin's food safety bill 73-25

Chicago Sun-Times - 1day 16hrs ago

WASHINGTON--The Senate on Tuesday passed Sen. Dick Durbin's Food Safety bill on a 73-25 roll call. The Illinois senior senator worked on the bill--food safety is one of Durbin's signature issues-- for more than a decade. Freshman Sen. Mark Kirk …


Schumer, Gillibrand hunting for one more Zadroga 'yea'

New York Daily News - 1 day ago

WASHINGTON - New York's senators were racing yesterday to lock up the last supporter needed to pass the 9/11 health bill - even as leaders aimed for a key vote this week. So far, 59 senators are willing to back the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and …