Lou Dobbs

Born: September 23,1945
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Lou Dobbs news


Radtke's Republican Run for Senate excites Tea Party base

Examiner.com - 31st Dec 2010

Jamie Brown Radtke, President of the Richmond Tea Party and recently resigned chairman of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots, has filed the necessary notice of candidacy for the United States Senate this week. Radtke will run for the Republican nomin…


Lou Dobbs: Amending birthright citizenship 'is a fool's errand' Video

Examiner.com - 27th Dec 2010

"No one rational, or at least no one with the possibility of being heard ," opines Lou Dobbs would push to invalidate the 14th Amendment.  Dobbs added that   "the idea of in anyway  changing the constitution on  birthright Citi…


Lou Dobbs: Obama Has Expressed A Very Loathsome View Of The American People

Mediaite - 23rd Dec 2010

In yesterday’s Press Conference, President Obama had much legislative success to be pleased with, but also discussed his “biggest disappointment” - failing to pass the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien …


Olbermann Does His Best Dobbs, Limbaugh, And OReilly Impressions In Funny Worlds Worst Segment

Mediaite - 17th Dec 2010

Keith Olbermann may have gotten on a few people’s nerves this past week, but funny is funny and last night’s World’s Worst (I refuse to type “Not Really the World’s Worst” every time) was funny. Olbermann chose …


Congress to be schooled

CNN Political Ticker - 15th Dec 2010

(CNN) - Constitutional 101 is coming to Congress by way of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia when he leads the first constitutional conservative seminar for members of Congress in late January. Justice Scalia will lead the first session of the …


Michele Bachmann: Justice Scalia Will Teach First Congressional Constitution Class

The Huffington Post - 15th Dec 2010

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) recently said that she's planning to kick off her congressional constitutional education classes for incoming representatives with a bang, now that conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has allegedly a…


Bachmann: Scalia Will Teach Constitution Class For New Conservative Caucus

TPMDC - 14th Dec 2010

Rep. Michele Bachmann is planning a series of seminars so that her new conservative Caucus can get a weekly refresher on the Constitution -- and she says that she has already enlisted Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as the first speaker. B…


Judges Hint They'll Support Ruling Against Prop. 8

CBS News - 6th Dec 2010

The appeals court panel hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the California Gay Marriage ban indicated this afternoon they will rule it violates the rights of gays and Lesbians -- with the only question being just how broadly the ruling w…