We get it, Sarah Palin. You’re not morally culpable for the tragic shooting in Tucson, Ariz. All of us around the “Morning Joe” table agree, even if we were stunned that you would whine about yourself on Facebook as a shattered f…
Read more >>Sarah Palin may be known as “Mama Grizzly,” a political Lightning Rod, a published author, and a Reality TV star, but tonight on Hannity she was a woman scorned. Pupils shaking and voice struggling to remain steadfast, the former Alas…
Read more >>Sen. Kristen Gillibrand wrote a letter to the President today, urging him to take a strong tone with Chinese President Hu Jintao during his state visit this week. Gillibrand focused her attention on two issues- cybersecurity and the hoarding of …
Read more >>Ross "Who's Sarah Palin?" Douthat blamed the media for fixating on the farce from Google search. Nate Silver measures the demand for news on Palin: If news coverage were based on a pure supply-and-demand model — that is, as a…
Read more >>After more than a year of review and pointed debate, the Federal Communications Commission approved the Controversial Merger between Comcast and NBC Universal today in a 4-1 vote. The merger, which still awaits final approval from the Department o…
Read more >>Ramesh, another thing that bothers me about the Judis Republican homogeneity/Democratic heterogeneity talking point: Maybe there are more conservative Democrats than liberal Republicans because we are, in fact, a center-right nation, and Democrats…
Read more >>While I agree with Allahpundit that the single unkindest cut of all would have been for Dick Cheney to criticize President Obama’s counter-terrorism policy from the left, that wasn’t going to happen. Honestly, when it comes to …
Read more >>John Kerry gave a Speech last week at the Center for American Progress that should become the marching song for every liberal in this country. He was clear: The last 10 years have cost us too much, and if the hyper-partisan tone doesn't change to …