Merger news


Scott Transition Team Gets Health Care Recommendations

Sunshine State News - 22nd Dec 2010

Some of the work of the state’s Health Care agencies should be consolidated, the state should push for Repeal of the federal Health Care law, and shifting of Medicaid patients to managed care should continue, Gov.-elect Rick Scott’s He…


Will Gov. Gregoires plan finally destroy game management for hunters? - 15th Dec 2010

   A proposal unveiled yesterday by Gov. Christine Gregoire that would merge the Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) with the Parks and Recreation Commission, Recreation and Conservation office and Law Enforcement branch of the Depa…


OVERNIGHT TECH: Opposition building to Genachowski's net neutrality proposal

The Hill - 13th Dec 2010

Net Neutrality advocates come out against Genachowski's plan Opposition to Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski's open Internet proposal is building on both the left and the right ahead of a potential vote on the proposa…


Nigeria Files Charges Against Cheney in Halliburton Bribery Scheme

t r u t h o u t - 9th Dec 2010

Dick Cheney. (Photo: Jean-Bernard Sieber / World Economic Forum) Dick Cheney is officially a wanted man. The former Vice President was indicted Tuesday by Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crime Commission along with eight other current and former…


Overnight Tech: E&C; battle nears close, Groups target FCC Dems on net neutrality

The Hill - 6th Dec 2010

Welcome to the first issue of Overnight Tech, a news roundup and a primer for tomorrow. Includes Tuesday's schedule after the jump. CHAIRMAN BATTLE ENDS TUESDAY (or possibly doesn't): Tuesday could end the aggressive campaigns by four House Re…


Comcast gets hammered by complaints

Politico - 30th Nov 2010

It’s been a rough week for Comcast. The cable giant, and the largest provider of residential Internet lines, has recently come under fire for having too much control over access to its pipes. Continue Reading Text Size - + reset Politic…


Google travel bid hits turbulence - Kim Hart

Politico - 26th Nov 2010

Google is making a play for your travel dollars, but first it has to clear security. The search giant is looking to break into the travel business and compete with Orbitz, CheapTickets, Travelocity and the like. To do it, Google is trying to pur…


I Would Pay Cash Money To See The Look on Gergens Face

Balloon Juice - 18th Nov 2010

This RS Roundtable with Gergen and Taibbi took a turn for the awesome: In 2008, Obama managed to win over both the Financial Sector and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Now he seems to have pissed off both ends of that coalition. Ha…