Herman Cain: "I LOVE THE CHEMISTRY between Greta Van Susteren and Herman Cain.
PHOTOS: Herman Cain in pictures
She is SMITTEN w THE HERMANATOR!" we twittered this afternoon after viewing a scintillating interview between the Fox News anchoress and the "Stay inspired: We the people are still in charge" Republican rising star that got our Papa Grizzly juices flowing.
VIDEOS: Herman Cain in videos
We haven't felt this energized since that McCain announcement of his Running Mate! "If the polarisation between liberal Progressives and t...
Soros vs Murdoch: The battle for the soul of America
Who knew that Rupert Murdoch and George Soros, two Billionaires of not so tender years, had it in them? But consider.
While the one means to impose a right-wing "dictatorial Democracy" on America, the other is a "master puppeteer" bent on collapsing The Dollar and forming a Socialist world government.
CNN Sponsors Republican Presidential Candidate Debate with Tea Party. This is Not a Joke.
Submitted by mark karlin on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 8:24am. Did you hear the joke about CNN sponsoring a Republican Presidential Candidate debate with the Tea Party as a partner? Well, it's not a joke. According to Mother Jones, "Sam Feist, CNN's political director, says the arrangement was designed to give Undecided Voters a way to educate themselves about 'diverse perspectives within the Republican Party, including those of the Tea Party.' It's not the first time CNN has partnered with the group. E...
Requiem for a DREAM
As Katrina notes below, the DREAM Act has finally been put out of our misery (here’s how everyone voted). But it’s bigger than that. The vote was the capstone of 10 straight years of successful defense against amnesties, following the passage of seven amnesties from 1986 to 2000. Only twice in the past decade did amnesties even get the approval of one chamber — the overall Amnesty passed by the Senate in 2006 and the DREAM Amnesty by the House earlier this month — but nei...
Herman Cain is 'definitely' forming 2012 exploratory committee
Alex Pappas is a political reporter at the Daily Caller. He is a graduate of The University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn. Former Godfathers Pizza chief executive Herman Cain says he’s definitely forming an Exploratory Committee — likely within the next several weeks — to test the waters for a possible Republican presidential run in 2012. Cain, a radio Talk Show host and favorite of the Tea Party movement, confirmed the news in an interview with The Daily Caller. He suggested t...
Herman Cain is definitely forming 2012 exploratory committee (Daily Caller)
Former Godfathers Pizza chief executive Herman Cain says he’s definitely forming an Exploratory Committee — likely within the next several weeks — to test the waters for a possible Republican presidential run in 2012.
Cain, a radio Talk Show host and favorite of the Tea Party movement, confirmed the news in an interview with The Daily Caller. He suggested that a Presidential Campaign is likely, but said he hasn’t made a final decision.
“Bottom line is, all of the ...
Herman Cain: Im forming an exploratory committee for 2012
I know the basics of his bio — accomplished CEO, talk-radio host, Cancer survivor — but not much more beyond that. Even so, it got my attention a few days ago when he won Red State’s 2012 “tournament,” topping Mike Pence in the semifinal and Palin in the final. Is that because Cain’s a Red State favorite or is the Grassroots support for him out there broader than anyone realizes right now?
Either way, the Daily Caller says to get ready.
Former Godfathers Piz...
Political Sore Losers
Originally Posted at Rebel Politics. The Deseret News, the SLC newspaper, owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and dedicated to re-branding LDS political values from conservative to liberal wrote a piece on Senator Bennett’s departure. Senator Bennett, although personally is likely a good “person,” irritates me to my political core. It has been rather chic lately to blame a Republican primary loss on “conservative Extremism.” Instead of address...
Chalk up one hurrah for the jobless benefits victory
Whatever our various views as Progressives on the tax-cut deal now headed for President Obama's desk after the big fight of the past few weeks, there was one clear gain Thursday: a 13-month renewal of the extension of federally funded Unemployment Insurance compensation. The extension is retroactive to Dec. 1, when the previous extension expired.
The GOP and some Blue Dog Democrats repeatedly worked to sabotage previous UI extensions and, when that failed, they made those extensions short term....
The Council Has Spoken!!!
Filed under: The Council Has Spoken! The votes have been cast, and this week’s Watcher’s Council results are history. “We turned our backs on our own values for the love of our own abject fear”? What exactly does this mean? But if I had a nickel for every time some “progressive” cried “fascism” due to the efforts in the GWOT (General War on Terror) let alone anything suggested by Conservatives/Republicans, I’d be a rich man right now. And h...
Why do Commies have to YELL?
Every time I see a gathering of America-hating Socialist/ Marxist/Progressives I notice that the speakers always scream.
I can’t figure out what is making these people so angry. Maybe they have to yell because they’re all deaf.
Trevor Louden catches another commie spewing his bile at an event in Los Angeles. Go figure.
This Chinese Marxist spews more hate than Janeane Garofalo on a bender.
I guess they have to scream because NO ONE IS LISTENING!!!!
Man, is this tripe getting o...
What makes America great ...?
A site I frequent -- Common Sense Political Thought -- gets quite a few regular commenters from both sides of the political spectrum. In one recent thread, one regular lefty opined on the demise of America as he sees it: Were not the country we used to be. We turned our backs on our own values for the love of our own abject fear. We ignore the very real growing fascism within our borders, while accusing efforts at improvement of being fascist. We revere the generation that fought WWII whi...
Video: Obama signs tax bill giving tax cuts two millionaires and billionaires
Video: Obama signs tax bill giving Tax Cuts two Millionaires and Billionaires
Democrats and Obama! Fighting for the “Middle Class” signs the tax bill that left wing nuts all around the country whined that only benefits the evil rich Millionaires and billionaires. The Bush Tax Cuts as they were once called are now officially called the Obama Tax Cuts for the rich! Tis a pity that Obama doesn’t fight as hard for the middle class and poor people he does for the evil rich like Ge...
Former Icahn Lieutenant Plans Fund
Keith Meister, who was widely described as the Billionaire Activist investor Carl C. Icahn’s right-hand man, is starting an event-driven Hedge Fund that will be seeded by Soros Fund Management, people who have been briefed on the matter say. Soros Fund Management, founded by the Hungarian-American Hedge Fund titan George Soros, is putting in $250 million into Mr. Meister’s new fund, these people say. Much like his old boss, Mr. Meister plans to adopt an Activist investing style, pu...
We Watch Palin Prospect for Gold So You Dont Have To
Attention Ron Paul and Glenn Beck fans! Are you concerned that the Obama Socialist machine is going to destroy the value of The Dollar? Do you purchase overpriced gold coins on late night TV in order to make what you (wrongly) think is a safe investment? Then you need to watch this week’s episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska, where she and her family go prospecting for gold!
From the preview on TLC’s website, we learn that the Palins “regularly” ride ATVs to go and mee...
Thompson: Britain needs a Fox News
Mark Thompson, the BBC's director general, says that as the distinction between the web and television collapses, it no longer makes sense for public service broadcasters to have a 'monopoly' over the airwaves. Photograph: Jeff Overs/BBC/PA Mark Thompson, the BBC's director general, said British broadcasters should be free to launch an equivalent to Fox News in the UK because existing rules to guarantee impartiality in television were becoming outdated in the era of the Internet. Thompson, w...
To oppose government provision of such things is not to be “against” such things. Many people - including myself - share Mr. Lutz’s wish that every American enjoys Unemployment Insurance, safe foods, safe mines, scientific research, high pay, affordable Health Care, and all the other advantages of modern commercial society. What we don’t share with Mr. Lutz is his assumption that these benefits can be provided only (or best) by government. Th...
Paris to overtake the Boris bike by electric car
Here is a scene from the near future. Arriving at the Gare du Nord in Paris by Eurostar, you discover that, as usual, the taxi queue seems to stretch half-way back to the Channel Tunnel. No problem. You dump your bags into the boot of a self-service, electric hire car and, braving the Parisian traffic, drive yourself to your hotel for just €7 (£5.95). From next October, greater Paris will become the first conurbation in the world to experiment with an extensive system of self-service ...
Big Dupes at Big Peace: Progressives for Stalin
This is the most recent installment of exclusive interviews with Dr. Paul Kengor, Professor at Grove City College, on his book revealing how Communists, from Moscow to New York to Chicago, have long manipulated America’s liberals/Progressives. Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century is based on an unprecedented volume of declassified materials from Soviet archives, FBI files, and more. Larry Schweikart, author of A Patriot’s History of the U...
ParPolity and Progressive Advocacy (Part 1)
(Okay, why not take some time off on a Sunday to think WAY outside the box... - promoted by Paul Rosenberg)
(cross-posted at DailyKos)
I think most of us can agree that we need an independent progressive movement in this country. Single-interest groups like unions, LGBT organizations, and environmental advocates are good people that do good work, but without an overarching institution that can argue for progressive ideology in toto, a liberal narrative is dead in its cradle.
Now, I don't pre...
Left Ed: The "Angry, Ideal-Less Progressives" in the Education Debate, Part 2
In last week's installment of Left Ed, I held up Matt Miller of the Center for American Progress as the prime example of how off-base, even anti-progressive, the leadership on the left is in the education debate. I pointed out how his Washington Post op-ed - a supposed "defense" of Public School funding - actually does more damage to public schools by perpetuating the rightwing frame that America's system of public education is broken and "lagging" behind the rest of the developed world. I exp...
Herman Cain The First 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate (Video)
Well, our long national nightmare is over. Finally, there is a Republican who does not consider the waters of the Presidential Campaign too tepid, and has thrown himself into the pool. It’s not Sarah, it’s not Mitt, it’s not Newt, it’s not Huck, it’s not even one of the second tier Candidates like Bobby J. or Timmy P. No, as befits recent tradition, this candidate is one of the lesser known entities who has been flitting around the edges of the political scene, Herman Cain. Ca
I recently read that U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann is coordinating a crash course on the Constitution for the new members that will be joining the House in January. I was a little surprised that one of the guest speakers for that course will be Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. While it is not unusual for Supreme Court Justices to interact with members of Congress, it disturbs me that Justice Scalia will be meeting with the Tea Party Caucus behind closed doors. These very...
Oprah ignores ban
After the Australian government subsidized Billionaire Oprah Winfrey’s working Vacation in Sydney, the Talk Show queen rewarded the Aussies by taking a real Vacation in Fiji — in defiance of a Tourism ban by Australia and New Zealand.
As an American of course, she has every right to flip her recent hosts off.
But Fiji remains under Military control following a coup in 2006.
The Military government is protecting her Privacy.
Hey, maybe that is how you do it when you are a billionair...
Herman Cain for president?
- Jennifer of Cubachi
Herman Cain is one of the most talked about Candidates for 2012. His vast knowledge and experience in business and economics are a plus. He is also very engaging when giving a Speech.
Is Herman Cain a viable candidate for 2012?
Herman Cain Set to Form Exploratory Committee Soon
Herman Cain, who I profiled earlier this week, has told the Daily Caller that the formation of an Exploratory Committee is likely to occur in the next several weeks. Here’s an excerpt from the article, including comments from Cain:
“Bottom line is, all of the indicators and all of the benchmarks that I had laid out and we had laid out as a team are all moving in the direction of yes,” Cain said. “We haven’t gotten there yet, but we’re moving in that direction.”
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
Murkowski Certified as Official Senate Race Winner
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President