Jared Loughner: Skip ahead to 1:30 for Matthews’s question about “atmospherics,” followed by Dupnik casually asserting that Loughner must have been especially vulnerable to “anger, hate, paranoia, and so forth.” If he has proof of that, he conveniently forgot to mention it.
PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
Over to you, Arizona Republic: Was Dupnik unnecessarily inflammatory? It seemed so.
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
But it came mere hours following a horrific, bloody mass Murder. If you weren’t on edge, you weren’t Being Human....
Fox News Blatantly Race Baits Over A Scary-Looking Black Man Outside Polling Place
Ever on the alert for opportunities to race bait and take a swipe at the Obama Administration at the same time, FoxNews.com reported this little tidbit yesterday: An apparent member of the New Black Panther Party was spotted Tuesday standing outside the same Philadelphia Polling Station where Voter Intimidation was reported two years ago. But if you read the article, Fox makes it clear there's absolutely no evidence the man is a NBPP member and he was doing nothing wrong - other than to voluntee...
New Black Panther Party Spotted At Philadelphia Polling Place
Ex-Official Accuses Justice Dept. Of… Philadelphia - Fox 29 News spotted Tuesday a member of the New Black Panther Party standing outside of a local polling place where Voter Intimidation was reported two years ago. The man was seen outside the polling place in North Philadelphia was wearing a pin that indicated his Party Affiliation, along with a Black hat, sunglasses and leather coat. In footage obtained by Fox News back in 2008, two members of the New Black Panther Party stood outside ...
New Black Panther Party on The Scene of Previous Philly Poll Intimidation
Nothing to see here folks, move along.
(Fox 29) — Fox 29 News spotted Tuesday a member of the New Black Panther Party standing outside of a local polling place where Voter Intimidation was reported two years ago .
The man was seen outside the polling place in North Philadelphia was wearing a pin that indicated his Party Affiliation , along with a Black hat, sunglasses and leather coat.
In footage obtained by Fox News back in 2008, two members of the New Black Panther Party stood outsid...
New Black Panther Party spotted at Philadelphia polling place
PHILADELPHIA - Fox 29 News spotted Tuesday a member of the New Black Panther Party standing outside of a local polling place where Voter Intimidation was reported two years ago. The man was seen outside the polling place in North Philadelphia was wearing a pin that indicated his Party Affiliation, along with a Black hat, sunglasses and leather coat. In footage obtained by Fox News back in 2008, two members of the New Black Panther Party stood outside the same polling place shaking a Billy ...
Election Judge: New Black Panther Not Bothering Voters
A member of the New Black Panther Party on Tuesday greeted Voters without incident outside the same Philadelphia Polling Station where he and another individual in the anti-white fringe group stood wearing Military clothing two years ago, causing a Controversy over a Voter Intimidation case that was later dismissed, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. J erry Jackson wore a Black Panther button and a necklace with a Black-and-green pendant as he gave out Democratic ballots to voters, the newspape...
Theyre Back! New Black Panther Spotted at Philly Polling Place!
I guess the New Black Panthers feel emboldened by the Justice Department’s decision to drop the Voter Intimidation case from 2008. Philadelphia’s local Fox affiliate spotted a New Black Panther outside the same polling place handing out Democrat sample ballots.
Slideshow : Man With Panther Badge At The Polls
Click Here To See The Sample Ballot He Was Handing Out
The man was seen outside the polling place in North Philadelphia was wearing a pin that indicated his Party Affiliation, ...
Finally, a New Black Panther Party Sighting
It was bound to happen eventually. Fox 29 Philadelphia has the scoop:
Fox 29 News spotted Tuesday a member of the New Black Panther Party standing outside of a local polling place where Voter Intimidation was reported two years ago.
The man was seen outside the polling place in North Philadelphia was wearing a pin that indicated his Party Affiliation, along with a Black hat, sunglasses and leather coat. [...]
The man seen at the same polling place Tuesday would not answer questions posed by Fox...
New Black Panther Spotted at Philadelphia Polling Place
New Black Panther member at Philadelphia Polling Station Tuesday. Monitors from the city government Watchdog Committee of Seventy and other agencies have been keeping a close eye on the individual dressed in New Black Panther-style clothing, committee president Zack Stalberg told FoxNews.com. He said the man, whom MyFoxPhilly tried to interview, has been there for several hours and is "not friendly," but that he doesn't appear to be causing a disturbance. "He wasn't friendly looking,...
Video of the Day: Black Panther Harasses Voter At Same Polling Place
We have repeatedly warned Obama’s decision not to apply the law against Minorities who intimidated white Voters in 2008 would encourage them to stage a repeat performance. Last night, we were proven right. Fox News in Philadelphia found a member of the New Black Panther Party stood at the same polling place as last year. A passerby has claimed the man threatened him with violence. Breitbart TV identified that Panther as Jerry Jackson, one of the same Panthers who was filmed standing in f...
Report Voter Fraud
People have been reporting about suspicious "doings" and problems when voting.
If you see something, there are several things you can do.
1. Fox News has an email address to send your complaints
[email protected]
We would imagine they are one of the few News outlets that will look into Voter Fraud.
2. There is a cell phone App, which you can download.
You can send them your findings, including...
BREAKING: New Black Panther Voter Intimidation in Houston
A videotape of a poll worker in Houston’s #202 precinct has corroborated reports received by Pajamas Media of Voter Intimidation today in the Texas City by the New Black Panther Party. The New Black Panthers have been at the center of the Controversy surrounding a dropped prosecution by the Department of Justice that is being investigated by the US Civil Rights Commission. Quanell X, the leader of the Houston New Black Panther Party, has been seen illegally entering polling places in Houst...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
New Black Panther Party on The Scene of Previous Philly Poll Intimidation
When are we going to be rid of Obama and his thugs?
(Fox 29) — Fox 29 News spotted Tuesday a member of the New Black Panther Party standing outside of a local polling place where Voter Intimidation was reported two years ago .
New Black Panther Seen At Polling Place
A member of the New Black Panther Party was seen on Election Day in front of the very same polling location in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where another member of the Black radical group intimidated voters two years ago. The man was dressed in a similar manner that the other New Black Panther Party member was dressed two years ago, reports Fox News. He also wore a button indicating he was a member of the group, and was handing out literature promoting the local Democrat Party line. When asked by ...
PJM: BREAKING: New Black Panther Voter Intimidation in Houston.
PJM: BREAKING: New Black Panther Voter Intimidation in Houston.
VIDEO: Black Panther Agitation Erupts at Houston Polling Places
Here in Houston, Texas, the Democrats and the Extremists that support them were desperate to make the King Street Patriots their boogieman. They desperately wanted these fine patriotic, all-volunteer, grassrooters to be seen as wild-eyed Racists that had as their sole purpose the disenfranchisement of the entirety of Houston’s minority community. For the most part the left’s goal evaded them, however. For the whole of the two weeks of early voting, the Old Media and the Democrats att...
VIDEO: Black Panther Agitation Erupts at Houston Polling Places
Here in Houston, Texas, the Democrats and the Extremists that support them were desperate to make the King Street Patriots their boogieman. They desperately wanted these fine patriotic, all-volunteer, grassrooters to be seen as wild-eyed Racists that had as their sole purpose the disenfranchisement of the entirety of Houston’s minority community. For the most part the left’s goal evaded them, however.
For the whole of the two weeks of early voting, the Old Media and the Democrats attempted ...
Fox On The Case!
Local Fox affiliate finds New Black Panther Party dude outside polling place in Philly. Turns out he's a certified poll watcher doing nothing illegal -- other than "wearing a pin that indicated his Party Affiliation, along with a Black hat, sunglasses and leather coat," as Fox put it.
Sharron Angle files voter intimidation complaint - Molly Ball
Las Vegas — A lawyer for Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle has filed a complaint with the Justice Department alleging illegal Voter Intimidation on behalf of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's campaign.
The complaint is based on an article, which appeared Tuesday morning in National Review, that alleged Reid's campaign worked with sympathetic executives to put pressure on union casino employees to vote.
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Politico 44
Supervisors were instructed ...
GOP charges voter intimidation
Republicans filed complaints Tuesday asking federal and state authorities to investigate allegations that Harrah's Entertainment "intimidated" and "coerced" its employees into voting early in an effort to boost the re-election campaign of Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev.
Cleta Mitchell, a lawyer for the campaign of Reid's Republican challenger, Sharron Angle, sent the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division in Washington, D.C., and U.S. Attorney Daniel Bogden in Las Vegas a three-page letter asking ...
Angle Files Voter Intimidation Complaint With DOJ Over Reid E-Mails
In the final hours of Election Day, a lawyer for GOP Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle filed a complaint with the Justice Department alleging Voter Intimidation took place on behalf of the Campaign of her opponent Sen. Harry Reid (D), Politico reports.
The complaint relates to an e-mail exchange between an unnamed Reid Campaign Staffer and the casino chain Harrah's, which was reported in a story published by the National Review. The National Review reported that the e-mails showed that "E...
Darrell Issa: Obama must answer 'several hundred' inquiries
The Republican set to lead an important Committee that will have jurisdiction over many government operations said Wednesday that he expects the White House to respond to "several hundred" letters. As chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Darrell Issa (R-CA) will wield Subpoena power but in an interview with MSNBC, he wouldn't say exactly how he would use it. "I don't have any Subpoenas to the White House," Issa said. "I have several hundred letters, most of which have...
EXCLUSIVE: Witness: Same New Black Panther; Same Polling Place; Same Polling Threat!
Jerry Jackson, the same New Black Panther member who intimidated voters in 2008 back at the same Polling Station, allegedly instructs voter to vote straight Democrat, then proceeds to threaten same voter....
Bob Cesca: Angry Voters Choose Government Gridlock, Investigations and Shutdown
It's continues to be a mystery to me why Americans voted they way they voted yesterday. Clearly they were dissatisfied somehow with the objective reality that the Obama Administration and the congressional Democrats actually made things better -- cutting the Deficit by an historic $122 Billion; creating upwards of three million new Jobs; ending the war in Iraq; passing the largest Middle Class Tax Cut in history; rescuing The Economy from the brink of collapse. Not good enough. Obviously.
Or d...
BREITBART TV: Theyre Back! Man in New Black Panther Uniform Returns to Philadelphia Polling Place
BREITBART TV: They’re Back! Man in New Black Panther Uniform Returns to Philadelphia Polling Place.
Black Panther Spotted at Philly Polling Place - Midterm Elections - Fox Nation
PHILADELPHIA - Fox 29 News spotted Tuesday a member of the New Black Panther Party standing outside of a local polling place where Voter Intimidation was reported two years ago. The man was seen outside the polling place in North Philadelphia was wearing a pin that indicated his Party Affiliation, along with a Black hat, sunglasses and leather coat....
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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