Supreme Court: As fifty Children lose their homes under the auspices of the Supreme Court the question should be asked: Does the Supreme Court act in the service of a Racist ideology in the spirit of Rabbi Eliyahu and his cohorts? One morning, when the storm started shaking the treetops and the dogs howled in terror because of the thunders and the flashes of lightning, fifty Children of different ages went out to school in the city of Lod, Israel.
PHOTOS: Dorit Beinisch in pictures
During the day most of them worked diligently on their studie...
VIDEOS: Dorit Beinisch in videos
HRW on Israeli Racial Discrimination in West Bank
Human Rights Watch has issued a new report on Racial Discrimination against Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. HRW writes: ‘Israel operates a two-tier system for the two populations of the West Bank in the large areas where it exercises exclusive control. The report is based on case studies comparing Israel’s starkly different treatment of settlements and next-door Palestinian communities in these areas.’ ‘ “Palestinians face systematic Discrimination m...
Jews for a Jewish Bat Yam
It's sad that such a demonstration is even necessary in Israel. But it is. After a rabbis' letter instructing Jews to not sell or rent apartments to Arabs, Racist behavior reaches new low [not my view. CiJ]: An organization called Jews for a Jewish Bat Yam is expected to Protest on Monday against the "assimilation of young Jewish Women with Arabs living in the city or in nearby Jaffa."
The Protest will be held around 7:30 pm near the Bat Yam mall, not far from the Police Station. The organizer...
How to turn the dead into a political force
You thought that the way to use the dead as a political force was to have them vote in Elections. The 'Palestinians' have a different way to use the dead to advance their political interests: They bury them. In an attempt to wrest more land in Judea and Samaria, the Palestine National Council has urged residents of Area C, under full Israeli civil and Military control, to open new cemeteries outside Arab villages, thereby establishing new “facts on the ground” - in the form of graves, whic...
No To Duban III
Take Action
As a supporter of the true principles of Human Rights and equality, I urge the 27 Member States of the European Union to vote No on the U.N.’s plan for a “Durban 3” gathering next year in New York.
The draft resolution calls for a summit of world leaders on September 21, 2011, “to commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration.” The event would be jam-packed with “an opening plenary,” “consecutive round tables,”
Moty and Udi: California vs. the Middle East
[The following, by Vic Rosenthal , is crossposted from FresnoZionism.]
Moty and Udi remind us of a point that I've made before, and just the other day Daniel Gordis expressed it beautifully. He writes,
This week, real wisdom hid between the extreme positions so commonly staked out in this country. There was the Fatwa against Israelis who would "dare" rent or sell their homes to Arabs. Dozens of rabbis have signed the letter forbidding such sale, while a smaller number have also had the courage...
'Human Rights Watch' plays politics
You may have thought that 'Human Rights Watch,' the organization that brought us the arms expert with the fetish for collecting Nazi war Memorabilia, was a human rights organization. But you were wrong. 'Human Rights Watch' has now gone into the business of telling the United States how to spend its tax money, specifically when it comes to Israel. They've come a long way - the wrong way - since the Helsinki Watch days, haven't they? The United States should penalise Israel by withholding from ...
Peace, peace when there is no peace
"… saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace."
Jeremiah 6:14
Last month I noted an interesting statement by Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority on the sixth anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death that he will not recognize Israel as a legitimate Jewish State and that he planned "to continue in Arafat's footsteps."
These are two promises Abbas appears to be intent on keeping.
Last week, Khana Amira of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Abbas' Fatah Terrorist group annou...
Where Does Hate Come From?
Daniel Little has a question:
Hate as a social demographic : Every Democracy I can think of has a meaningful (though usually small) proportion of citizens who fall on the extreme right by any standard: Racist, White supremacist, hateful, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, nativist, nationalist, or violently anti-government individuals and groups. In the United States we have many, many organizations that are basically racist and potentially violent hate groups. They provide a basis for...
Barry>Dick>Ron>Tea Party
Its standard to date the underlying Racism of Republican politics to Richard Nixons southern strategy. Its also wrong. Heres Richard Hofstadter, writing in 1965: Goldwaters departure from the Republican pattern was compounded by his position on Civil Rights. One of the oldest, through hardly the most efficacious, of the traditions of many Conservatives in the North and even to a degree in the South as well has been a certain persistent sym...
Slain American tourist had deep ties to Israel
JERUSALEM - An American tourist killed in a forest outside Jerusalem had deep spiritual ties to Israel through her involvement with an Evangelical ministry that promotes Christianity among Jews. Kristine Luken, who was in her mid-40s, was stabbed to death Saturday while hiking with a friend. Israeli police had originally identified her as Christine Logan. Luken was involved with the "Church's Ministry among Jewish people," first in the U.S., then in England, where she became a ministry sta...
Slain American tourist had deep ties to Israel
JERUSALEM (AP) — An American tourist killed in a forest outside Jerusalem had deep spiritual ties to Israel through her involvement with an Evangelical ministry that promotes Christianity among Jews. Kristine Luken, who was in her mid-40s, was stabbed to death Saturday while hiking with a friend. Israeli police had originally identified her as Christine Logan. Luken was involved with the “Church’s Ministry among Jewish people,” first in the U.S., then in England, where sh...
Slain American tourist had deep ties to Israel
An American tourist killed in a forest outside Jerusalem had deep spiritual ties to Israel through her involvement with an Evangelical ministry that promotes Christianity among Jews. Kristine Luken, who was in her mid-40s, was stabbed to death Saturday while hiking with a friend. Israeli police had originally identified her as Christine Logan. Luken was involved with the "Church's Ministry among Jewish people," first in the U.S., then in England, where she became a ministry Staffer. The church i...
Rights report says Israel prefers settlers
Published: Dec. 19, 2010 at 7:50 AM Palestinian workers build new housing units in the West Bank Israeli settlement Har Homa, in East Jerusalem, November 9, 2010. Israeli government officials, yesterday, announced a plan to build nearly 1,300 new Jewish homes in West Bank settlements and East Jerusalem, causing global condemnation against settlement expansion. - UPI/Debbie Hill Jerusalem, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- Human Rights Watch Sunday accused Israel of discriminating against West Bank Palestinians w...
Calls for 'anti-Semitic' student leader to quit after Facebook message about Jews
A radical Student leader who dismissed the violent Tuition fees Protests as ‘a few smashed windows’ has been accused of making anti-Semitic comments on a Social Networking site. Mature Student Clare Solomon, 37, president of the University of London Union, helped co-ordinate the Protests - during which a car carrying Prince Charles and Camilla was attacked - and declared herself proud of the students. Now there are calls for Ms Solomon, the daughter of a Royal Military po...
WikiLeaks hints at Israeli-Palestinian cooperation
A cable just released by Wikileaks suggests close cooperation between Israel and forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas when rival Hamas Militants overran the Gaza Strip three years ago. The disclosure could embarrass Abbas and his Fatah movement, which Hamas has always accused of working with the Israelis. The June 2007 cable quotes Israeli internal security chief Yuval Diskin as saying Israel had "established a very good working relationship" with Abbas' security forces. As Hamas ...
Israel orders envoys: Take 'urgent' action against Palestinian efforts at UN
Palestinians have been pushing for a UN resolution to recognize unilateral declaration of statehood and pressure Israel to freeze settlements; classified cable to Diplomats abroad warns such efforts are 'not effective or constructive'....
WikiLeaks cable hints at Israel-Palestinian cooperation to overthrow Hamas
Document from 2007 quoted Shin Bet chief Diskin as saying Israel had 'established very good working relationship' with Abbas and that PA security in turn was sharing 'almost all its intelligence with Israel'....
Israel To Allow Second-Parent Adoption
A ruling by a Jerusalem court has cleared the way for Israeli Gay Couples to adopt each others' Children. “This is a big step for the gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community in Israel,” commented lawyer Irit Rosenblum, Executive Director of New Family, an organization that champions the rights of Israelis to marry and build families outside the traditional system. “However, there is still a long road to the desired recognition, since each issue pertaining to Gay Rights is decide
Bashir set to turn Sudan into Islamic state
JUBA, Sudan: The Sudanese President, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, has promised to turn his country into an Islamic State governed by Islamic law if the south chooses to secede in a Referendum next month. ''We'll change the constitution,'' Mr Bashir said in a televised Speech. ''Sharia and Islam will be the main source for the constitution, Islam the official religion and Arabic the official language.'' The comments were some of Mr Bashir's strongest words to date seeming to acknowledge the likelihood ...
Israel's Sham Democracy
Levy believes the debate masks greater issues, fundamental ones "that define our society and state." Whether Military or civilian rabbis decide who is Jewish is a distraction. "Ten times more significant is....whether (we're) living in the only country on earth where clerics determine the right to Citizenship. No less important (is the illusion that Israel) is a Secular and democratic state."
Imagine debates over whether to rent apartments to Arabs. What about Equal Rights, democratic freedoms...
Israel deprives Palestinians in West Bank
Jerusalem | Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:22am EST
Jerusalem (Reuters) - Israel is preventing Palestinian development in parts of the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem while pouring funding into Jewish settlements, the Human Rights Watch group said on Sunday.
Its 166-page report focused on Israeli policies in areas of the West Bank where the Palestinian Authority does not hold any sway under interim peace deals and in East Jerusalem, annexed to Israel after its capture in a 1967 war.
"Israeli polici...
Muslim Terrorists Stab US Woman; Second Person May Be Kidnapped in Israel
The question is, will the Obama Administration care about American Citizens who happen to be Jewish. This is an act of war.
Arab Terrorists Wound US Woman; Second Person May Be Kidnapped Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, INN
Two Arab terrorists seriously wounded an American tour guide near Beit Shemesh, west of Jerusalem, late Saturday afternoon, and police are frantically searching for a second woman, who may have been kidnapped.
Another terrorist tried to attack a woman at the entrance to the Hadassah Mo...
Lupica: It's NYC which is great, not Bloomy
Michael Bloomberg said this week that he doesn't want to be President of the United States, really he doesn't, he just wants to be remembered because of the job he has, third-term imperial mayor of New York.
"I want to go out being, having a reputation as a very good, maybe the greatest mayor ever," Bloomberg said one week ago on "Meet the Press."
So Bloomberg, like his predecessor Rudolph Giuliani, becomes another mayor who seems almost intoxicated by the power that comes with the office and ...
Insisting on Their Humanity: 'The Plight of the Palestinians'
But the Palestinian people are currently negotiating with no one. Their representatives merely represent themselves and their own interests. It is important that we preserve that distinction - between the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah and Palestinian people, who have held on to their rights for so many years, and unleashed two of the greatest expressions of people's power and resolve: the First Uprising of 1987 and al-Aqsa Intifada of 2000. A whole population taking on the self-celebrated ...
American woman killed near Jerusalem
Christine Logan vanished on Saturday when she and her friend, Susan Kaye Wilson, were presumably stabbed by assailants while hiking in an archaeological site. Wilson was hospitalized in moderate condition, after she was found bound with her hands behind her back Saturday in a mountainous area outside Jerusalem, bleeding from multiple stab wounds. "Christine and I walked down a path in order to climb a small hill. We sat there, and two Arabs passed by and asked 'Do you have any water?' I said, 'I...
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
Holiday Shoppers Create Own Stimulus
EPA May Be Cooking Own Goose In Texas
Please Don't Call It A Lame Duck Miracle
Rahm Could Run Chicago Even Though He Was In DC
Bloomberg Payroll Exec Resigns Ahead Of Trial
Italian Anarchists Likely Culprits In Bombings
South Korea Begins Enormous War Games
Strangler On The Loose In Philadelphia
Republicans Stop Opposing 9/11 Health Deal