WASHINGTON - The Oklahoma senator who tried to scuttle the 9/11 health bill insists he wanted to wring out unnecessary costs, not deny benefits to seriously ill First Responders. Republican Tom Coburn, the Senate's most relentless foe of excessi…
Read more >>Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) warned Sunday of "apocalyptic pain" if the government does not change course on its spending patterns. "I told you the other evening, if we didn't take some pain now, we're going to experience apocalyptic…
Read more >>Senate Republicans' "Dr. No" spending hawk warned Sunday that America would experience "apocalyptic pain" with 15-18 percent Unemployment and the "Middle Class destroyed" if it didn't get its fiscal house in order. "If we don't fix the problems …
Read more >>Miami — It was three months into Barack Obama's presidency, and the administration -- under pressure to do something about alleged abuses in Bush-era Interrogation policies -- turned to a Florida senator to deliver a sensitive message to Sp…
Read more >>Manuel Zelaya, a corrupt thug with close ties to Organized Crime, tried to seize totalitarian control of our ally Honduras, with the apparent goal of reducing it to a Communist police state in the orbit of Cuba and Venezuela. Appallingly, despite …
Read more >>This popular post originally appeared on Wednesday, December 15. Our political discourse suffers from an impasse prohibiting genuine progress. That impasse is Political Correctness or, more accurately, cultural Marxism. It is the priority of em…
Read more >>Washington (CNN) - It appears the band is sticking around for another two years. The National Republican Congressional Committee will keep many of the key players from its top staff as the GOP goes from playing offense to most likely playing…
Read more >>You know what? Rep. Peter Welch: 'We don’t know whether we could’ve gotten a better outcome' I called Moody's chief Economist Mark Zandi this morning to see what he thought of the Tax Cut deal. When it comes to stimulus, Zandi's figure…