Sarah Palin Tells Glenn Beck: "I Hate Violence"

Glenn Beck: Sarah Palin and her campaign website targeting Congressional Democrats.

PHOTOS: Glenn Beck in pictures

On his radio program on Monday, Glenn Beck described an email exchange with Sarah Palin over Saturday's tragedy in Tuscon.

VIDEOS: Glenn Beck in videos

Beck said Palin told him, "I hate violence." Beck said he wrote to Palin urging her to look into security measures in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others because "there are nutjobs on all sides." He told listeners he gave the former Alaska Governor the name of the security fir...

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Leslie Franklin posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

The tragic murder of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords a direct result ot the rhetoric of the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck , and Sarah Palin.

Eddie Huff posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

I suppose one of Glenn Beck 's hate monger minions got another one RIP Rep Gabrielle Giffords I wonder if Sarah Palin is happy? if shes aware

Richard Levangie posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Don't retreat, reload. Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck " I'm looking at you. Rep Gabrielle Giffords

angry black male posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Rep Gabrielle Giffords , my heart goes out to U & your family. Now! how did we get here? Fox News, Glenn Beck , Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle .

whoisagentzero posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Hey Glenn Beck ! Where are your tears for Gabrielle Giffords & staff? Would you like a nice clean towel - for all that BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS?

Bruce DePuyt posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Trending on Twitter right now: 1. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords , 3. Glenn Beck , 4. Tucson, 7. Safeway

Joshua Jaguar posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Would be stunned if the person who shot Rep Gabrielle Giffords wasn't some teabagger nutjob who watched too much Glenn Beck .

Lee Foulkes posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Recently, Sarah Palin puts target on Gabrielle Giffords head, and Glenn Beck advised his followers to "shoot to kill." Is this any surprise?

♕ The 47th ♕ posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

I blame Glenn Beck , Sarah Palin.. And their fear mongering sons of bitches of friends for the shooting of Rep Gabrielle Giffords

joan posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Gabrielle Giffords ...All of the RWNJ that preach hate must be so proud of themselves today.. Glenn Beck , Sarah Palin{gun sights}, Foxnews..

Andy Saul posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Shocked by the Gabrielle Giffords shooting story, but unsurprised. Glenn Beck + 2nd amendment -> Travis Bickle

Phlip posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

Average age of Schizophrenia onset is 18. Jared was "liberal" BEFORE he went crazy & switched to Glenn Beck verbiage. [ Gabrielle Giffords ]

Carol posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

When I heard that Gabrielle Giffords & many others had been shot, the first thing that hit my mind was Fox News nut Glenn Beck caused this !

Mugwumpie posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

moral viewpoint Gabrielle Giffords is the victim of demagogues such as Glenn Beck and his allies at Fox News and in the Tea Party Movement

Michelle Walker-Cook posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

Critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the six dead Americans. Sara Palin, Glenn Beck , Rush Limbaugh, GOP and Tea Party actionable.

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