Right Wing: Lambert suggested I turn this comment on votermom's excellent distinction between anger and hate, into a regular post.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
For a very long time, the right-wing rage which we see now being turned against immigrants, “Socialists”, Obama etc was channeled into anti-communist feeling during the Cold War.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
Then the wall fell and for a while the same rage was turned in a number of directions, but did not really have a similar unifying focus. Or maybe it would be more accurate that for a while i...
John Dingell (D-MI) blames Palin, GOP for rhetoric leading to AZ shooting. Flashback: linked tea party to KKK, called radio talk
By now, many have already seen this Dingell diatribe on the floor of the House via TPM:
Curiously, Dingell said:
"I saw the district of Gabrielle Giffords has a crosshairs put on it. As a lifetime rifleman and shooter, I know what crosshairs signify when you put them on somebody and I know what happened.Is he talking about Palin or Daily Kos? The liberal Daily Kos put a bullseye on Giffords in 2008 (via HillBuzz):
More from Henry Payne at The Michigan View: Dingell just accused Palin as an acce...
The Tucson Massacres The Hall Of Shame: Liberals Who Used Tragedy To Smear The Right
G.I. Wood Shop Inc. Mrs. Peel Oh…My Valve! V The K’s Caption This! An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later. The massacre in Tucson was a horrendous tragedy. Everyone in the country, of every ideological stripe, should have been allowed to mourn the Victims’ deaths and injuries without the imposition of having to defend people who had nothing at all to do with it. But where normal people saw tragedy, the Far Left saw opportunity. They jumped at th...
The Progressive Smear Machine Blames the Right Again
Check Michelle's post, "Blame Righty: A Condensed History":
On Monday, as The Progressive smear machine worked overtime to pin the horrific Tucson massacre on Conservatives and to squelch political opposition by targeting Tea Party/limited-government Rhetoric, I published “The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010.”
Today’s column provides another primer for the Amnesia-wracked blamestream media on just how widespread the Blame Righty me...
Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders Urges Obama Not to Concede to Republican Right-Wing Ideology
Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders Urges Obama Not to “Concede to Republican Right-Wing Ideology”… Because when you think of a Democrat teetering on the verge of right-wing ideology you think of Barack Obama. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the independent from Vermont, is pressing President Obama to keep his campaign promise not to cut Social Security benefits in a possible deal with Republicans. Sanders has joined a lobbying campaign by more than 200 labor Unions and liberal groups pressing ...
The History of Right Wing Hate Talk
Conservative hate talkers are not a new phenomena, and as Mike Papantonio points out on The Ed Schultz Show, hateful and violent Rhetoric from the right existed back in the days of JFK, and many believe that this is what led to his Assassination....
A Letter to Sheriff Dupnik (WARNING Right Wing Hatespeach)
It took many drafts and revisions to ensure my mind was properly represented and anything that could be distorted as a threat was removed, but i finally mailed a letter bearing my glorious signature to Sheriff KKKlerance Dupnikkk. It follows. I wrote this letter the moment I heard you spouting your heartless Leftist claptrap. You have no shame. A demented young Leftist who reads The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf kills six innocent people (including a nine-year-old girl, a Federal Judge, an...
There's a New Sheriff in Politics
The Thread is an in-depth look at how major news and controversies are being debated across the online spectrum.
blogs, Internet, Media, tuscon shooting
In his Speech in Tucson Wednesday night, President Obama called on Americans to expand their “moral imaginations” and “remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together.” Well, never hurts to aim high. For now, at least, the president seems to have put an end to the...
The Guardian goes full Orwell
I realize the UK’s Guardian is pretty far down toward the Left end of the scale, but does Commissar Simon Jenkins realize just how… dumb this headline and summary sounds?
Free Speech can’t exist unchained. US politics needs the tonic of order
If America is to speak in a way that heals, as Obama wishes, it needs the curbs and Regulations that make freedom of expression real
Didn’t guys named “Benito” and “Adolph” say much the same thing ...
Top 10 Most Ridiculous Attacks on Conservatives Following the AZ Shootings
This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the 21st century, even to the extent that President Obama himself, probably the most liber...
Populism and Jim Crow
My forthcoming book (in May) on William Jennings Bryan and the Populist movement argues that Constitutional Law was transformed for decades by the backlash against the Populists in the 1890s. Here is an excellent statement of that point with respect to race. See if you can figure you who said this: “Racial Segregation as a way of life did not come about as a natural result of hatred between the races immediately after the Civil War. There were no laws segregating the races then. And ...
Arizona shootings a teachable moment?
Then I realized something undeniable. When the Tea Party screamed their hate and lies for over a year unchallenged... it empowered the haters and the unstable who were looking for an excuse for their hate. It gave them a target. It is common knowledge that Frank Luntz came up with the socialism, Big Government lies... even though the CBO has scored the new Health Care bill and says it will lower the Deficit and facts were it would help 30 million suffering Americans and in no way was a "govern...
Loughner Facts Chat
From the blog for the John Batchelor Show, January 12. 2011: Am putting up my YouTube from the evening of the Tucson crisis in order to document where the argument was within ten hours of the events, while the facts were still jumbled and unreliable.
Am relieved to see that I spoke carefully on Saturday 8 January, and correctly though ambiguously anticipated the political brouhaha that would follow the Tucson massacre.
Using 1968 and 1981 as my examples, I did lean toward the 1968 scenarios, an...
Gun Control, Self Control, and Tone Control
I am a firm believer that the nug behind the gun is what needs controlling. I also believe that automatic weapons, street sweepers and 31 round mags should be reserved for the good guys. But one restriction always leads to another and not one gun can pull its own trigger, and no 31 round mag ever locked itself and jacked one into the chamber. Note to Sheriff Dipstik in Pima County. Yo! Dipstik, shut the hell up, step away from the camera, and keep your political dreams to your self! Do your job ...
Right Wing Leftovers
Michael Steele's reign as Chair of the RNC has sadly come to an end. Elaine Donnelly is pleased that Tim Pawlenty wants to reinstate DADT. CNS appears utterly baffled by the Native American prayer delivered at the Tucson Memorial. Apparently, Ronald Reagan supports the Personhood effort. GOProud releases its agenda for 2011. Finally, the Right Wing Mt. Soledad Cross Protest taking place this weekend is not just a rally, it's a "mega rally."...
10 Years Of Right Wing News: The Best Columns From The Last Decade
I started Right Wing News back in January of 2001 and as of the first of this year, I’ve been running the page for 10 long years. During that time, I’ve pumped out a lot of great content and I’m going to be posting a little of the “best of” material this month. Today will be the “best of” my columns.
Confessions Of An Isolationist Wannabe (August 21, 2002): This got some attention, I think because it sums up how so many Americans feel. We really would ...
ATTN: Right-Wing Insomniacs
I’ll be on Redeye tonight, 3 a.m. Eastern, hosted by NR cruise superstar Greg Gutfeld. From Thursday night’s Fox News All-Stars. On Democrats’ criticism that House Republicans should not bring up a vote to Repeal ObamaCare: This . . . Go A follow-up: In that same Speech, Senator Leahy repeatedly professes a desire for Bipartisanship. His profession might be easier to . . . Go North Dakota Democrat Sen. Kent Conrad now has at least one potential challenger: Public Service Comm...
Argument preview: A look at state secrets
The Court on Tuesday holds a one-hour oral argument to take its first look in nearly 60 years at the “state secrets” doctrine, to decide how the Federal Government may use that claim in a Pentagon contract case. General Dynamics Corp. v. US The Supreme Court at 10 a.m. Tuesday will hold one hour of oral argument on the government’s use of the “state secrets” doctrine to limit a Pentagon contractor’s claim for payment after a Military project has been halted be...
Greasing My Spindle - Yet Again
Yes, I confess: I'm a serial spindle-greaser. Here are a few quickies from today's news...
With liberty, fraternity, and equality for all
In a recent survey by AP-GfK on the state of racial equality, 77% of respondents believe there has been significant progress towards that MLK-enunciated dream, statistically unchanged from the 75% who answered that way in 2006, before Barack H. Obama was elected president. Some quoted in the story lament that, "Just over one in five, 22 percent, say they fee...
Brown won’t back a new weapons ban
Senator Scott Brown, who has described himself as a supporter of Massachusetts’ tough Gun Laws, said yesterday he would not support federal Gun Control Legislation and does not know if anything can be done to prevent a repeat of last week’s Mass Shooting in Arizona.
In a wide-ranging, 20-minute interview, one of several Brown gave yesterday as he gears up for his Reelection campaign in 2012, the Republican said he would not support a renewal of the federal assault weapons ban, which...
Our Need for Authority
Yesterday I wrote my Thursday column about the ways in which authority contributes to both natural and supernatural human flourishing.
A friend wrote me to Protest that, while he certainly agreed about the positive role of authority in political life, my examples of those who wrongly imagine we can live without hierarchy and authority came only from The Progressive Left. But he pointed out that these days the most potent enemies of hierarchy and authority tend to be on the Right.
I must say th...
After Arizona -- What Message Are We Sending About America?
This week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demonstrated convincingly that the Obama Administration does not understand the biggest foreign threat facing America. When asked in Abu Dhabi about Islamist Terrorists, Ms. Clinton said “Look we have Extremists in my country” and then referenced the attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. This was disingenuous on a number of levels but raises a key question: How can a country win a war if its leaders choose not to understand ...
Chris Matthews: Whats with these crackers wanting to see Obamas birth certificate?
Is this offensive? I ask that in all earnestness because, after this week, I don’t know what the rules are for Political Speech anymore. I thought “cracker” was a mild slur for whites, but then I also thought that joking about hanging Joe Lieberman in effigy must be over the line as an impermissible violent metaphor — and evidently I was waaay wrong about that. So, I guess this is cool now. Life brings us new lessons every day, my friends.
Two clips for you here, one of...
The USA is at crossroads - How can divisions within society be overcome?
At Palingates, we always enjoy the free flow of opinions and thoughts. The number of comments during the last days here at Palingates, up to about 3000 per post or even more, shows that there is a great need for discussion. I get the feeling that more and more people realize that the USA is at crossroads. A noisy group of right-wingers still spew relentless hate, even after the sad events of the weekend, and it's worse: This group now seems to be more fired up and vocal than before. This is a gr...
More On Loughner And Right Wing Hysteria
Several friends have written in about my item arguing that Jared Loughner is not related to right-wing Extremism. The objection, in a nutshell, is, don't you agree that right-wing rage is a serious problem?
I think it is a serious problem. I also think, despite the attempts of numerous Republicans to draw equivalences, that it's a far more serious problem than anything that occurred under George W. Bush. critics have focused on violent language and birtherism on the right. But there's a deeper ...
Billionaire Koch Brothers Fulfill Father's Campaign to Segregate Public Schools, End Successful Integration Program in NC
Today in the Washington Post, reporter Stephanie McCrummen detailed how a right-wing campaign in the Wake County area of North Carolina has taken over the School Board with a pledge to end a very successful socio-economic integration plan. The integration plan, which created thriving schools in poor African-American parts of the School District along with achieving diversity in schools located in wealthy white enclaves, was a model for the nation. However, Americans for Prosperity (AF...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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