Peter King: Via TPM: Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who just became chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, says he will not widen the scope of his hearings on "Muslim Radicalization" to include non-Muslim Extremists.
PHOTOS: Peter King in pictures
Last month, King announced his intent to investigate the "radicalization" of the Muslim community.
VIDEOS: Peter King in videos
Indeed, Mr. King, a nine-term Incumbent from Long Island, said that he had sought to raise the issue when Democrats had control of Congress, but was “denounced for it.” He added: R...
Peter King hates Muslims
By Michael J.W. Stickings
(As I've stressed before, no, not that Peter King, that Peter King -- who seems to call himelf "Pete," perhaps to distinguish himself from the more famous other Peter King. Obviously.)
Think Progress:
Rep. Peter King (R-NY), the new chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has promised to launch a series of investigations of Muslim Americans beginning in February. "I've made it c...
Sarah Palin's Guilt-By-Association Double Standard
In a strongly-worded message posted on her Facebook page, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin goes after those who are trying to tie Extremist Rhetoric on the right to last weekend's tragic shooting in Tucson. She bemoans "the irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for this terrible event," and even quotes President Reagan, who once implored the nation to "reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker." Blame should always...
Raymond Ibrahim on jihadis in America: all the benefits and still turning to jihad
Common sense and pointed questions from our old friend Raymond Ibrahim. "Radical Muslims in America: All the Benefits and Still Turning to Jihad," by Raymond Ibrahim in Hudson New York (via, January 12:
[...] Holder's assertion that "the Terrorists only have to be successful once" has important implications: aside from the obvious--that it only takes one strike to create devastation on U.S. soil--it is also a reminder that when people argue that most American Muslims are mo...
Radical Muslims in America
Recent remarks by Attorney General Eric Holder on the threat posed by "radicalized" American Muslims are revealing—not just because of what they say regarding the domestic situation, but for their international implications as well. According to Holder:
"[T]he threat is real, the threat is different, the threat is constant. The threat has changed … to worrying about people in the United States, American Citizens—raised here, born here, and who for whatever reason, have decided that they a
Katie Couric Thinks Muslim Cosby Show will Change Cultural Attitudes
How will we create a positive perception of the Muslim faith among a majority of Americans? Katie Couric, the CBS Nightly News anchor, believes that television Sitcoms may be the conduit for such an effort. From my vantage point, this just might be a great idea, and given the variety of recycled trash on television today, there should be no problem working in a Muslim-based sitcom. That being said, thorns may be pricking anyone who tries to wrap their head around Couric’s...
Creating Enmity With Words
No, this is not about the shootings in Tucson — at least, not in any direct sense. This is about Rep. Peter King (R-NY) accusing Muslim-Americans (all Muslim-Americans) of being uncooperative with anti-terrorism efforts, of being disloyal Americans and, in fact, of not being real Americans at all when it comes to defending the United States:
Rep. Peter King (R-NY), the new chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has promised to launch a series of investigations of Muslim Americans be...
Peter King: Both Sides to Blame for Inflamed Rhetoric
In a brief interview after his Gun Control Press Conference with Mayor Michael Bloomberg today, Long Island Congressman Peter King weighed in on the big question that has been dominating
(Read more...)
Unreal: Newsweek Says Discredited 2009 DHS Report on Right-Wing Extremism Could Have Stopped Giffords Gunman
With one glaring problem in Newsweek’s rush to blame the right, the killer is severely mentally ill with leftist beliefs. (Newsweek)- Two years before the Tucson massacre, the Department of Homeland Security warned in a report that right-wing Extremism was on the rise and could prompt “lone wolves” to launch attacks. But the agency backed away from the report amid intense criticism from Republicans, including future House Speaker John Boehner. The report, which warned that the ...
Newsweek blames Giffords shooting on failure to crackdown on right-wing extremists
Newsweek thinks the discredited 2009 DHS report on right-wing Extremism could have helped stop Giffords' shooter Jared Loughner. The problem with this ridiculous theory is Jared Loughner is a left-wing lunatic according to people who actually knew him. (Newsweek) — Two years before the Tucson massacre, the Department of Homeland Security warned in a report that right-wing Extremism was on the rise and could prompt “lone wolves” to launch attacks. But the agency backed away from...
Hillary Clintons Dangerous Bout Of Moral Equivalency
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insulted her country while traveling in the Middle East this past week and participating in a televised feel-good town hall-style meeting at a college in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
This is nothing new for the Obama administration, which makes a habit of trying to make dysfunctional societies feel better by highlighting our faults and engaging in a game of moral equivalency. However, Clinton took this game to a whole new, disgraceful level.
Twisting the...
Imam denies mosque rape charges
A Muslim worship leader raped a young boy on numerous occasions as he attended a Mosque for religious lessons, a court has heard. Mohammed Hanif Khan, 42, of Sheffield, is alleged to have assaulted the boy, then 12, at a Mosque in Stoke-on-Trent, where he worked as the Imam. He is also charged with the attempted Rape of the boy's cousin. Mr Khan denies three counts of rape, four of attempted Rape and one of Sexual Activity with a child. All the charges are alleged to have taken place on var...
Mike's Blog Roundup
Comments are restricted to Registered Users only. Has Rep. Peter King actually come up with a decent idea on Gun Control? Beck claims 'I don't use [violent Rhetoric] on or off the air': Oh really? How on-target was Homeland Security's right-wing Extremism bulletin? Very Beck claims 'I don't use [violent Rhetoric] on or off the air': Oh really? Anderson Cooper Brings on 'Left Behind' Actor Cameron to Discuss Bird and Fish Deaths in Arkansas -- Seriously? Anderson Cooper Brings on ...
Pete King: We Need to Stop the Fear
Rep. Pete King thinks cops need the power to stop people carrying guns within 1,000 feet of federal officials because Americans are becoming afraid of listening to lawmakers in public. The powerful Long Island Republican who chairs the Homeland Security Committee thinks the Arizona shootings that killed six and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) with a bullet hole in her head have deeply chilled regular Americans. "I’ve gotten people saying, 'Hey, you’re a good guy -- do...
Newsweek: DHS tried to warn us about attacks from right-wing extremists, didnt they?
The title of the piece, printed above a photo of Loughner’s home and the now famous crazy-eyes mugshot: “The Missed Warning Signs.”
Am I awake?
Two years before the Tucson massacre, the Department of Homeland Security warned in a report that right-wing Extremism was on the rise and could prompt “lone wolves” to launch attacks. But the agency backed away from the report amid intense criticism from Republicans, including future House Speaker John Boehner.
The report...
Stakelbeck on Terror Show: Muslims Persecuting Non-Muslims
An interview with leading Middle East expert Walid Phares about his new book, The Coming Revolution. (2:08 into the show). My report featuring exclusive, never-before-seen footage of Al Qaeda training in North Africa (9:57 in). An exclusive interview with David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh in Israel’s Biblical heartland and author of the new book, The Islamic Tsunami. David discusses the Palestinian Terrorist Attack against he and his 3 year old son by Palestinian Terrorists in gripping d...
What If Jared Loughner Was Muslim?
What if Jared Loughner had been a Muslim?
Shamefully and sadly, the media would have covered his horrific Assassination attempt of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz) and slaying and maiming of innocent Arizonans in a more responsible manner. They would have called for restraint and not violated the journalistic tenet of not assuming anything, a tenet they purportedly (and often facetiously sanctimoniously) claim to hold dear.
But because Loughner was not a member of one of the Mainstream Media&rs...;
Rep. Peter King Says Muslims Arent American When It Comes To War
Rep. Peter King (R-NY), the new chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has promised to launch a series of investigations of Muslim Americans beginning in February. “I’ve made it clear that I’ll focus the committee on Counterterrorism and hold hearings on a wide range of issues, including Radicalization of the American Muslim community and homegrown Terrorism,” he told Newsday. King has repeatedly said that he only wants to single out “Islamic Terrorism”...
Senate security instructions: attack
Senators and staff were instructed in a security briefing Wednesday that if confronted by a gunman and there’s no escape: attack.
“If you are unable to escape, if you are unable to evade, and the shooters are there, what do you do? You attack,” said Senate Sergeant at Arms Terry Gainer, referencing instructions from the Department of Homeland Security. “Don’t sit around and wait to be shot. Attack. Attack loudly. And hopefully some good will come out of it to some...
Hillary: In his own way, Loughner was a political extremist
Via Breitbart. Oh, Hillary. Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.
“Based on what I know, this is a criminal defendant who was in some ways motivated by his own political views, who had a particular animus toward the congresswoman,” Clinton said. “And I think when you cross the line from expressing opinions that are of conflicting differences in our political environment into taking action, that’s violent action, that’s a hallmark of Extremism, whether it comes from the right, the le...
Peter King: I Won't Widen Hearings To Include Non-Muslim Extremism
Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who just became chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, says he will not widen the scope of his hearings on "Muslim Radicalization" to include non-Muslim Extremists.
The ranking member of the committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), had, in the wake of the Tucson shootings, called for King to expand his investigation to non-Muslim Extremism as well.
King declined, according to Newsday, saying the shootings in Arizona are besides the point.
"The issue of Muslim ra...
Morons at TPM: Begolly isn't so bad, just a loner who snapped Morons at Jawa Report: Wow, Are You Guys Lazy or Just Stupid?
What happens when morons get a blog that tries to pass as insightful journalism? Talking Points Memo:But a closer look at Begolly's case and his personal background suggests that the pro-jihad and anti-Semitic remarks which brought him to the attention of Law Enforcement may be the product of a troubled past. And while his personal political beliefs appear to have been radicalized following what his mother described as a "breakdown" last month, his lawyer argued that there's no indication he h...
Today in Comprehensive Solutions
[Long Island Republican] Rep. Peter King said Tuesday he plans to introduce a new gun safety bill in Congress in the wake of the Mass Shooting in Arizona that killed six people and wounded 14 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. King said his bill would make it illegal to knowingly carry a gun within a thousand feet of "certain high-profile" government officials. Oooookay. I guess that's one option. Hooray for safety! [Long Island Republican] Rep. Peter King said Tuesday he plans ...
GOP Leaders: We oppose Rep. King's new gun control idea
The Republicans may just have to agree to disagree.
House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) are against a new gun-control proposal put forth by a fellow GOPer in response to the Tucson shootings.
Rep. Peter King (R-L.I.), chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, said Tuesday that he'd introduce a new bill that bars anyone from carrying a gun within 1,000 feet of a federal official.
He believes the Legislation could have prevented the Jan. 8 Arizona shooting...
GOPer Doesn't Want Guns Near Him
The chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security Peter King, R-New York, announced today that he will introduce a bill that would ban knowingly carrying a firearm within 1,000 feet of certain high-profile government officials.
Speaker Boehner Rejects New Gun-Control Laws
Speaker Boehner said he will oppose the gun-control Legislation offered by Rep. Pater King (R-NY) following the Tucson shooting on Saturday. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is rejecting gun-control Legislation offered by the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee in response to the weekend shootings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and 19 others in Arizona. Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) announced plans Tuesday to introduce Legislation prohibiting people from carrying guns within 1,000 feet of ...
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Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
Rep Peter King should change the title of his hearing to "the radicalization of the American community by right-wing extremists like me."
Rep. Peter King plans Homeland Security Committee hearings on Muslim " radicalization " in this country. Hey PEETAR, what about the BUSH 6!
Anyone who had faith that Peter King 's Islamic- radicalization hearings would be worthwhile should be disabused now.