Radicalization news


Rep. Peter King: If Arizona Shooter Had Been Muslim, It Wouldve Been A Total Defense Of Islam

Mediaite - 4 days ago

New York congressman Peter King was on Laura Ingraham’s Radio Show Thursday, and he was asked by Ingraham how the political aftermath would’ve played out had the suspected shooter in Arizona been a Muslim. Ingraham asked, “If Ja…


King: no plans to investigate shooting as terrorism

Politico - 6 days ago

The top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee wants the shooting in Tucson included in a hearing next month on homegrown Terrorism and “Muslim Radicalization," but Committee Chairman Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) said it's not n…


Unreal: Newsweek Says Discredited 2009 DHS Report on Right-Wing Extremism Could Have Stopped Giffords Gunman

Weasel Zippers - 6 days ago

With one glaring problem in Newsweek’s rush to blame the right, the killer is severely mentally ill with leftist beliefs. (Newsweek)- Two years before the Tucson massacre, the Department of Homeland Security warned in a report that right-win…


Rep. Peter King Says Muslims Arent American When It Comes To War

Think Progress - 6 days ago

Rep. Peter King (R-NY), the new chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has promised to launch a series of investigations of Muslim Americans beginning in February. “I’ve made it clear that I’ll focus the committee on Coun…


Congressman Allen West Joins Armed Services Committee; Understands Sharia Threat

Big Peace - 6th Jan 2011

A previous blog of mine featured Allen West’s candid remarks about the living legacy of Jihad during a forum in early 2010. Below are extracts from an interview West gave with Frank Gaffney, subsequently, after his election to Congress, this…


House 'Radicalization' Hearings Worry U.S. Muslims

The Huffington Post - 5th Jan 2011

By Daniel Burke Religion News Service WASHINGTON (RNS) Mass Protests against planned Mosques in New York City and Tennessee. An Oklahoma Referendum to ban Islamic law. A media circus around a Florida pastor's threat to burn Qurans. An outbreak …


Investigate Justice Dept.'s efforts against terrorism

Washington Examiner - 5th Jan 2011

Given the Democrats' track record of investigating Republican administrations, they will lack credibility when they Protest Republicans investigating actions by the Obama Administration. Oversight is a primary function of any Congress. The new Rep…


Rep. Peter King has nothing but contempt for the New York Times (Daily Caller)

Yahoo! News - 4th Jan 2011

In an interview with The Hill, New York Republican Rep. Peter King didn’t mince words about his feelings towards The New York Times. “I have nothing but contempt for them,” King said. “They should be indicted under the Es…