Homeland Security news


Inept Laws could make Criminals of us all.

Examiner.com - 14hrs 34mins ago

Have you heard about Representative King (R-NY) and his proposal for a new law? King is on the house Homeland Security commission. The law prohibits anyone with a firearm to come within 1000 feet of a government official.  Do these politician…


Federal Eye: GOP lawmaker wants feds to take 2-week furloughs

Washington Post - 1day 7hrs ago

A Colorado Republican wants to cut congressional salaries by 10 percent and force federal workers not working on defense, health, Homeland Security or Law Enforcement issues to take two-week Furloughs, figuring the cuts could save Taxpayers abou…


Chairman King: Treasury should 'explain' itself on WikiLeaks

The Hill - 1day 17hrs ago

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Pete King (R-N.Y.) called on the Treasury Department on Friday to explain why it will not place sanctions on Wikileaks, barring U.S. corporations from doing business with the organization and its found …


U.S. Treasury: We Can't Blacklist WikiLeaks

CBS News - 1day 20hrs ago

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's million dollar Book Deal almost landed him on a U.S. economic blacklist. Rep. Peter King (R-NY) was among the many politicians publicly enraged by Wikileaks documents dump of U.S. Diplomatic Cables, likening …


Treasury Dept: 'We don't have the evidence' to launch WikiLeaks embargo

The Hill - 1day 21hrs ago

The Treasury Department will not comply with calls from House Homeland Security Chairman Pete King to add Wikileaks and founder Julian Assange to a list of sanctioned countries and people.  "We do not have evidence at this time as to Jullia…


Nothing left to lose except freedom

Examiner.com - 2 days ago

When people have nothing left to lose they go crazy. Was that the end game for the people who ran Washington for the past four years? The Congress alone passed more bills and spent more money than any other according to some sources with the lowes…


OVERNIGHT TECH: Rep. King tasks Geithner with WikiLeaks run-in

The Hill - 3 days ago

Homeland Security chairman wants Geithner to confront Wikileaks: House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King (R-N.Y.) wants Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to add WikiLeaks and founder Julian Assange to the SDN List, which would pr…


Tea Party America and the Tragedy in Tucson

BuzzFlash - 3 days ago

Submitted by BuzzFlash on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 3:33pm. Now of course, as we're seeing with the talking heads and pundits on on television, radio and in the press, there is an attempt to deflect the reality of what has happened in Tucson by trying to…