Nina Totenberg: Sigh: “I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party.“ Liberal NPR Journalist Nina Totenberg, on Inside Washington this weekend.
PHOTOS: Nina Totenberg in pictures
I wonder how often Ms.
VIDEOS: Nina Totenberg in videos
Totenberg has had to apologize for calling Christmas, well, Christmas during the course of her hip, chatty DC cocktail circuit conversations with liberal elites who turn their noses up at all things traditionally Christian? I can’t imagine ever doing so. In fact, I will NEVER apologize for calling Christmas Christma...
NPRs Nina Totenberg Apologizes before Using the Words Christmas Party On Air Video
Here is video of National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg actually apologizing for saying “Christmas Party” on air. She apologized ahead of using the term, as if it is wrong to say the word “Christmas” on television at the Christmas Season! Political-correctness run amok.
Via NewsBusters ...
NPRs Nina Totenberg Apologizes before Using the Words Christmas Party On Air Video
Here is video of National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg actually apologizing for saying “Christmas Party” on air. She apologized ahead of using the term, as if it is wrong to say the word “Christmas” on television at the Christmas Season! Political-correctness run amok.
Via NewsBusters ...
NPR must fire Nina Totenberg
NPR must fire Nina Totenberg. Nothing less will be ok. Nothing less will be acceptable. NPR, funded by your Tax Dollars and mine, must treat attacks on religions consistently.
Nina Totenberg, correspondent for National Public Radio, took a shot at Christianity on TV (Real Clear Politics).
“And I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party at the Department of Justice and people actually were really worried about this,” said Totenberg.
Does she ...
David Limbaugh: Regulators are wasting time regulating Christmas
It's that time of year when we are reminded just how indebted we are to the left's mega-tolerant cultural warriors. Annually, they jolt us out of our complacency to notice how imposing, intolerant and dangerous Christmas and Christianity are. If it weren't for these valiant Soldiers, this disturbing proliferation of Christmas celebrations and other Christian symbols would proceed unabated. Each year, the examples are too voluminous to document exhaustively, but permit me to share a few highligh...
NPR Reporter Nina Totenberg Ashamed to Say She was at a Christmas Party I was at forgive the expression a Christmas Party
What is wrong with Liberals, have they completely lost their minds and their souls. They certainly have lost their religion.
From Newsbusters comes the following story of an NPR reporter Nina Totenberg interjected on Inside Washington, “I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party.” What? Why would she have to forgive the expression? Are NPR liberals now openly apologizing for dare referencing the word “Christmas” in public. Are we to understand that the LEFT n
Al Sharpton Working with FCC to Shut Up Rush Limbaugh and Others
Here’s audio of Al Sharpton talking to Tom Joyner (lib talker?) about how he’s working with the FCC to haul Rush Limbaugh and others to make them explain how they justify using public airwaves to offend people. Basically, he’s accusing Rush of being a Racist, and wants the FCC to shut him up. “Free Speech for me but not for thee.”
Video below the fold. (Note: Video plays automatically)
Flashback: This is the same Al Sharpton who shouted “punk faggot” a...
No, Haley Barbour is Not a Racist
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour is being accused of being some sort of Jim Crow Racist for a comment he made during an interview with the Weekly Standard.
“Because the business community wouldn’t stand for it,” he said. “You heard of the Citizens Councils? Up north they think it was like the KKK. Where I come from it was an organization of town leaders. . . .”
You’ll have to follow the link above for the full quote. And if you read the entire article, you’ll no
Governor Paterson Fined $62K for Accepting Yankees Tickets
I’m not one of New York Governor Paterson’s biggest fans. He’s far more liberal than I care for, and I disagree with him more than I agree. But I do believe he tried to do what’s right. Which is more than I can say for a lot of libs. That being said, he did violate the rules by soliciting World Series tickets from the New York Yankees in 2009. I just wonder if New York’s Ethics Commission would have gone easier on him if he were more of a Left Wing radical.
The Ne...
NPR Reporter Apologizes For Saying Christmas On The Air
Liberals will defend this by suggesting that it’s just Political Correctness, but I doubt she’d have apologized for talking about a Kwanza party. Speaking on the local D.C. program “Inside Washington,“ NPR reporter Nina Totenberg openly apologized for using the phrase ”Christmas Party” while telling a story. While discussion the omnibus spending bill that was rejected, she recalled a conversation with government defense officials regarding their budgets, a con...
Supporting 'The War on Christmas'
I've gotten a flood of e-mail supporting my book, "The War on Christmas." There have been hundreds and hundreds of these short notes from readers of the Focus on the Family newsletter, which ran a story about my book and encouraged readers to write to me. Thanks to all of you for your notes. I'm almost positive I won't be able to answer them all. The people writing almost all tell a story from their own lives in which they feel Christmas — the Christian holiday part of it — has been...
Merry Christmas, America, and Screw You!
From a group called the United States Justice Foundation:
The FCC is ready to add the Internet to its “portfolio” of regulated industries. The Obama Administration wants to take control of the Internet tomorrow! (even though the regulations won’t “officially” go into effect until after the holidays). FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced that he has circulated “draft rules” that he says will “preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet....
If instead of a progressive flackey disguising herself as an ethical journalist, NPRs Nina Totenberg were a little black cocktai
Totenberg : “If you don’t mind, I prefer you call me a cocktail dress of color, thank you very much…”*
NPR progressive hag Nina Totenberg I Was At Forgive the Expression a Christmas Party
NPR progressive hag Nina Totenberg - ‘I Was At - Forgive the Expression - a Christmas Party…’
I wonder if NPR will fire this hag for making a statement as outrageous as this? They fired Juan Williams for having in opinion by saying he gets nervous on a plane if someone is dressed in “Muslim garb.” This past weekend on “Inside Washington”, Nina Totenberg made the comment:
I want to say one thing about the Budget that didn’t get passed, the o
NPRs Nina Totenberg: I was at a forgive the expression Christmas party
What’s with the libs? Now they feel the need to ask forgiveness for attending Christmas parties?
NPR’s Nina Totenberg was talking about the Budget, and how the omnibus pork bill didn’t pass. She mistakenly said a big Tax Cuts package did pass (it was an extension of current rates, not a tax cut package) and was describing how government agencies don’t know what their budgets are going to be next year. She said “And I was at - forgive the expression - a Christm...
War On Christmas Resumes? NPRs Nina Totenberg Embarrassed To Say Christmas Party
On Sunday’s Inside Washington, NPR’s Nina Totenberg apologized for using the words “Christmas Party” in a discussion about budgets. It’s unclear why she became as red in the face as the red Christmas flowers behind her when she mistakenly allowed the “offensive” words to escape from her lips. Yet she does regret that no alternative expression was available to describe the party she attended.
Maybe in the wake of Juan Williams’ firing, NPR employe...
NPR's Nina Totenberg Apologizing For Using the Word "Christmas" on the Air: "I Was At Forgive the Expression a Christmas Party
PC madness...
NPR reporter Nina Totenberg interjected on Inside Washington in the weekend’s oddest cautionary separation from a common description for a common event, seemingly embarrassed to invoke any religious terminology for Christmas. She didn’t say what she’d prefer for parties this time of the year to be named. “Winter solstice party”? Just plain old “holiday party”? Or a “seasonal gathering ”?
Totenberg’s bashfulne...
Nina Totenberg: "I Was At Forgive the Expression a Christmas Party at the Department of Justice...."
Brent Baker at NewsBusters does not understand why Totenberg said "forgive the expression." In his headline, he uses the same quote I've used in my headline, but he puts the ellipsis 5 words before I've put mine.
ADDED: I can't say "say no more" without thinking of this.
Nina Totenberg: "I Was -- Forgive the Expression -- At a Christmas Party"
She actually felt the need to literally apologize for using this foul expression.
Does anyone think that Nina Totenberg, or anyone in the media or government or academy, would ever say, "I was -- forgive the expression -- at a gay Wedding"? No, of course not; they would never give that such a slight, classifying it as an actual vulgarity.
But Christmas? To Nina Totenberg and the alien creatures who have, V-like, infiltrated and captured our key institutions, the word "Christmas" is now on par w...
NPR's Nina Totenberg: 'I Was At - Forgive the Expression - a Christmas Party...'
Liberal NPR Journalist Nina Totenberg, on Inside Washington this weekend: "I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party." I want to say one thing about the Budget that didn't get passed, the Omnibus Bill. You know, we talk a lot about - we just passed this huge Tax Cut in part because business said, you know, we have to plan, we have to know what kind of tax cuts we have. Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don't know how much money they've got and for what. And I wa...
Epic Hark The Extra Crispy Angels Sing Win
Can't get a Christmas turkey or ham in Japan? KFC has you covered. So popular is Kentucky Fried Chicken over the festive season that the fast-food chain’s Christmas Party Barrels can be ordered up to two months in advance in Japan. “I entered the company in around 1980 and at the time it was pretty tough because there would be these long queues outside the stores,” said Ichiro Takatsuki, a company spokesman. “Because of that over the past decade we’ve been taking or...
Tina Dupuy: We Are Not Scrooges!
Ever been stuck in holiday traffic fighting to be stuck in a holiday cashier's line so you can purchase low-priced presents on your high-balance Visa listening to high-volume holiday music and think, "Why am I doing this to myself?! I don't even really LIKE Christmas. It's just a scheme to get me to gain more weight AND gain more Debt."
When you're broke, there's nothing like Christmas to make you feel bad about yourself.
Nothing shatters one's contentment more quickly than that ever-looping c...
Quote of the day
I found this quote at News Busters from Nina Totenberg of National Public Radio:
I want to say one thing about the Budget that didn’t get passed, the Omnibus Bill. You know, we talk a lot about - we just passed this huge Tax Cut in part because business said, you know, we have to plan, we have to know what kind of tax cuts we have. Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don’t know how much money they’ve got and for what. And I was at - forgive the expression
The Perfect Conservative
The Perfect Conservative
By: Herman Cain
December 20, 2010
He was not born into a royal family, but He left a royal impression on the world.
For 30 years, He learned the ways of the world without becoming of the world. He then changed the world for the better.
He led without a mandate. He taught without a script. His common sense parables filled people with promise and compassion, His words forever inspiring.
He never condemned what others believed - just sin, evil and Corruption.
He helped ...
12/21: No Consensus on Favorite Holiday Film
There’s a battle going on this Holiday Season - the battle for favorite holiday film. Among Americans, It’s a Wonderful Life is preferred by 24% while Ralphie’s quest for his dream Christmas gift in A Christmas Story receives 23%, and the heartwarming Miracle on 34th Street takes top honors from 22%. A Christmas Carol is the favorite of 13%, and White Christmas dances into the hearts of 12%. Five percent are unsure.
In Marist’s
Its Almost Christmas! Be Proud of your Faith!
Allentown, much like the rest of the Eastern half of Pennsylvania, is a very diverse City when it comes to Religion. One can find a Hindu Temple, Islamic Mosque, and the West End has a significant Jewish population. Of course though, Christianity is the chosen Faith of the majority of residents, with a strong Catholic and Protestant presence in the City much like the rest of the Nation. So it comes as no surprise that while...
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Holiday Shoppers Create Own Stimulus
EPA May Be Cooking Own Goose In Texas
Please Don't Call It A Lame Duck Miracle
Rahm Could Run Chicago Even Though He Was In DC
Bloomberg Payroll Exec Resigns Ahead Of Trial
Italian Anarchists Likely Culprits In Bombings
South Korea Begins Enormous War Games
Strangler On The Loose In Philadelphia
Republicans Stop Opposing 9/11 Health Deal
Hey, Nina Totenberg : It's okay to call it what it is - if you'll pardon the expression, it's a Christmas party , moron.
I don't feel like forgiving Nina Totenberg for her comment [ "I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ." ] but I have to, huh?
Nina Totenberg Excuses Herself for Using Term " Christmas Party " Remark by a liberal pundit reflects the culture at large.
Until I saw Nina Totenberg 's apology for saying " Christmas Party ," I didn't realize Shemp Howard was still alive. Let alone transgendered.
"I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ." Liberal NPR journalist Nina Totenberg , on Inside Washington this weekend. GAG
"And I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ..." ~ NPR's Nina Totenberg . Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!
The key question is, why is NPR's Nina Totenberg at a " Christmas " Party in the first place? Can you say hypocrite?