Nina Totenberg: Brent Baker at NewsBusters does not understand why Totenberg said "forgive the expression."
PHOTOS: Nina Totenberg in pictures
In his headline, he uses the same quote I've used in my headline, but he puts the ellipsis 5 words before I've put mine.
VIDEOS: Nina Totenberg in videos
ADDED: I can't say "say no more" without thinking of this. ...
NPR must fire Nina Totenberg
NPR must fire Nina Totenberg. Nothing less will be ok. Nothing less will be acceptable. NPR, funded by your Tax Dollars and mine, must treat attacks on religions consistently.
Nina Totenberg, correspondent for National Public Radio, took a shot at Christianity on TV (Real Clear Politics).
“And I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party at the Department of Justice and people actually were really worried about this,” said Totenberg.
Does she ...
NPRs Nina Totenberg Apologizes before Using the Words Christmas Party On Air Video
Here is video of National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg actually apologizing for saying “Christmas Party” on air. She apologized ahead of using the term, as if it is wrong to say the word “Christmas” on television at the Christmas Season! Political-correctness run amok.
Via NewsBusters ...
NPRs Nina Totenberg Apologizes before Using the Words Christmas Party On Air Video
Here is video of National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg actually apologizing for saying “Christmas Party” on air. She apologized ahead of using the term, as if it is wrong to say the word “Christmas” on television at the Christmas Season! Political-correctness run amok.
Via NewsBusters ...
NPR Reporter Nina Totenberg Ashamed to Say She was at a Christmas Party I was at forgive the expression a Christmas Party
What is wrong with Liberals, have they completely lost their minds and their souls. They certainly have lost their religion.
From Newsbusters comes the following story of an NPR reporter Nina Totenberg interjected on Inside Washington, “I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party.” What? Why would she have to forgive the expression? Are NPR liberals now openly apologizing for dare referencing the word “Christmas” in public. Are we to understand that the LEFT n
David Limbaugh: Regulators are wasting time regulating Christmas
It's that time of year when we are reminded just how indebted we are to the left's mega-tolerant cultural warriors. Annually, they jolt us out of our complacency to notice how imposing, intolerant and dangerous Christmas and Christianity are. If it weren't for these valiant Soldiers, this disturbing proliferation of Christmas celebrations and other Christian symbols would proceed unabated. Each year, the examples are too voluminous to document exhaustively, but permit me to share a few highligh...
NPR's Nina Totenberg Apologizing For Using the Word "Christmas" on the Air: "I Was At Forgive the Expression a Christmas Party
PC madness...
NPR reporter Nina Totenberg interjected on Inside Washington in the weekend’s oddest cautionary separation from a common description for a common event, seemingly embarrassed to invoke any religious terminology for Christmas. She didn’t say what she’d prefer for parties this time of the year to be named. “Winter solstice party”? Just plain old “holiday party”? Or a “seasonal gathering ”?
Totenberg’s bashfulne...
NPRs Nina Totenberg: I was at a forgive the expression Christmas party
What’s with the libs? Now they feel the need to ask forgiveness for attending Christmas parties?
NPR’s Nina Totenberg was talking about the Budget, and how the omnibus pork bill didn’t pass. She mistakenly said a big Tax Cuts package did pass (it was an extension of current rates, not a tax cut package) and was describing how government agencies don’t know what their budgets are going to be next year. She said “And I was at - forgive the expression - a Christm...
NPR progressive hag Nina Totenberg I Was At Forgive the Expression a Christmas Party
NPR progressive hag Nina Totenberg - ‘I Was At - Forgive the Expression - a Christmas Party…’
I wonder if NPR will fire this hag for making a statement as outrageous as this? They fired Juan Williams for having in opinion by saying he gets nervous on a plane if someone is dressed in “Muslim garb.” This past weekend on “Inside Washington”, Nina Totenberg made the comment:
I want to say one thing about the Budget that didn’t get passed, the o
NPR's Nina Totenberg: 'I Was At - Forgive the Expression - a Christmas Party...'
Liberal NPR Journalist Nina Totenberg, on Inside Washington this weekend: "I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party." I want to say one thing about the Budget that didn't get passed, the Omnibus Bill. You know, we talk a lot about - we just passed this huge Tax Cut in part because business said, you know, we have to plan, we have to know what kind of tax cuts we have. Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don't know how much money they've got and for what. And I wa...
Nina Totenberg: "I Was -- Forgive the Expression -- At a Christmas Party"
She actually felt the need to literally apologize for using this foul expression.
Does anyone think that Nina Totenberg, or anyone in the media or government or academy, would ever say, "I was -- forgive the expression -- at a gay Wedding"? No, of course not; they would never give that such a slight, classifying it as an actual vulgarity.
But Christmas? To Nina Totenberg and the alien creatures who have, V-like, infiltrated and captured our key institutions, the word "Christmas" is now on par w...
War On Christmas Resumes? NPRs Nina Totenberg Embarrassed To Say Christmas Party
On Sunday’s Inside Washington, NPR’s Nina Totenberg apologized for using the words “Christmas Party” in a discussion about budgets. It’s unclear why she became as red in the face as the red Christmas flowers behind her when she mistakenly allowed the “offensive” words to escape from her lips. Yet she does regret that no alternative expression was available to describe the party she attended.
Maybe in the wake of Juan Williams’ firing, NPR employe...
NPRs Totenberg: I Was at a Forgive the Expression Christmas Party
Here's the great thing about Christmas... she will be forgiven....
I Was At Forgive the Expression a Christmas Party
“I Was At - Forgive the Expression - a Christmas Party…”Monday, December 20th, 2010
Share with a “The War on Christmas is a Myth” person you know.
Video: Totenbergs Forgive the expression on Christmas
Via Newsbusters, Nina Totenberg offers another data point for the “war on Christmas” with this odd, offhand remark about attending a Christmas Party. What’s to forgive in that expression? Christmas gets celebrated as both a religious and Secular holiday, and a “Christmas” party is about as offensive as eggnog. Totenberg seems more interested in apologizing to the PC crowd for even mentioning Christmas rather than using a more generic term, such as holiday cele...
forgive the expression
Nina Totenberg uses a progressive curse word on the air. But there isn't a assault on Christmas... nope.
If instead of a progressive flackey disguising herself as an ethical journalist, NPRs Nina Totenberg were a little black cocktai
Totenberg : “If you don’t mind, I prefer you call me a cocktail dress of color, thank you very much…”*
Senator Joe Manchin Skips DADT and DREAM Vote For a Christmas Party
When the Senate took two of its most highly anticipated votes of the lame-duck session on Saturday, West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin was nowhere to be found.
Manchin, who was sworn into office last month after winning a Special Election for the seat of the late Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), was the only Senate Democrat to miss Saturday's votes on two of his party's signature pieces of Legislation, the DREAM Act and the Repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law banning ga...
Quote of the day Nina Totenberg edition
“I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party.“ Liberal NPR Journalist Nina Totenberg, on Inside Washington this weekend.
I wonder how often Ms. Totenberg has had to apologize for calling Christmas, well, Christmas during the course of her hip, chatty DC cocktail circuit conversations with liberal elites who turn their noses up at all things traditionally Christian?
I can’t imagine ever doing so. In fact, I will NEVER apologize for calling Christmas
Faux centrist Democrat Joe Manchin skips votes on Dream Act and Dont ask Dont tell to attend Christmas party
Faux “Centrist” Democrat Joe Manchin skips votes on DREAM Act and Don’t ask Don’t tell to attend Christmas Party
What a Fraud. Joe Manchin is no Veteran of the Senate. He was elected in November to replace the dead Robert Byrd. He was seated a few days after beating Republican Jjohn Raese campaigning as a “Centrist” Democrat who wouldn’t be a rubber stamp for the Obama policies. He shot the Cap and Trade bill in a campaign ad, and that eventually prope...
Nina, what Congress passed was forgive the expression a tax increase
Taxpayer-funded NPR’s Nina Totenberg (emphasis added)
I want to say one thing about the Budget that didn’t get passed, the Omnibus Bill. You know, we talk a lot about - we just passed this huge Tax Cut in part because business said, you know, we have to plan, we have to know what kind of tax cuts we have. Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don’t know how much money they’ve got and for what. And I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas P
Justice Department drops corruption cases
Maybe it's a kind of cost-cutting going on -- political cost-cutting. The result is that prominent perps get a pass.
This month, lawyers for Senator John Ensign, Republican of Nevada, announced that Federal Prosecutors had told them they would not charge the senator with conspiring to help a former aide, with whose wife he had had an Extramarital Affair, violate a lobbying law.
A few days later, lawyers for Representative Jerry Lewis, Republican of California, facing scrutin...
Governor Paterson Fined $62K for Accepting Yankees Tickets
I’m not one of New York Governor Paterson’s biggest fans. He’s far more liberal than I care for, and I disagree with him more than I agree. But I do believe he tried to do what’s right. Which is more than I can say for a lot of libs. That being said, he did violate the rules by soliciting World Series tickets from the New York Yankees in 2009. I just wonder if New York’s Ethics Commission would have gone easier on him if he were more of a Left Wing radical.
The Ne...
No, Haley Barbour is Not a Racist
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour is being accused of being some sort of Jim Crow Racist for a comment he made during an interview with the Weekly Standard.
“Because the business community wouldn’t stand for it,” he said. “You heard of the Citizens Councils? Up north they think it was like the KKK. Where I come from it was an organization of town leaders. . . .”
You’ll have to follow the link above for the full quote. And if you read the entire article, you’ll no
Al Sharpton Working with FCC to Shut Up Rush Limbaugh and Others
Here’s audio of Al Sharpton talking to Tom Joyner (lib talker?) about how he’s working with the FCC to haul Rush Limbaugh and others to make them explain how they justify using public airwaves to offend people. Basically, he’s accusing Rush of being a Racist, and wants the FCC to shut him up. “Free Speech for me but not for thee.”
Video below the fold. (Note: Video plays automatically)
Flashback: This is the same Al Sharpton who shouted “punk faggot” a...
Quote of the day
I found this quote at News Busters from Nina Totenberg of National Public Radio:
I want to say one thing about the Budget that didn’t get passed, the Omnibus Bill. You know, we talk a lot about - we just passed this huge Tax Cut in part because business said, you know, we have to plan, we have to know what kind of tax cuts we have. Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don’t know how much money they’ve got and for what. And I was at - forgive the expression
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Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
Holiday Shoppers Create Own Stimulus
EPA May Be Cooking Own Goose In Texas
Please Don't Call It A Lame Duck Miracle
Rahm Could Run Chicago Even Though He Was In DC
Bloomberg Payroll Exec Resigns Ahead Of Trial
Italian Anarchists Likely Culprits In Bombings
South Korea Begins Enormous War Games
Strangler On The Loose In Philadelphia
Republicans Stop Opposing 9/11 Health Deal
Nina Totenberg NPR apologizes for going to Christmas party ! Were you drunk? Are you drunk now?
Nina Totenberg apologizes for the expression, " Christmas party "? I think NPR should apologize to us for employing Ms. Totenberg .
Hey, Nina Totenberg : It's okay to call it what it is - if you'll pardon the expression, it's a Christmas party , moron.
I don't feel like forgiving Nina Totenberg for her comment [ "I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ." ] but I have to, huh?
Nina Totenberg Excuses Herself for Using Term " Christmas Party " Remark by a liberal pundit reflects the culture at large.
Until I saw Nina Totenberg 's apology for saying " Christmas Party ," I didn't realize Shemp Howard was still alive. Let alone transgendered.
"I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ." Liberal NPR journalist Nina Totenberg , on Inside Washington this weekend. GAG
"And I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ..." ~ NPR's Nina Totenberg . Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!
The key question is, why is NPR's Nina Totenberg at a " Christmas " Party in the first place? Can you say hypocrite?